Your IP :
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Author: Mike McKerns (mmckerns @caltech and @uqfoundation)
# Copyright (c) 2019-2023 The Uncertainty Quantification Foundation.
# License: 3-clause BSD. The full license text is available at:
# -
import functools
import dill
import sys
dill.settings['recurse'] = True
def function_a(a):
return a
def function_b(b, b1):
return b + b1
def function_c(c, c1=1):
return c + c1
def function_d(d, d1, d2=1):
"""doc string"""
return d + d1 + d2
function_d.__module__ = 'a module'
def function_e(e, *e1, e2=1, e3=2):
return e + sum(e1) + e2 + e3''')
globalvar = 0
def function_with_cache(x):
global globalvar
globalvar += x
return globalvar
def function_with_unassigned_variable():
if False:
value = None
return (lambda: value)
def test_issue_510():
# A very bizzare use of functions and methods that pickle doesn't get
# correctly for odd reasons.
class Foo:
def __init__(self):
def f2(self):
return self
self.f2 = f2.__get__(self)
import dill, pickletools
f = Foo()
f1 = dill.copy(f)
assert f1.f2() is f1
def test_functions():
dumped_func_a = dill.dumps(function_a)
assert dill.loads(dumped_func_a)(0) == 0
dumped_func_b = dill.dumps(function_b)
assert dill.loads(dumped_func_b)(1,2) == 3
dumped_func_c = dill.dumps(function_c)
assert dill.loads(dumped_func_c)(1) == 2
assert dill.loads(dumped_func_c)(1, 2) == 3
dumped_func_d = dill.dumps(function_d)
assert dill.loads(dumped_func_d).__doc__ == function_d.__doc__
assert dill.loads(dumped_func_d).__module__ == function_d.__module__
assert dill.loads(dumped_func_d)(1, 2) == 4
assert dill.loads(dumped_func_d)(1, 2, 3) == 6
assert dill.loads(dumped_func_d)(1, 2, d2=3) == 6
globalvar = 0
dumped_func_cache = dill.dumps(function_with_cache)
assert function_with_cache(2) == 3
assert function_with_cache(1) == 1
assert function_with_cache(3) == 6
assert function_with_cache(2) == 3
empty_cell = function_with_unassigned_variable()
cell_copy = dill.loads(dill.dumps(empty_cell))
assert 'empty' in str(cell_copy.__closure__[0])
except Exception:
# this is good
raise AssertionError('cell_copy() did not read an empty cell')
dumped_func_e = dill.dumps(function_e)
assert dill.loads(dumped_func_e)(1, 2) == 6
assert dill.loads(dumped_func_e)(1, 2, 3) == 9
assert dill.loads(dumped_func_e)(1, 2, e2=3) == 8
assert dill.loads(dumped_func_e)(1, 2, e2=3, e3=4) == 10
assert dill.loads(dumped_func_e)(1, 2, 3, e2=4) == 12
assert dill.loads(dumped_func_e)(1, 2, 3, e2=4, e3=5) == 15''')
def test_code_object():
import warnings
from dill._dill import ALL_CODE_PARAMS, CODE_PARAMS, CODE_VERSION, _create_code
code = function_c.__code__
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore', category=DeprecationWarning) # issue 597
LNOTAB = getattr(code, 'co_lnotab', b'')
if warnings.filters: del warnings.filters[0]
fields = {f: getattr(code, 'co_'+f) for f in CODE_PARAMS}
fields.setdefault('posonlyargcount', 0) # python >= 3.8
fields.setdefault('lnotab', LNOTAB) # python <= 3.9
fields.setdefault('linetable', b'') # python >= 3.10
fields.setdefault('qualname', fields['name']) # python >= 3.11
fields.setdefault('exceptiontable', b'') # python >= 3.11
fields.setdefault('endlinetable', None) # python == 3.11a
fields.setdefault('columntable', None) # python == 3.11a
for version, _, params in ALL_CODE_PARAMS:
args = tuple(fields[p] for p in params.split())
if version >= (3,10):
_create_code(fields['lnotab'], *args)
except Exception as error:
raise Exception("failed to construct code object with format version {}".format(version)) from error
if __name__ == '__main__':