Your IP :
# Licensed under the LGPL:
# For details:
# Copyright (c)
# Note: starting with version 1.18 numpy module has `__getattr__` method which prevent
# `pylint` to emit `no-member` message for all numpy's attributes. (see pylint's module
# typecheck in `_emit_no_member` function)
"""Astroid hooks for numpy.core.umath module."""
from astroid.brain.helpers import register_module_extender
from astroid.builder import parse
from astroid.manager import AstroidManager
def numpy_core_umath_transform():
ufunc_optional_keyword_arguments = (
"""out=None, where=True, casting='same_kind', order='K', """
"""dtype=None, subok=True"""
return parse(
class FakeUfunc:
def __init__(self):
self.__doc__ = str()
self.__name__ = str()
self.nin = 0
self.nout = 0
self.nargs = 0
self.ntypes = 0
self.types = None
self.identity = None
self.signature = None
def reduce(cls, a, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None):
return numpy.ndarray([0, 0])
def accumulate(cls, array, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None):
return numpy.ndarray([0, 0])
def reduceat(cls, a, indices, axis=None, dtype=None, out=None):
return numpy.ndarray([0, 0])
def outer(cls, A, B, **kwargs):
return numpy.ndarray([0, 0])
def at(cls, a, indices, b=None):
return numpy.ndarray([0, 0])
class FakeUfuncOneArg(FakeUfunc):
def __call__(self, x, {opt_args:s}):
return numpy.ndarray([0, 0])
class FakeUfuncOneArgBis(FakeUfunc):
def __call__(self, x, {opt_args:s}):
return numpy.ndarray([0, 0]), numpy.ndarray([0, 0])
class FakeUfuncTwoArgs(FakeUfunc):
def __call__(self, x1, x2, {opt_args:s}):
return numpy.ndarray([0, 0])
# Constants
e = 2.718281828459045
euler_gamma = 0.5772156649015329
# One arg functions with optional kwargs
arccos = FakeUfuncOneArg()
arccosh = FakeUfuncOneArg()
arcsin = FakeUfuncOneArg()
arcsinh = FakeUfuncOneArg()
arctan = FakeUfuncOneArg()
arctanh = FakeUfuncOneArg()
cbrt = FakeUfuncOneArg()
conj = FakeUfuncOneArg()
conjugate = FakeUfuncOneArg()
cosh = FakeUfuncOneArg()
deg2rad = FakeUfuncOneArg()
degrees = FakeUfuncOneArg()
exp2 = FakeUfuncOneArg()
expm1 = FakeUfuncOneArg()
fabs = FakeUfuncOneArg()
frexp = FakeUfuncOneArgBis()
isfinite = FakeUfuncOneArg()
isinf = FakeUfuncOneArg()
log = FakeUfuncOneArg()
log1p = FakeUfuncOneArg()
log2 = FakeUfuncOneArg()
logical_not = FakeUfuncOneArg()
modf = FakeUfuncOneArgBis()
negative = FakeUfuncOneArg()
positive = FakeUfuncOneArg()
rad2deg = FakeUfuncOneArg()
radians = FakeUfuncOneArg()
reciprocal = FakeUfuncOneArg()
rint = FakeUfuncOneArg()
sign = FakeUfuncOneArg()
signbit = FakeUfuncOneArg()
sinh = FakeUfuncOneArg()
spacing = FakeUfuncOneArg()
square = FakeUfuncOneArg()
tan = FakeUfuncOneArg()
tanh = FakeUfuncOneArg()
trunc = FakeUfuncOneArg()
# Two args functions with optional kwargs
add = FakeUfuncTwoArgs()
bitwise_and = FakeUfuncTwoArgs()
bitwise_or = FakeUfuncTwoArgs()
bitwise_xor = FakeUfuncTwoArgs()
copysign = FakeUfuncTwoArgs()
divide = FakeUfuncTwoArgs()
divmod = FakeUfuncTwoArgs()
equal = FakeUfuncTwoArgs()
float_power = FakeUfuncTwoArgs()
floor_divide = FakeUfuncTwoArgs()
fmax = FakeUfuncTwoArgs()
fmin = FakeUfuncTwoArgs()
fmod = FakeUfuncTwoArgs()
greater = FakeUfuncTwoArgs()
gcd = FakeUfuncTwoArgs()
hypot = FakeUfuncTwoArgs()
heaviside = FakeUfuncTwoArgs()
lcm = FakeUfuncTwoArgs()
ldexp = FakeUfuncTwoArgs()
left_shift = FakeUfuncTwoArgs()
less = FakeUfuncTwoArgs()
logaddexp = FakeUfuncTwoArgs()
logaddexp2 = FakeUfuncTwoArgs()
logical_and = FakeUfuncTwoArgs()
logical_or = FakeUfuncTwoArgs()
logical_xor = FakeUfuncTwoArgs()
maximum = FakeUfuncTwoArgs()
minimum = FakeUfuncTwoArgs()
multiply = FakeUfuncTwoArgs()
nextafter = FakeUfuncTwoArgs()
not_equal = FakeUfuncTwoArgs()
power = FakeUfuncTwoArgs()
remainder = FakeUfuncTwoArgs()
right_shift = FakeUfuncTwoArgs()
subtract = FakeUfuncTwoArgs()
true_divide = FakeUfuncTwoArgs()
AstroidManager(), "numpy.core.umath", numpy_core_umath_transform