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# Licensed under the LGPL:
# For details:
# Copyright (c)
"""This module renders Astroid nodes as string"""
from __future__ import annotations
from import Iterator
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from astroid import nodes
from astroid.nodes import Const
from astroid.nodes.node_classes import (
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
# Visitor pattern require argument all the time and is not better with staticmethod
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal,PyMethodMayBeStatic
class AsStringVisitor:
"""Visitor to render an Astroid node as a valid python code string"""
def __init__(self, indent: str = " "):
self.indent: str = indent
def __call__(self, node) -> str:
"""Makes this visitor behave as a simple function"""
return node.accept(self).replace(DOC_NEWLINE, "\n")
def _docs_dedent(self, doc_node: Const | None) -> str:
"""Stop newlines in docs being indented by self._stmt_list"""
if not doc_node:
return ""
return '\n{}"""{}"""'.format(
self.indent, doc_node.value.replace("\n", DOC_NEWLINE)
def _stmt_list(self, stmts: list, indent: bool = True) -> str:
"""return a list of nodes to string"""
stmts_str: str = "\n".join(
nstr for nstr in [n.accept(self) for n in stmts] if nstr
if not indent:
return stmts_str
return self.indent + stmts_str.replace("\n", "\n" + self.indent)
def _precedence_parens(self, node, child, is_left: bool = True) -> str:
"""Wrap child in parens only if required to keep same semantics"""
if self._should_wrap(node, child, is_left):
return f"({child.accept(self)})"
return child.accept(self)
def _should_wrap(self, node, child, is_left: bool) -> bool:
"""Wrap child if:
- it has lower precedence
- same precedence with position opposite to associativity direction
node_precedence = node.op_precedence()
child_precedence = child.op_precedence()
if node_precedence > child_precedence:
# 3 * (4 + 5)
return True
if (
node_precedence == child_precedence
and is_left != node.op_left_associative()
# 3 - (4 - 5)
# (2**3)**4
return True
return False
# visit_<node> methods ###########################################
def visit_await(self, node) -> str:
return f"await {node.value.accept(self)}"
def visit_asyncwith(self, node) -> str:
return f"async {self.visit_with(node)}"
def visit_asyncfor(self, node) -> str:
return f"async {self.visit_for(node)}"
def visit_arguments(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.Function node as string"""
return node.format_args()
def visit_assignattr(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.AssAttr node as string"""
return self.visit_attribute(node)
def visit_assert(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.Assert node as string"""
return f"assert {node.test.accept(self)}, {}"
return f"assert {node.test.accept(self)}"
def visit_assignname(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.AssName node as string"""
def visit_assign(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.Assign node as string"""
lhs = " = ".join(n.accept(self) for n in node.targets)
return f"{lhs} = {node.value.accept(self)}"
def visit_augassign(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.AugAssign node as string"""
return f"{} {node.op} {node.value.accept(self)}"
def visit_annassign(self, node) -> str:
"""Return an astroid.AugAssign node as string"""
target =
annotation = node.annotation.accept(self)
if node.value is None:
return f"{target}: {annotation}"
return f"{target}: {annotation} = {node.value.accept(self)}"
def visit_binop(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.BinOp node as string"""
left = self._precedence_parens(node, node.left)
right = self._precedence_parens(node, node.right, is_left=False)
if node.op == "**":
return f"{left}{node.op}{right}"
return f"{left} {node.op} {right}"
def visit_boolop(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.BoolOp node as string"""
values = [f"{self._precedence_parens(node, n)}" for n in node.values]
return (f" {node.op} ").join(values)
def visit_break(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.Break node as string"""
return "break"
def visit_call(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.Call node as string"""
expr_str = self._precedence_parens(node, node.func)
args = [arg.accept(self) for arg in node.args]
if node.keywords:
keywords = [kwarg.accept(self) for kwarg in node.keywords]
keywords = []
return f"{expr_str}({', '.join(args)})"
def visit_classdef(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.ClassDef node as string"""
decorate = node.decorators.accept(self) if node.decorators else ""
args = [n.accept(self) for n in node.bases]
if node._metaclass and not node.has_metaclass_hack():
args.append("metaclass=" + node._metaclass.accept(self))
args += [n.accept(self) for n in node.keywords]
args_str = f"({', '.join(args)})" if args else ""
docs = self._docs_dedent(node.doc_node)
return "\n\n{}class {}{}:{}\n{}\n".format(
decorate,, args_str, docs, self._stmt_list(node.body)
def visit_compare(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.Compare node as string"""
rhs_str = " ".join(
f"{op} {self._precedence_parens(node, expr, is_left=False)}"
for op, expr in node.ops
return f"{self._precedence_parens(node, node.left)} {rhs_str}"
def visit_comprehension(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.Comprehension node as string"""
ifs = "".join(f" if {n.accept(self)}" for n in node.ifs)
generated = f"for {} in {node.iter.accept(self)}{ifs}"
return f"{'async ' if node.is_async else ''}{generated}"
def visit_const(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.Const node as string"""
if node.value is Ellipsis:
return "..."
return repr(node.value)
def visit_continue(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.Continue node as string"""
return "continue"
def visit_delete(self, node) -> str: # XXX check if correct
"""return an astroid.Delete node as string"""
return f"del {', '.join(child.accept(self) for child in node.targets)}"
def visit_delattr(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.DelAttr node as string"""
return self.visit_attribute(node)
def visit_delname(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.DelName node as string"""
def visit_decorators(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.Decorators node as string"""
return "@%s\n" % "\n@".join(item.accept(self) for item in node.nodes)
def visit_dict(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.Dict node as string"""
return "{%s}" % ", ".join(self._visit_dict(node))
def _visit_dict(self, node) -> Iterator[str]:
for key, value in node.items:
key = key.accept(self)
value = value.accept(self)
if key == "**":
# It can only be a DictUnpack node.
yield key + value
yield f"{key}: {value}"
def visit_dictunpack(self, node) -> str:
return "**"
def visit_dictcomp(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.DictComp node as string"""
return "{{{}: {} {}}}".format(
" ".join(n.accept(self) for n in node.generators),
def visit_expr(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.Discard node as string"""
return node.value.accept(self)
def visit_emptynode(self, node) -> str:
"""dummy method for visiting an Empty node"""
return ""
def visit_excepthandler(self, node) -> str:
n = "except"
if isinstance(getattr(node, "parent", None), nodes.TryStar):
n = "except*"
if node.type:
excs = f"{n} {node.type.accept(self)} as {}"
excs = f"{n} {node.type.accept(self)}"
excs = f"{n}"
return f"{excs}:\n{self._stmt_list(node.body)}"
def visit_empty(self, node) -> str:
"""return an Empty node as string"""
return ""
def visit_for(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.For node as string"""
fors = "for {} in {}:\n{}".format(, node.iter.accept(self), self._stmt_list(node.body)
if node.orelse:
fors = f"{fors}\nelse:\n{self._stmt_list(node.orelse)}"
return fors
def visit_importfrom(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.ImportFrom node as string"""
return "from {} import {}".format(
"." * (node.level or 0) + node.modname, _import_string(node.names)
def visit_joinedstr(self, node) -> str:
string = "".join(
# Use repr on the string literal parts
# to get proper escapes, e.g. \n, \\, \"
# But strip the quotes off the ends
# (they will always be one character: ' or ")
# Literal braces must be doubled to escape them
.replace("{", "{{").replace("}", "}}")
# Each value in values is either a string literal (Const)
# or a FormattedValue
if type(value).__name__ == "Const" else value.accept(self)
for value in node.values
# Try to find surrounding quotes that don't appear at all in the string.
# Because the formatted values inside {} can't contain backslash (\)
# using a triple quote is sometimes necessary
for quote in ("'", '"', '"""', "'''"):
if quote not in string:
return "f" + quote + string + quote
def visit_formattedvalue(self, node) -> str:
result = node.value.accept(self)
if node.conversion and node.conversion >= 0:
# e.g. if node.conversion == 114: result += "!r"
result += "!" + chr(node.conversion)
if node.format_spec:
# The format spec is itself a JoinedString, i.e. an f-string
# We strip the f and quotes of the ends
result += ":" + node.format_spec.accept(self)[2:-1]
return "{%s}" % result
def handle_functiondef(self, node, keyword) -> str:
"""return a (possibly async) function definition node as string"""
decorate = node.decorators.accept(self) if node.decorators else ""
docs = self._docs_dedent(node.doc_node)
trailer = ":"
if node.returns:
return_annotation = " -> " + node.returns.as_string()
trailer = return_annotation + ":"
def_format = "\n%s%s %s(%s)%s%s\n%s"
return def_format % (
def visit_functiondef(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.FunctionDef node as string"""
return self.handle_functiondef(node, "def")
def visit_asyncfunctiondef(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.AsyncFunction node as string"""
return self.handle_functiondef(node, "async def")
def visit_generatorexp(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.GeneratorExp node as string"""
return "({} {})".format(
node.elt.accept(self), " ".join(n.accept(self) for n in node.generators)
def visit_attribute(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.Getattr node as string"""
left = self._precedence_parens(node, node.expr)
if left.isdigit():
left = f"({left})"
return f"{left}.{node.attrname}"
def visit_global(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.Global node as string"""
return f"global {', '.join(node.names)}"
def visit_if(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.If node as string"""
ifs = [f"if {node.test.accept(self)}:\n{self._stmt_list(node.body)}"]
if node.has_elif_block():
ifs.append(f"el{self._stmt_list(node.orelse, indent=False)}")
elif node.orelse:
return "\n".join(ifs)
def visit_ifexp(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.IfExp node as string"""
return "{} if {} else {}".format(
self._precedence_parens(node, node.body, is_left=True),
self._precedence_parens(node, node.test, is_left=True),
self._precedence_parens(node, node.orelse, is_left=False),
def visit_import(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.Import node as string"""
return f"import {_import_string(node.names)}"
def visit_keyword(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.Keyword node as string"""
if node.arg is None:
return f"**{node.value.accept(self)}"
return f"{node.arg}={node.value.accept(self)}"
def visit_lambda(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.Lambda node as string"""
args = node.args.accept(self)
body = node.body.accept(self)
if args:
return f"lambda {args}: {body}"
return f"lambda: {body}"
def visit_list(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.List node as string"""
return f"[{', '.join(child.accept(self) for child in node.elts)}]"
def visit_listcomp(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.ListComp node as string"""
return "[{} {}]".format(
node.elt.accept(self), " ".join(n.accept(self) for n in node.generators)
def visit_module(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.Module node as string"""
docs = f'"""{node.doc_node.value}"""\n\n' if node.doc_node else ""
return docs + "\n".join(n.accept(self) for n in node.body) + "\n\n"
def visit_name(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.Name node as string"""
def visit_namedexpr(self, node) -> str:
"""Return an assignment expression node as string"""
target =
value = node.value.accept(self)
return f"{target} := {value}"
def visit_nonlocal(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.Nonlocal node as string"""
return f"nonlocal {', '.join(node.names)}"
def visit_pass(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.Pass node as string"""
return "pass"
def visit_raise(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.Raise node as string"""
if node.exc:
if node.cause:
return f"raise {node.exc.accept(self)} from {node.cause.accept(self)}"
return f"raise {node.exc.accept(self)}"
return "raise"
def visit_return(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.Return node as string"""
if node.is_tuple_return() and len(node.value.elts) > 1:
elts = [child.accept(self) for child in node.value.elts]
return f"return {', '.join(elts)}"
if node.value:
return f"return {node.value.accept(self)}"
return "return"
def visit_set(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.Set node as string"""
return "{%s}" % ", ".join(child.accept(self) for child in node.elts)
def visit_setcomp(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.SetComp node as string"""
return "{{{} {}}}".format(
node.elt.accept(self), " ".join(n.accept(self) for n in node.generators)
def visit_slice(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.Slice node as string"""
lower = node.lower.accept(self) if node.lower else ""
upper = node.upper.accept(self) if node.upper else ""
step = node.step.accept(self) if node.step else ""
if step:
return f"{lower}:{upper}:{step}"
return f"{lower}:{upper}"
def visit_subscript(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.Subscript node as string"""
idx = node.slice
if idx.__class__.__name__.lower() == "index":
idx = idx.value
idxstr = idx.accept(self)
if idx.__class__.__name__.lower() == "tuple" and idx.elts:
# Remove parenthesis in tuple and extended slice.
# a[(::1, 1:)] is not valid syntax.
idxstr = idxstr[1:-1]
return f"{self._precedence_parens(node, node.value)}[{idxstr}]"
def visit_tryexcept(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.TryExcept node as string"""
trys = [f"try:\n{self._stmt_list(node.body)}"]
for handler in node.handlers:
if node.orelse:
return "\n".join(trys)
def visit_tryfinally(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.TryFinally node as string"""
return "try:\n{}\nfinally:\n{}".format(
self._stmt_list(node.body), self._stmt_list(node.finalbody)
def visit_trystar(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.TryStar node as string"""
trys = [f"try:\n{self._stmt_list(node.body)}"]
for handler in node.handlers:
if node.orelse:
if node.finalbody:
return "\n".join(trys)
def visit_tuple(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.Tuple node as string"""
if len(node.elts) == 1:
return f"({node.elts[0].accept(self)}, )"
return f"({', '.join(child.accept(self) for child in node.elts)})"
def visit_unaryop(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.UnaryOp node as string"""
if node.op == "not":
operator = "not "
operator = node.op
return f"{operator}{self._precedence_parens(node, node.operand)}"
def visit_while(self, node) -> str:
"""return an astroid.While node as string"""
whiles = f"while {node.test.accept(self)}:\n{self._stmt_list(node.body)}"
if node.orelse:
whiles = f"{whiles}\nelse:\n{self._stmt_list(node.orelse)}"
return whiles
def visit_with(self, node) -> str: # 'with' without 'as' is possible
"""return an astroid.With node as string"""
items = ", ".join(
f"{expr.accept(self)}" + (v and f" as {v.accept(self)}" or "")
for expr, v in node.items
return f"with {items}:\n{self._stmt_list(node.body)}"
def visit_yield(self, node) -> str:
"""yield an ast.Yield node as string"""
yi_val = (" " + node.value.accept(self)) if node.value else ""
expr = "yield" + yi_val
if node.parent.is_statement:
return expr
return f"({expr})"
def visit_yieldfrom(self, node) -> str:
"""Return an astroid.YieldFrom node as string."""
yi_val = (" " + node.value.accept(self)) if node.value else ""
expr = "yield from" + yi_val
if node.parent.is_statement:
return expr
return f"({expr})"
def visit_starred(self, node) -> str:
"""return Starred node as string"""
return "*" + node.value.accept(self)
def visit_match(self, node: Match) -> str:
"""Return an astroid.Match node as string."""
return f"match {node.subject.accept(self)}:\n{self._stmt_list(node.cases)}"
def visit_matchcase(self, node: MatchCase) -> str:
"""Return an astroid.MatchCase node as string."""
guard_str = f" if {node.guard.accept(self)}" if node.guard else ""
return (
f"case {node.pattern.accept(self)}{guard_str}:\n"
def visit_matchvalue(self, node: MatchValue) -> str:
"""Return an astroid.MatchValue node as string."""
return node.value.accept(self)
def visit_matchsingleton(node: MatchSingleton) -> str:
"""Return an astroid.MatchSingleton node as string."""
return str(node.value)
def visit_matchsequence(self, node: MatchSequence) -> str:
"""Return an astroid.MatchSequence node as string."""
if node.patterns is None:
return "[]"
return f"[{', '.join(p.accept(self) for p in node.patterns)}]"
def visit_matchmapping(self, node: MatchMapping) -> str:
"""Return an astroid.MatchMapping node as string."""
mapping_strings: list[str] = []
if node.keys and node.patterns:
f"{key.accept(self)}: {p.accept(self)}"
for key, p in zip(node.keys, node.patterns)
return f"{'{'}{', '.join(mapping_strings)}{'}'}"
def visit_matchclass(self, node: MatchClass) -> str:
"""Return an astroid.MatchClass node as string."""
if node.cls is None:
raise AssertionError(f"{node} does not have a 'cls' node")
class_strings: list[str] = []
if node.patterns:
class_strings.extend(p.accept(self) for p in node.patterns)
if node.kwd_attrs and node.kwd_patterns:
for attr, pattern in zip(node.kwd_attrs, node.kwd_patterns):
return f"{node.cls.accept(self)}({', '.join(class_strings)})"
def visit_matchstar(self, node: MatchStar) -> str:
"""Return an astroid.MatchStar node as string."""
return f"*{ if else '_'}"
def visit_matchas(self, node: MatchAs) -> str:
"""Return an astroid.MatchAs node as string."""
# pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
# Prevent circular dependency
from astroid.nodes.node_classes import MatchClass, MatchMapping, MatchSequence
if isinstance(node.parent, (MatchSequence, MatchMapping, MatchClass)):
return if else "_"
return (
f"{node.pattern.accept(self) if node.pattern else '_'}"
f"{f' as {}' if else ''}"
def visit_matchor(self, node: MatchOr) -> str:
"""Return an astroid.MatchOr node as string."""
if node.patterns is None:
raise AssertionError(f"{node} does not have pattern nodes")
return " | ".join(p.accept(self) for p in node.patterns)
# These aren't for real AST nodes, but for inference objects.
def visit_frozenset(self, node):
return node.parent.accept(self)
def visit_super(self, node):
return node.parent.accept(self)
def visit_uninferable(self, node):
return str(node)
def visit_property(self, node):
return node.function.accept(self)
def visit_evaluatedobject(self, node):
return node.original.accept(self)
def visit_unknown(self, node: Unknown) -> str:
return str(node)
def _import_string(names) -> str:
"""return a list of (name, asname) formatted as a string"""
_names = []
for name, asname in names:
if asname is not None:
_names.append(f"{name} as {asname}")
return ", ".join(_names)
# This sets the default indent to 4 spaces.
to_code = AsStringVisitor(" ")