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Provides shims for compatibility between versions of dill and Python.
Compatibility shims should be provided in this file. Here are two simple example
use cases.
Deprecation of constructor function:
Assume that we were transitioning _import_module in to
the builtin function importlib.import_module when present.
def _import_module(import_name):
... # code already in
_import_module = Getattr(importlib, 'import_module', Getattr(_dill, '_import_module', None))
The code will attempt to find import_module in the importlib module. If not
present, it will use the _import_module function in _dill.
Emulate new Python behavior in older Python versions:
CellType.cell_contents behaves differently in Python 3.6 and 3.7. It is
read-only in Python 3.6 and writable and deletable in 3.7.
if _dill.OLD37 and _dill.HAS_CTYPES and ...:
def _setattr(object, name, value):
if type(object) is _dill.CellType and name == 'cell_contents':
_PyCell_Set.argtypes = (ctypes.py_object, ctypes.py_object)
_PyCell_Set(object, value)
setattr(object, name, value)
... # more cases below
_setattr = Getattr(_dill, '_setattr', setattr)
_dill._setattr will be used when present to emulate Python 3.7 functionality in
older versions of Python while defaulting to the standard setattr in 3.7+.
See this PR for the discussion that lead to this system:
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