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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# - Library for MySQL governor config files manipulating for cloudlinux-config utility
# Copyright © Cloud Linux GmbH & Cloud Linux Software, Inc 2010-2019 All Rights Reserved
import os
import subprocess
from typing import Optional # NOQA
from lxml import etree
from clcommon.clexception import FormattedException
from clcommon.lib.mysql_governor_lib import MySQLGovernor
from .clconfig_utils import (
class DBGovernorException(FormattedException):
'modeOfOperation': 'off',
'gatherDataForDetailedStats': 'on',
'save_uid': 'off',
'logRestrictedUsersQueries': 'off',
'scriptPath': '',
'userMaxConnections': 30,
'restrictType': {
'mode': 'limit',
'unlimit': '60s'
'slowQueries': {
'kill': 'off',
'logPath': '',
'timeout': 30
'restrictLog': {
'logPath': '',
'format': 'LONG'
'errorLog': {
'logPath': '',
'format': 'ERROR'
DbGovConfig = '/etc/container/mysql-governor.xml'
# For unit tests
def _open(file_name):
return open(file_name, encoding='utf-8')
def get_data_from_xml(x, node, attrib, default=None):
Gets data from specified node and attribute
:param x: Parent node object
:param node: Node name to extract data
:param attrib: Attribute name to extract data
:param default: Default value to return if specified node/attribute not found
:return: Value
path = '//' + str(node) + '/@' + str(attrib)
data = x.xpath(path)[0]
except (AttributeError, IndexError):
return default
return data
def convert_time_value_to_seconds(value):
Convert value in minutes, hours, days to seconds
:param value: value of slow limit
:return: value in seconds
value = str(value).lower()
if value.endswith('m'):
result = int(value[:-1]) * 60
elif value.endswith('h'):
result = int(value[:-1]) * 60 * 60
elif value.endswith('d'):
result = int(value[:-1]) * 60 * 60 * 24
elif value.endswith('s'):
result = int(value[:-1])
result = int(value)
return result
def get_slow_queries_timeout(x, default):
Gets slow queries timeout
:param x: Root node
:param default: Default value to return if timeout not found
:return: Timeout
data = x.xpath("default/limit[@name='slow']/@current")[0]
data = convert_time_value_to_seconds(data)
return int(data)
except (AttributeError, IndexError, ValueError):
return default
def set_slow_queries_timeout(node, slow_timeout):
Sets slow queries timeout
:param node: Root node
:param slow_timeout: new timeout value
:return: None
path = "default/limit[@name='slow']"
tag_list = node.xpath(path)
if len(tag_list) == 0:
# Create default/limit chain
node_list = node.xpath('default')
if len(node_list) == 0:
new_node = etree.Element('default')
# 'default' node present, but 'limit' node with name="slow" attribute is absent
default_node = node.xpath('default')[0]
# Create 'limit' node
tag_to_set = etree.Element('limit')
# set name attribute
tag_to_set.set('name', 'slow')
tag_to_set = tag_list[0]
# Set attribute value
tag_to_set.set('current', str(slow_timeout))
def set_data_to_xml(x, node_name, attribute_name, value):
Sets value to specified node/attribute
:param x: Parent node
:param node_name: Node name
:param attribute_name: Attribute name
:param value: Value to set
:return: None
path = '//' + str(node_name)
tag_list = x.xpath(path)
if len(tag_list) == 0:
# Tag absent, add it
new_node = etree.Element(node_name)
tag_list = x.xpath(path)
tag = tag_list[0]
# Set specified attribute
tag.set(attribute_name, value)
def _get_timedict_from_xml(x, tag_name, attr_name):
Get time from specified tag/attribute as seconds
:param x: XML object
:param tag_name: XML tag name
:param attr_name: XML object name
:return: Number of seconds. Throws DBGovernorException if any error
value = get_data_from_xml(x, tag_name, attr_name)
return time_convertor_to_dict(value)
except Exception as e:
raise DBGovernorException(
f"{DbGovConfig} has invalid value in governer/{tag_name}/@{attr_name}"
) from e
def get_gov_mode_operation(parsed_xml_tree=None):
# type: (etree.ElementBase) -> Optional[str]
Get MySQL Governor mode. We return None if governor config isn't exists
All exceptions will be catched in top level functions
:param parsed_xml_tree: parsed governor config
if not os.path.exists(DbGovConfig):
return None
if parsed_xml_tree is None:
f = _open(DbGovConfig)
x = etree.parse(f).getroot()
x = parsed_xml_tree
return get_data_from_xml(x, 'lve', 'use', DEFAULTS_DICT['modeOfOperation'])
def get_db_gov_config():
Get MySQL Governer config
:return: Dictionary with config data
if not os.path.exists(DbGovConfig):
return {}
f = _open(DbGovConfig)
x = etree.parse(f).getroot()
result_dict = {}
result_dict['modeOfOperation'] = get_gov_mode_operation(parsed_xml_tree=x)
result_dict['gatherDataForDetailedStats'] = str_to_boolean(
get_data_from_xml(x, 'statistic', 'mode', DEFAULTS_DICT['gatherDataForDetailedStats']))
result_dict['logRestrictedUsersQueries'] = str_to_boolean(
get_data_from_xml(x, 'logqueries', 'use', DEFAULTS_DICT['logRestrictedUsersQueries']))
result_dict['scriptPath'] = get_data_from_xml(x, 'restrict', 'script', DEFAULTS_DICT['scriptPath'])
result_dict['userMaxConnections'] = int(
get_data_from_xml(x, 'restrict', 'user_max_connections', DEFAULTS_DICT['userMaxConnections']))
result_dict['restrictedTimePeriods'] = {
'level1': _get_timedict_from_xml(x, 'restrict', 'level1'),
'level2': _get_timedict_from_xml(x, 'restrict', 'level2'),
'level3': _get_timedict_from_xml(x, 'restrict', 'level3'),
'level4': _get_timedict_from_xml(x, 'restrict', 'level4'),
'timeout': _get_timedict_from_xml(x, 'restrict', 'timeout')
result_dict['restrictType'] = {
'mode': get_data_from_xml(x, 'restrict_mode', 'use', DEFAULTS_DICT['restrictType']['mode']),
'unlimit': time_convertor_to_dict(
get_data_from_xml(x, 'restrict_mode', 'unlimit', DEFAULTS_DICT['restrictType']['unlimit']))
result_dict['slowQueries'] = {'kill': str_to_boolean(get_data_from_xml(x, 'slow_queries', 'run',
'logPath': get_data_from_xml(x, 'slow_queries', 'log',
'timeout': get_slow_queries_timeout(x, DEFAULTS_DICT['slowQueries']['timeout'])
result_dict['restrictLog'] = {
'logPath': get_data_from_xml(x, 'restrict', 'log', DEFAULTS_DICT['restrictLog']['logPath']),
'format': get_data_from_xml(x, 'restrict', 'format', DEFAULTS_DICT['restrictLog']['format'])
result_dict['errorLog'] = {'logPath': get_data_from_xml(x, 'log', 'file', DEFAULTS_DICT['errorLog']['logPath']),
'level': get_data_from_xml(x, 'log', 'mode', DEFAULTS_DICT['errorLog']['format'])
return {'mySQLGovSettings': result_dict}
except (OSError, IOError, etree.XMLSyntaxError, etree.XMLSchemaParseError,
etree.XMLSchemaError, DBGovernorException) as e:
raise DBGovernorException(f"{DbGovConfig} read/parse error: {e}") from e
def set_db_gov_config(parameters_dict):
Set MySQL governer config
:param parameters_dict: Parameters to set dictionary. For example:
u'modeOfOperation': u'abusers',
u'scriptPath': u'',
u'gatherDataForDetailedStats': True,
u'userMaxConnections': 30,
u'logRestrictedUsersQueries': False,
u'restrictLog': {u'logPath': u'/var/log/dbgovernor-restrict.log', u'format': u'LONG'},
u'restrictedTimePeriods': {u'level1': {u'unitOfTime': u'seconds', u'period': 60},
u'level2': {u'unitOfTime': u'minutes', u'period': 15},
u'level3': {u'unitOfTime': u'hours', u'period': 1},
u'level4': {u'unitOfTime': u'days', u'period': 1},
u'timeout': {u'unitOfTime': u'hours', u'period': 1}},
u'errorLog': {u'logPath': u'/var/log/dbgovernor-error-my.log', u'level': u'DEBUG'},
u'slowQueries': {u'logPath': u'/var/log/dbgovernor-kill.log', u'kill': True, u'timeout': 30},
u'restrictType': {u'mode': u'limit', u'unlimit': {u'unitOfTime': u'seconds', u'period': 60}}
Any key in dictionary can absent, appropriate MySQL Governor parameter will not changed
:return: None. Throws DBGovernorException if error
# Do nothing if MySQL Governor config does not exist
if not os.path.exists(DbGovConfig):
# Open config and parse it
f = _open(DbGovConfig)
x = etree.parse(f).getroot()
# 1. Process single node/attribute
# Control data list struct:
# (input_dictionary_keys, xml_tag_name, xml_attrubute_name)
control_data_list = [
("['modeOfOperation']", 'lve', 'use', str), # lve/@use
("['scriptPath']", 'restrict', 'script', str), # restrict/@script
("['gatherDataForDetailedStats']", 'statistic', 'mode', boolean_to_on_off), # statistic/@mode
("['userMaxConnections']", 'restrict', 'user_max_connections', str), # restrict/@user_max_connections
("['logRestrictedUsersQueries']", 'logqueries', 'use', boolean_to_on_off), # logqueries/@use
("['restrictLog']['logPath']", 'restrict', 'log', str), # restrict/@log
("['restrictLog']['format']", 'restrict', 'format', str), # restrict/@format
("['errorLog']['logPath']", 'log', 'file', str), # log/@file
("['errorLog']['level']", 'log', 'mode', str), # log/@mode
("['slowQueries']['logPath']", 'slow_queries', 'log', str), # slow_queries/@log
("['slowQueries']['kill']", 'slow_queries', 'run', boolean_to_on_off), # slow_queries/@run
("['restrictType']['mode']", 'restrict_mode', 'use', str) # restrict_mode/@use
for control_data_item in control_data_list:
input_dict_keys, xml_tag_name, xml_attribute_name, func_converter = control_data_item
# Get input dictionary value. Generates KeyError exception if key(s) not exist
val = eval(f"parameters_dict{input_dict_keys}")
set_data_to_xml(x, xml_tag_name, xml_attribute_name, func_converter(val))
except KeyError:
# 2. Process values pairs
# Item structure: (period_indexes, period_unit_of_time, xml_tag_name, xml_attrubute_name)
control_data_pairs_list = [
("['restrictType']['unlimit']['period']", "['restrictType']['unlimit']['unitOfTime']",
'restrict_mode', 'unlimit'), # restrict_mode/@unlimit
("['restrictedTimePeriods']['level1']['period']", "['restrictedTimePeriods']['level1']['unitOfTime']",
'restrict', 'level1'), # restrict/@level1
("['restrictedTimePeriods']['level2']['period']", "['restrictedTimePeriods']['level2']['unitOfTime']",
'restrict', 'level2'), # restrict_mode/@level2
("['restrictedTimePeriods']['level3']['period']", "['restrictedTimePeriods']['level3']['unitOfTime']",
'restrict', 'level3'), # restrict_mode/@level3
("['restrictedTimePeriods']['level4']['period']", "['restrictedTimePeriods']['level4']['unitOfTime']",
'restrict', 'level4'), # restrict_mode/@level4
("['restrictedTimePeriods']['timeout']['period']", "['restrictedTimePeriods']['timeout']['unitOfTime']",
'restrict', 'timeout'), # restrict_mode/@timeout
for control_data_item in control_data_pairs_list:
period_indexes, period_unit_of_time_indexes, xml_tag_name, xml_attribute_name = control_data_item
# period_indexes, period_unit_of_time_indexes, xml_tag_name, xml_attribute_name = control_data_item
# Get input dictionary value. Generates KeyError exception if key(s) not exist
period_val = eval(f"parameters_dict{period_indexes}")
period_unit_of_time = time_unit_to_letter(eval(f"parameters_dict{period_unit_of_time_indexes}"))
set_data_to_xml(x, xml_tag_name, xml_attribute_name, f"{period_val}{period_unit_of_time}")
except KeyError:
# 3. Process special values
# Write slow queries timeout
slow_queries_timeout = parameters_dict['slowQueries']['timeout']
set_slow_queries_timeout(x, slow_queries_timeout)
except KeyError:
# 4. Save result
s_xml = etree.tostring(x)
with open(DbGovConfig, 'wb') as f:
f.write(b'<?xml version="1.0" ?>\n%s\n' % s_xml)
except (OSError, IOError, etree.XMLSyntaxError, etree.XMLSchemaParseError, etree.XMLSchemaError) as e:
raise DBGovernorException({'message': "%(dbgov_cfg)s error: " + str(e),
'context': {'dbgov_cfg': DbGovConfig}}) from e
# 5. Restart governer
# /sbin/service db_governor restart'/sbin/service db_governor restart &>/dev/null &',
shell=True, executable='/bin/bash', check=False)
def get_db_gov_stat_info():
Get db_governor status and version info
:return: dict(
'dbGovVersion': <version>,
'dbGovStatus': enabled|error|disabled,
'dbGovError': error details
db_gov = MySQLGovernor()
status, error = db_gov.get_governor_status()
return {
'dbGovVersion': db_gov.get_governor_version(),
'dbGovStatus': status,
'dbGovError': str(error)