Your IP :
from .reference import Reference
__all__ = ["TagReference", "Tag"]
# typing ------------------------------------------------------------------
from typing import Any, Type, Union, TYPE_CHECKING
from git.types import Commit_ish, PathLike
from git.repo import Repo
from git.objects import Commit
from git.objects import TagObject
from git.refs import SymbolicReference
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class TagReference(Reference):
"""Class representing a lightweight tag reference which either points to a commit
,a tag object or any other object. In the latter case additional information,
like the signature or the tag-creator, is available.
This tag object will always point to a commit object, but may carry additional
information in a tag object::
tagref = TagReference.list_items(repo)[0]
if tagref.tag is not None:
__slots__ = ()
_common_default = "tags"
_common_path_default = Reference._common_path_default + "/" + _common_default
def commit(self) -> "Commit": # type: ignore[override] # LazyMixin has unrelated commit method
""":return: Commit object the tag ref points to
:raise ValueError: if the tag points to a tree or blob"""
obj = self.object
while obj.type != "commit":
if obj.type == "tag":
# it is a tag object which carries the commit as an object - we can point to anything
obj = obj.object
raise ValueError(
"Cannot resolve commit as tag %s points to a %s object - "
+ "use the `.object` property instead to access it"
% (self, obj.type)
return obj
def tag(self) -> Union["TagObject", None]:
:return: Tag object this tag ref points to or None in case
we are a light weight tag"""
obj = self.object
if obj.type == "tag":
return obj
return None
# make object read-only
# It should be reasonably hard to adjust an existing tag
# object = property(Reference._get_object)
def object(self) -> Commit_ish: # type: ignore[override]
return Reference._get_object(self)
def create(
cls: Type["TagReference"],
repo: "Repo",
path: PathLike,
reference: Union[str, "SymbolicReference"] = "HEAD",
logmsg: Union[str, None] = None,
force: bool = False,
**kwargs: Any,
) -> "TagReference":
"""Create a new tag reference.
:param path:
The name of the tag, i.e. 1.0 or releases/1.0.
The prefix refs/tags is implied
:param ref:
A reference to the Object you want to tag. The Object can be a commit, tree or
:param logmsg:
If not None, the message will be used in your tag object. This will also
create an additional tag object that allows to obtain that information, i.e.::
:param message:
Synonym for :param logmsg:
Included for backwards compatibility. :param logmsg is used in preference if both given.
:param force:
If True, to force creation of a tag even though that tag already exists.
:param kwargs:
Additional keyword arguments to be passed to git-tag
:return: A new TagReference"""
if "ref" in kwargs and kwargs["ref"]:
reference = kwargs["ref"]
if "message" in kwargs and kwargs["message"]:
kwargs["m"] = kwargs["message"]
del kwargs["message"]
if logmsg:
kwargs["m"] = logmsg
if force:
kwargs["f"] = True
args = (path, reference)
repo.git.tag(*args, **kwargs)
return TagReference(repo, "%s/%s" % (cls._common_path_default, path))
def delete(cls, repo: "Repo", *tags: "TagReference") -> None: # type: ignore[override]
"""Delete the given existing tag or tags"""
repo.git.tag("-d", *tags)
# provide an alias
Tag = TagReference