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eJe jK z nd ZL G d1� d2e$� � ZMdS )9� )�annotationsN)�contextmanager)�call�Popen�PIPE�DEVNULL)�dedent)�defenc�force_bytes�safe_decode�is_posix�is_win)�CommandError)�
is_cygwin_git�cygpath�expand_path�remove_password_if_present� )�GitCommandError�GitCommandNotFound�UnsafeOptionError�UnsafeProtocolError)� LazyMixin�stream_copy)�Any�AnyStr�BinaryIO�Callable�Dict�IO�Iterator�List�Mapping�Sequence�
TYPE_CHECKING�TextIO�Tuple�Union�cast�overload)�PathLike�Literal�TBD)�Repo)� DiffIndex>
output_stream�max_chunk_size�with_exceptions�stdout_as_string�kill_after_timeout�universal_newlines�with_extended_output�strip_newline_in_stdout)�GitT�process�'Git.AutoInterrupt' | Popen�stdout_handler�sUnion[None, Callable[[AnyStr], None], Callable[[List[AnyStr]], None], Callable[[bytes, 'Repo', 'DiffIndex'], None]]�stderr_handler�EUnion[None, Callable[[AnyStr], None], Callable[[List[AnyStr]], None]]� finalizer�KUnion[None, Callable[[Union[subprocess.Popen, 'Git.AutoInterrupt']], None]]�decode_streams�boolr9 �Union[None, float]�return�Nonec �R � dd
�}t | d� � rQt d| � � } t | j dd� � }| j r| j j nd}| j r| j j nd} n4t t | � � } t | dd� � }| j }| j } t |t t f� � s|�
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D ]Q\ }}
}t j
||f�� � }d|_ |� � � |� |� � �R|D ]�}|� |�� � |� � � r�t | t$ j � � r| � � � nt+ d|� d�� � �|rQd|� d�}|s>t | t, � � r)t t. |� � }|� � � } ||� � ��|r || � � S dS )a� Registers for notifications to learn that process output is ready to read, and dispatches lines to
the respective line handlers.
This function returns once the finalizer returns
:return: result of finalizer
:param process: subprocess.Popen instance
:param stdout_handler: f(stdout_line_string), or None
:param stderr_handler: f(stderr_line_string), or None
:param finalizer: f(proc) - wait for proc to finish
:param decode_streams:
Assume stdout/stderr streams are binary and decode them before pushing their contents to handlers.
Set it to False if `universal_newline == True` (then streams are in text-mode)
or if decoding must happen later (i.e. for Diffs).
:param kill_after_timeout:
float or None, Default = None
To specify a timeout in seconds for the git command, after which the process
should be killed.
�cmdline� List[str]�name�str�stream�Union[BinaryIO, TextIO]� is_decoderG �handler�0Union[None, Callable[[Union[bytes, str]], None]]rI rJ c � � |D ]N}|rJ|r=t |t � � sJ �|� t � � } ||� � �C ||� � �On~# t $ rq}t
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� � d S # |�
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� Exception�log�errorr rO r �close)rL rN rP rR rS �line�line_str�exs �X/builddir/build/BUILD/cloudlinux-venv-1.0.7/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/git/�pump_streamz*handle_process_output.<locals>.pump_stream~ sF � � ��
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C�C( �(C>�proc�Git.AutoInterrupt�args� N�stdout�stderr)�targetre T)�timeoutzKThread join() timed out in cmd.handle_process_output(). kill_after_timeout=z secondsz?error: process killed because it timed out. kill_after_timeout=)rL rM rN rO rP rQ rR rG rS rT rI rJ )�hasattrr) �getattrrc rg rh r rW �tuple�list�split�append� threading�Thread�daemon�start�join�is_aliver= �
_terminate�RuntimeErrorr rO �encode)r>