Your IP :
import functools
import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional
from ..compat import LEGACY_PATH
from ..compat import legacy_path
from ..deprecated import HOOK_LEGACY_PATH_ARG
from _pytest.nodes import _check_path
# hookname: (Path, LEGACY_PATH)
imply_paths_hooks = {
"pytest_ignore_collect": ("collection_path", "path"),
"pytest_collect_file": ("file_path", "path"),
"pytest_pycollect_makemodule": ("module_path", "path"),
"pytest_report_header": ("start_path", "startdir"),
"pytest_report_collectionfinish": ("start_path", "startdir"),
class PathAwareHookProxy:
this helper wraps around hook callers
until pluggy supports fixingcalls, this one will do
it currently doesn't return full hook caller proxies for fixed hooks,
this may have to be changed later depending on bugs
def __init__(self, hook_caller):
self.__hook_caller = hook_caller
def __dir__(self):
return dir(self.__hook_caller)
def __getattr__(self, key, _wraps=functools.wraps):
hook = getattr(self.__hook_caller, key)
if key not in imply_paths_hooks:
self.__dict__[key] = hook
return hook
path_var, fspath_var = imply_paths_hooks[key]
def fixed_hook(**kw):
path_value: Optional[Path] = kw.pop(path_var, None)
fspath_value: Optional[LEGACY_PATH] = kw.pop(fspath_var, None)
if fspath_value is not None:
pylib_path_arg=fspath_var, pathlib_path_arg=path_var
if path_value is not None:
if fspath_value is not None:
_check_path(path_value, fspath_value)
fspath_value = legacy_path(path_value)
assert fspath_value is not None
path_value = Path(fspath_value)
kw[path_var] = path_value
kw[fspath_var] = fspath_value
return hook(**kw)
fixed_hook.__name__ = key
self.__dict__[key] = fixed_hook
return fixed_hook