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"""Astroid hooks for various builtins."""
from __future__ import annotations
import itertools
from import Iterator
from functools import partial
from astroid import arguments, helpers, inference_tip, nodes, objects, util
from astroid.builder import AstroidBuilder
from astroid.context import InferenceContext
from astroid.exceptions import (
from astroid.manager import AstroidManager
from astroid.nodes import scoped_nodes
OBJECT_DUNDER_NEW = "object.__new__"
class whatever(object):
def join(self, iterable):
return {rvalue}
def replace(self, old, new, count=None):
return {rvalue}
def format(self, *args, **kwargs):
return {rvalue}
def encode(self, encoding='ascii', errors=None):
return b''
def decode(self, encoding='ascii', errors=None):
return u''
def capitalize(self):
return {rvalue}
def title(self):
return {rvalue}
def lower(self):
return {rvalue}
def upper(self):
return {rvalue}
def swapcase(self):
return {rvalue}
def index(self, sub, start=None, end=None):
return 0
def find(self, sub, start=None, end=None):
return 0
def count(self, sub, start=None, end=None):
return 0
def strip(self, chars=None):
return {rvalue}
def lstrip(self, chars=None):
return {rvalue}
def rstrip(self, chars=None):
return {rvalue}
def rjust(self, width, fillchar=None):
return {rvalue}
def center(self, width, fillchar=None):
return {rvalue}
def ljust(self, width, fillchar=None):
return {rvalue}
class whatever(object):
def join(self, iterable):
return {rvalue}
def replace(self, old, new, count=None):
return {rvalue}
def decode(self, encoding='ascii', errors=None):
return u''
def capitalize(self):
return {rvalue}
def title(self):
return {rvalue}
def lower(self):
return {rvalue}
def upper(self):
return {rvalue}
def swapcase(self):
return {rvalue}
def index(self, sub, start=None, end=None):
return 0
def find(self, sub, start=None, end=None):
return 0
def count(self, sub, start=None, end=None):
return 0
def strip(self, chars=None):
return {rvalue}
def lstrip(self, chars=None):
return {rvalue}
def rstrip(self, chars=None):
return {rvalue}
def rjust(self, width, fillchar=None):
return {rvalue}
def center(self, width, fillchar=None):
return {rvalue}
def ljust(self, width, fillchar=None):
return {rvalue}
def _extend_string_class(class_node, code, rvalue):
"""Function to extend builtin str/unicode class."""
code = code.format(rvalue=rvalue)
fake = AstroidBuilder(AstroidManager()).string_build(code)["whatever"]
for method in fake.mymethods():
method.parent = class_node
method.lineno = None
method.col_offset = None
if "__class__" in method.locals:
method.locals["__class__"] = [class_node]
class_node.locals[] = [method]
method.parent = class_node
def _extend_builtins(class_transforms):
builtin_ast = AstroidManager().builtins_module
for class_name, transform in class_transforms.items():
"bytes": partial(_extend_string_class, code=BYTES_CLASS, rvalue="b''"),
"str": partial(_extend_string_class, code=STR_CLASS, rvalue="''"),
def _builtin_filter_predicate(node, builtin_name) -> bool:
if (
builtin_name == "type"
and node.root().name == "re"
and isinstance(node.func, nodes.Name)
and == "type"
and isinstance(node.parent, nodes.Assign)
and len(node.parent.targets) == 1
and isinstance(node.parent.targets[0], nodes.AssignName)
and node.parent.targets[0].name in {"Pattern", "Match"}
# Handle re.Pattern and re.Match in brain_re
# Match these patterns from stdlib/
# ```py
# Pattern = type(...)
# Match = type(...)
# ```
return False
if isinstance(node.func, nodes.Name) and == builtin_name:
return True
if isinstance(node.func, nodes.Attribute):
return (
node.func.attrname == "fromkeys"
and isinstance(node.func.expr, nodes.Name)
and == "dict"
return False
def register_builtin_transform(transform, builtin_name) -> None:
"""Register a new transform function for the given *builtin_name*.
The transform function must accept two parameters, a node and
an optional context.
def _transform_wrapper(node, context: InferenceContext | None = None):
result = transform(node, context=context)
if result:
if not result.parent:
# Let the transformation function determine
# the parent for its result. Otherwise,
# we set it to be the node we transformed from.
result.parent = node
if result.lineno is None:
result.lineno = node.lineno
# Can be a 'Module' see
# We don't have a regression test on this one: tread carefully
if hasattr(result, "col_offset") and result.col_offset is None:
result.col_offset = node.col_offset
return iter([result])
partial(_builtin_filter_predicate, builtin_name=builtin_name),
def _container_generic_inference(node, context, node_type, transform):
args = node.args
if not args:
return node_type()
if len(node.args) > 1:
raise UseInferenceDefault()
(arg,) = args
transformed = transform(arg)
if not transformed:
inferred = next(arg.infer(context=context))
except (InferenceError, StopIteration) as exc:
raise UseInferenceDefault from exc
if isinstance(inferred, util.UninferableBase):
raise UseInferenceDefault
transformed = transform(inferred)
if not transformed or isinstance(transformed, util.UninferableBase):
raise UseInferenceDefault
return transformed
def _container_generic_transform( # pylint: disable=inconsistent-return-statements
arg, context, klass, iterables, build_elts
if isinstance(arg, klass):
return arg
if isinstance(arg, iterables):
if all(isinstance(elt, nodes.Const) for elt in arg.elts):
elts = [elt.value for elt in arg.elts]
# TODO: Does not handle deduplication for sets.
elts = []
for element in arg.elts:
if not element:
inferred = helpers.safe_infer(element, context=context)
if inferred:
evaluated_object = nodes.EvaluatedObject(
original=element, value=inferred
elif isinstance(arg, nodes.Dict):
# Dicts need to have consts as strings already.
if not all(isinstance(elt[0], nodes.Const) for elt in arg.items):
raise UseInferenceDefault()
elts = [item[0].value for item in arg.items]
elif isinstance(arg, nodes.Const) and isinstance(arg.value, (str, bytes)):
elts = arg.value
return klass.from_elements(elts=build_elts(elts))
def _infer_builtin_container(
node, context, klass=None, iterables=None, build_elts=None
transform_func = partial(
return _container_generic_inference(node, context, klass, transform_func)
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
infer_tuple = partial(
infer_list = partial(
infer_set = partial(
iterables=(nodes.List, nodes.Tuple, objects.FrozenSet, objects.DictKeys),
infer_frozenset = partial(
iterables=(nodes.List, nodes.Tuple, nodes.Set, objects.FrozenSet, objects.DictKeys),
def _get_elts(arg, context):
def is_iterable(n):
return isinstance(n, (nodes.List, nodes.Tuple, nodes.Set))
inferred = next(arg.infer(context))
except (InferenceError, StopIteration) as exc:
raise UseInferenceDefault from exc
if isinstance(inferred, nodes.Dict):
items = inferred.items
elif is_iterable(inferred):
items = []
for elt in inferred.elts:
# If an item is not a pair of two items,
# then fallback to the default inference.
# Also, take in consideration only hashable items,
# tuples and consts. We are choosing Names as well.
if not is_iterable(elt):
raise UseInferenceDefault()
if len(elt.elts) != 2:
raise UseInferenceDefault()
if not isinstance(elt.elts[0], (nodes.Tuple, nodes.Const, nodes.Name)):
raise UseInferenceDefault()
raise UseInferenceDefault()
return items
def infer_dict(node, context: InferenceContext | None = None):
"""Try to infer a dict call to a Dict node.
The function treats the following cases:
* dict()
* dict(mapping)
* dict(iterable)
* dict(iterable, **kwargs)
* dict(mapping, **kwargs)
* dict(**kwargs)
If a case can't be inferred, we'll fallback to default inference.
call = arguments.CallSite.from_call(node, context=context)
if call.has_invalid_arguments() or call.has_invalid_keywords():
raise UseInferenceDefault
args = call.positional_arguments
kwargs = list(call.keyword_arguments.items())
if not args and not kwargs:
# dict()
return nodes.Dict()
if kwargs and not args:
# dict(a=1, b=2, c=4)
items = [(nodes.Const(key), value) for key, value in kwargs]
elif len(args) == 1 and kwargs:
# dict(some_iterable, b=2, c=4)
elts = _get_elts(args[0], context)
keys = [(nodes.Const(key), value) for key, value in kwargs]
items = elts + keys
elif len(args) == 1:
items = _get_elts(args[0], context)
raise UseInferenceDefault()
value = nodes.Dict(
col_offset=node.col_offset, lineno=node.lineno, parent=node.parent
return value
def infer_super(node, context: InferenceContext | None = None):
"""Understand super calls.
There are some restrictions for what can be understood:
* unbounded super (one argument form) is not understood.
* if the super call is not inside a function (classmethod or method),
then the default inference will be used.
* if the super arguments can't be inferred, the default inference
will be used.
if len(node.args) == 1:
# Ignore unbounded super.
raise UseInferenceDefault
scope = node.scope()
if not isinstance(scope, nodes.FunctionDef):
# Ignore non-method uses of super.
raise UseInferenceDefault
if scope.type not in ("classmethod", "method"):
# Not interested in staticmethods.
raise UseInferenceDefault
cls = scoped_nodes.get_wrapping_class(scope)
if not node.args:
mro_pointer = cls
# In we are in a classmethod, the interpreter will fill
# automatically the class as the second argument, not an instance.
if scope.type == "classmethod":
mro_type = cls
mro_type = cls.instantiate_class()
mro_pointer = next(node.args[0].infer(context=context))
except (InferenceError, StopIteration) as exc:
raise UseInferenceDefault from exc
mro_type = next(node.args[1].infer(context=context))
except (InferenceError, StopIteration) as exc:
raise UseInferenceDefault from exc
if isinstance(mro_pointer, util.UninferableBase) or isinstance(
mro_type, util.UninferableBase
# No way we could understand this.
raise UseInferenceDefault
super_obj = objects.Super(
mro_pointer=mro_pointer, mro_type=mro_type, self_class=cls, scope=scope
super_obj.parent = node
return super_obj
def _infer_getattr_args(node, context):
if len(node.args) not in (2, 3):
# Not a valid getattr call.
raise UseInferenceDefault
obj = next(node.args[0].infer(context=context))
attr = next(node.args[1].infer(context=context))
except (InferenceError, StopIteration) as exc:
raise UseInferenceDefault from exc
if isinstance(obj, util.UninferableBase) or isinstance(attr, util.UninferableBase):
# If one of the arguments is something we can't infer,
# then also make the result of the getattr call something
# which is unknown.
return util.Uninferable, util.Uninferable
is_string = isinstance(attr, nodes.Const) and isinstance(attr.value, str)
if not is_string:
raise UseInferenceDefault
return obj, attr.value
def infer_getattr(node, context: InferenceContext | None = None):
"""Understand getattr calls.
If one of the arguments is an Uninferable object, then the
result will be an Uninferable object. Otherwise, the normal attribute
lookup will be done.
obj, attr = _infer_getattr_args(node, context)
if (
isinstance(obj, util.UninferableBase)
or isinstance(attr, util.UninferableBase)
or not hasattr(obj, "igetattr")
return util.Uninferable
return next(obj.igetattr(attr, context=context))
except (StopIteration, InferenceError, AttributeInferenceError):
if len(node.args) == 3:
# Try to infer the default and return it instead.
return next(node.args[2].infer(context=context))
except (StopIteration, InferenceError) as exc:
raise UseInferenceDefault from exc
raise UseInferenceDefault
def infer_hasattr(node, context: InferenceContext | None = None):
"""Understand hasattr calls.
This always guarantees three possible outcomes for calling
hasattr: Const(False) when we are sure that the object
doesn't have the intended attribute, Const(True) when
we know that the object has the attribute and Uninferable
when we are unsure of the outcome of the function call.
obj, attr = _infer_getattr_args(node, context)
if (
isinstance(obj, util.UninferableBase)
or isinstance(attr, util.UninferableBase)
or not hasattr(obj, "getattr")
return util.Uninferable
obj.getattr(attr, context=context)
except UseInferenceDefault:
# Can't infer something from this function call.
return util.Uninferable
except AttributeInferenceError:
# Doesn't have it.
return nodes.Const(False)
return nodes.Const(True)
def infer_callable(node, context: InferenceContext | None = None):
"""Understand callable calls.
This follows Python's semantics, where an object
is callable if it provides an attribute __call__,
even though that attribute is something which can't be
if len(node.args) != 1:
# Invalid callable call.
raise UseInferenceDefault
argument = node.args[0]
inferred = next(argument.infer(context=context))
except (InferenceError, StopIteration):
return util.Uninferable
if isinstance(inferred, util.UninferableBase):
return util.Uninferable
return nodes.Const(inferred.callable())
def infer_property(
node: nodes.Call, context: InferenceContext | None = None
) -> objects.Property:
"""Understand `property` class.
This only infers the output of `property`
call, not the arguments themselves.
if len(node.args) < 1:
# Invalid property call.
raise UseInferenceDefault
getter = node.args[0]
inferred = next(getter.infer(context=context))
except (InferenceError, StopIteration) as exc:
raise UseInferenceDefault from exc
if not isinstance(inferred, (nodes.FunctionDef, nodes.Lambda)):
raise UseInferenceDefault
prop_func = objects.Property(
doc_node=getattr(inferred, "doc_node", None),
return prop_func
def infer_bool(node, context: InferenceContext | None = None):
"""Understand bool calls."""
if len(node.args) > 1:
# Invalid bool call.
raise UseInferenceDefault
if not node.args:
return nodes.Const(False)
argument = node.args[0]
inferred = next(argument.infer(context=context))
except (InferenceError, StopIteration):
return util.Uninferable
if isinstance(inferred, util.UninferableBase):
return util.Uninferable
bool_value = inferred.bool_value(context=context)
if isinstance(bool_value, util.UninferableBase):
return util.Uninferable
return nodes.Const(bool_value)
def infer_type(node, context: InferenceContext | None = None):
"""Understand the one-argument form of *type*."""
if len(node.args) != 1:
raise UseInferenceDefault
return helpers.object_type(node.args[0], context)
def infer_slice(node, context: InferenceContext | None = None):
"""Understand `slice` calls."""
args = node.args
if not 0 < len(args) <= 3:
raise UseInferenceDefault
infer_func = partial(helpers.safe_infer, context=context)
args = [infer_func(arg) for arg in args]
for arg in args:
if not arg or isinstance(arg, util.UninferableBase):
raise UseInferenceDefault
if not isinstance(arg, nodes.Const):
raise UseInferenceDefault
if not isinstance(arg.value, (type(None), int)):
raise UseInferenceDefault
if len(args) < 3:
# Make sure we have 3 arguments.
args.extend([None] * (3 - len(args)))
slice_node = nodes.Slice(
lineno=node.lineno, col_offset=node.col_offset, parent=node.parent
return slice_node
def _infer_object__new__decorator(node, context: InferenceContext | None = None):
# Instantiate class immediately
# since that's what @object.__new__ does
return iter((node.instantiate_class(),))
def _infer_object__new__decorator_check(node) -> bool:
"""Predicate before inference_tip.
Check if the given ClassDef has an @object.__new__ decorator
if not node.decorators:
return False
for decorator in node.decorators.nodes:
if isinstance(decorator, nodes.Attribute):
if decorator.as_string() == OBJECT_DUNDER_NEW:
return True
return False
def infer_issubclass(callnode, context: InferenceContext | None = None):
"""Infer issubclass() calls.
:param nodes.Call callnode: an `issubclass` call
:param InferenceContext context: the context for the inference
:rtype nodes.Const: Boolean Const value of the `issubclass` call
:raises UseInferenceDefault: If the node cannot be inferred
call = arguments.CallSite.from_call(callnode, context=context)
if call.keyword_arguments:
# issubclass doesn't support keyword arguments
raise UseInferenceDefault("TypeError: issubclass() takes no keyword arguments")
if len(call.positional_arguments) != 2:
raise UseInferenceDefault(
f"Expected two arguments, got {len(call.positional_arguments)}"
# The left hand argument is the obj to be checked
obj_node, class_or_tuple_node = call.positional_arguments
obj_type = next(obj_node.infer(context=context))
except (InferenceError, StopIteration) as exc:
raise UseInferenceDefault from exc
if not isinstance(obj_type, nodes.ClassDef):
raise UseInferenceDefault("TypeError: arg 1 must be class")
# The right hand argument is the class(es) that the given
# object is to be checked against.
class_container = _class_or_tuple_to_container(
class_or_tuple_node, context=context
except InferenceError as exc:
raise UseInferenceDefault from exc
issubclass_bool = helpers.object_issubclass(obj_type, class_container, context)
except AstroidTypeError as exc:
raise UseInferenceDefault("TypeError: " + str(exc)) from exc
except MroError as exc:
raise UseInferenceDefault from exc
return nodes.Const(issubclass_bool)
def infer_isinstance(callnode, context: InferenceContext | None = None):
"""Infer isinstance calls.
:param nodes.Call callnode: an isinstance call
:rtype nodes.Const: Boolean Const value of isinstance call
:raises UseInferenceDefault: If the node cannot be inferred
call = arguments.CallSite.from_call(callnode, context=context)
if call.keyword_arguments:
# isinstance doesn't support keyword arguments
raise UseInferenceDefault("TypeError: isinstance() takes no keyword arguments")
if len(call.positional_arguments) != 2:
raise UseInferenceDefault(
f"Expected two arguments, got {len(call.positional_arguments)}"
# The left hand argument is the obj to be checked
obj_node, class_or_tuple_node = call.positional_arguments
# The right hand argument is the class(es) that the given
# obj is to be check is an instance of
class_container = _class_or_tuple_to_container(
class_or_tuple_node, context=context
except InferenceError as exc:
raise UseInferenceDefault from exc
isinstance_bool = helpers.object_isinstance(obj_node, class_container, context)
except AstroidTypeError as exc:
raise UseInferenceDefault("TypeError: " + str(exc)) from exc
except MroError as exc:
raise UseInferenceDefault from exc
if isinstance(isinstance_bool, util.UninferableBase):
raise UseInferenceDefault
return nodes.Const(isinstance_bool)
def _class_or_tuple_to_container(node, context: InferenceContext | None = None):
# Move inferences results into container
# to simplify later logic
# raises InferenceError if any of the inferences fall through
node_infer = next(node.infer(context=context))
except StopIteration as e:
raise InferenceError(node=node, context=context) from e
# arg2 MUST be a type or a TUPLE of types
# for isinstance
if isinstance(node_infer, nodes.Tuple):
class_container = [
next(node.infer(context=context)) for node in node_infer.elts
except StopIteration as e:
raise InferenceError(node=node, context=context) from e
class_container = [
klass_node for klass_node in class_container if klass_node is not None
class_container = [node_infer]
return class_container
def infer_len(node, context: InferenceContext | None = None):
"""Infer length calls.
:param nodes.Call node: len call to infer
:param context.InferenceContext: node context
:rtype nodes.Const: a Const node with the inferred length, if possible
call = arguments.CallSite.from_call(node, context=context)
if call.keyword_arguments:
raise UseInferenceDefault("TypeError: len() must take no keyword arguments")
if len(call.positional_arguments) != 1:
raise UseInferenceDefault(
"TypeError: len() must take exactly one argument "
"({len}) given".format(len=len(call.positional_arguments))
[argument_node] = call.positional_arguments
return nodes.Const(helpers.object_len(argument_node, context=context))
except (AstroidTypeError, InferenceError) as exc:
raise UseInferenceDefault(str(exc)) from exc
def infer_str(node, context: InferenceContext | None = None):
"""Infer str() calls.
:param nodes.Call node: str() call to infer
:param context.InferenceContext: node context
:rtype nodes.Const: a Const containing an empty string
call = arguments.CallSite.from_call(node, context=context)
if call.keyword_arguments:
raise UseInferenceDefault("TypeError: str() must take no keyword arguments")
return nodes.Const("")
except (AstroidTypeError, InferenceError) as exc:
raise UseInferenceDefault(str(exc)) from exc
def infer_int(node, context: InferenceContext | None = None):
"""Infer int() calls.
:param nodes.Call node: int() call to infer
:param context.InferenceContext: node context
:rtype nodes.Const: a Const containing the integer value of the int() call
call = arguments.CallSite.from_call(node, context=context)
if call.keyword_arguments:
raise UseInferenceDefault("TypeError: int() must take no keyword arguments")
if call.positional_arguments:
first_value = next(call.positional_arguments[0].infer(context=context))
except (InferenceError, StopIteration) as exc:
raise UseInferenceDefault(str(exc)) from exc
if isinstance(first_value, util.UninferableBase):
raise UseInferenceDefault
if isinstance(first_value, nodes.Const) and isinstance(
first_value.value, (int, str)
actual_value = int(first_value.value)
except ValueError:
return nodes.Const(0)
return nodes.Const(actual_value)
return nodes.Const(0)
def infer_dict_fromkeys(node, context: InferenceContext | None = None):
"""Infer dict.fromkeys.
:param nodes.Call node: dict.fromkeys() call to infer
:param context.InferenceContext context: node context
:rtype nodes.Dict:
a Dictionary containing the values that astroid was able to infer.
In case the inference failed for any reason, an empty dictionary
will be inferred instead.
def _build_dict_with_elements(elements):
new_node = nodes.Dict(
col_offset=node.col_offset, lineno=node.lineno, parent=node.parent
return new_node
call = arguments.CallSite.from_call(node, context=context)
if call.keyword_arguments:
raise UseInferenceDefault("TypeError: int() must take no keyword arguments")
if len(call.positional_arguments) not in {1, 2}:
raise UseInferenceDefault(
"TypeError: Needs between 1 and 2 positional arguments"
default = nodes.Const(None)
values = call.positional_arguments[0]
inferred_values = next(values.infer(context=context))
except (InferenceError, StopIteration):
return _build_dict_with_elements([])
if inferred_values is util.Uninferable:
return _build_dict_with_elements([])
# Limit to a couple of potential values, as this can become pretty complicated
accepted_iterable_elements = (nodes.Const,)
if isinstance(inferred_values, (nodes.List, nodes.Set, nodes.Tuple)):
elements = inferred_values.elts
for element in elements:
if not isinstance(element, accepted_iterable_elements):
# Fallback to an empty dict
return _build_dict_with_elements([])
elements_with_value = [(element, default) for element in elements]
return _build_dict_with_elements(elements_with_value)
if isinstance(inferred_values, nodes.Const) and isinstance(
inferred_values.value, (str, bytes)
elements = [
(nodes.Const(element), default) for element in inferred_values.value
return _build_dict_with_elements(elements)
if isinstance(inferred_values, nodes.Dict):
keys = inferred_values.itered()
for key in keys:
if not isinstance(key, accepted_iterable_elements):
# Fallback to an empty dict
return _build_dict_with_elements([])
elements_with_value = [(element, default) for element in keys]
return _build_dict_with_elements(elements_with_value)
# Fallback to an empty dictionary
return _build_dict_with_elements([])
def _infer_copy_method(
node: nodes.Call, context: InferenceContext | None = None
) -> Iterator[nodes.NodeNG]:
assert isinstance(node.func, nodes.Attribute)
inferred_orig, inferred_copy = itertools.tee(node.func.expr.infer(context=context))
if all(
inferred_node, (nodes.Dict, nodes.List, nodes.Set, objects.FrozenSet)
for inferred_node in inferred_orig
return inferred_copy
raise UseInferenceDefault()
def _is_str_format_call(node: nodes.Call) -> bool:
"""Catch calls to str.format()."""
if not isinstance(node.func, nodes.Attribute) or not node.func.attrname == "format":
return False
if isinstance(node.func.expr, nodes.Name):
value = helpers.safe_infer(node.func.expr)
value = node.func.expr
return isinstance(value, nodes.Const) and isinstance(value.value, str)
def _infer_str_format_call(
node: nodes.Call, context: InferenceContext | None = None
) -> Iterator[nodes.Const | util.UninferableBase]:
"""Return a Const node based on the template and passed arguments."""
call = arguments.CallSite.from_call(node, context=context)
if isinstance(node.func.expr, nodes.Name):
value: nodes.Const | None = helpers.safe_infer(node.func.expr)
if value is None:
return iter([util.Uninferable])
value = node.func.expr
format_template = value.value
# Get the positional arguments passed
inferred_positional = [
helpers.safe_infer(i, context) for i in call.positional_arguments
if not all(isinstance(i, nodes.Const) for i in inferred_positional):
return iter([util.Uninferable])
pos_values: list[str] = [i.value for i in inferred_positional]
# Get the keyword arguments passed
inferred_keyword = {
k: helpers.safe_infer(v, context) for k, v in call.keyword_arguments.items()
if not all(isinstance(i, nodes.Const) for i in inferred_keyword.values()):
return iter([util.Uninferable])
keyword_values: dict[str, str] = {k: v.value for k, v in inferred_keyword.items()}
formatted_string = format_template.format(*pos_values, **keyword_values)
except (AttributeError, IndexError, KeyError, TypeError, ValueError):
# AttributeError: named field in format string was not found in the arguments
# IndexError: there are too few arguments to interpolate
# TypeError: Unsupported format string
# ValueError: Unknown format code
return iter([util.Uninferable])
return iter([nodes.const_factory(formatted_string)])
# Builtins inference
register_builtin_transform(infer_bool, "bool")
register_builtin_transform(infer_super, "super")
register_builtin_transform(infer_callable, "callable")
register_builtin_transform(infer_property, "property")
register_builtin_transform(infer_getattr, "getattr")
register_builtin_transform(infer_hasattr, "hasattr")
register_builtin_transform(infer_tuple, "tuple")
register_builtin_transform(infer_set, "set")
register_builtin_transform(infer_list, "list")
register_builtin_transform(infer_dict, "dict")
register_builtin_transform(infer_frozenset, "frozenset")
register_builtin_transform(infer_type, "type")
register_builtin_transform(infer_slice, "slice")
register_builtin_transform(infer_isinstance, "isinstance")
register_builtin_transform(infer_issubclass, "issubclass")
register_builtin_transform(infer_len, "len")
register_builtin_transform(infer_str, "str")
register_builtin_transform(infer_int, "int")
register_builtin_transform(infer_dict_fromkeys, "dict.fromkeys")
# Infer object.__new__ calls
lambda node: isinstance(node.func, nodes.Attribute)
and node.func.attrname == "copy",
nodes.Call, inference_tip(_infer_str_format_call), _is_str_format_call