Your IP :
U:RDoc::TopLevel[ i I"[5S:RDoc::Markup::Heading:
leveli: textI"Contributing to Rack;To:RDoc::Markup::Paragraph;[I"�Rack is work of {hundreds of contributors}[]. You're
encouraged to submit {pull requests}[] and
{propose features and discuss issues}[].;TS; ;
i;I"Fork the Project;To;;[I"XFork the {project on GitHub}[] and check out your
copy.;To:RDoc::Markup::Verbatim;[I"~git clone
cd rack
git remote add upstream
;T:@format0S; ;
i;I"Create a Topic Branch;To;;[I"]Make sure your fork is up-to-date and create a topic branch for your feature or
bug fix.;To;
;[I"Pgit checkout main
git pull upstream main
git checkout -b my-feature-branch
;T;0S; ;
i;I""Bundle Install and Quick Test;To;;[I"?Ensure that you can build the project and run quick tests.;To;
;[I":bundle install --without extra
bundle exec rake test
;T;0S; ;
i;I"Running All Tests;To;;[I"Install all dependencies.;To;
;[I"bundle install
;T;0o;;[I"Run all tests.;To;
;[I"rake test
;T;0S; ;
i;I"Write Tests;To;;[I"xTry to write a test that reproduces the problem you're trying to fix or
describes a feature that you want to build.;To;;[I"fWe definitely appreciate pull requests that highlight or reproduce a problem,
even without a fix.;TS; ;
i;I"Write Code;To;;[I"'Implement your feature or bug fix.;To;;[I"#Make sure that all tests pass:;To;
;[I"bundle exec rake test
;T;0S; ;
i;I"Write Documentation;To;;[I"?Document any external behavior in the {README}[].;TS; ;
i;I"Update Changelog;To;;[I"-Add a line to {CHANGELOG}[].;TS; ;
i;I"Commit Changes;To;;[I"5Make sure git knows your name and email address:;To;
;[I"hgit config --global "Your Name"
git config --global ""
;T;0o;;[I"^Writing good commit logs is important. A commit log should describe what changed
and why.;To;
;[I"git add ...
git commit
;T;0S; ;
i;I" Push;To;
;[I"'git push origin my-feature-branch
;T;0S; ;
i;I"Make a Pull Request;To;;[I"�Go to your fork of rack on GitHub and select your feature branch. Click the
'Pull Request' button and fill out the form. Pull requests are usually
reviewed within a few days.;TS; ;
i;I"Rebase;To;;[I"OIf you've been working on a change for a while, rebase with upstream/main.;To;
;[I"Vgit fetch upstream
git rebase upstream/main
git push origin my-feature-branch -f
;T;0S; ;
i;I"Make Required Changes;To;;[I";Amend your previous commit and force push the changes.;To;
;[I"=git commit --amend
git push origin my-feature-branch -f
;T;0S; ;
i;I"Check on Your Pull Request;To;;[I"�Go back to your pull request after a few minutes and see whether it passed
tests with GitHub Actions. Everything should look green, otherwise fix issues and
amend your commit as described above.;TS; ;
i;I"Be Patient;To;;[I"�It's likely that your change will not be merged and that the nitpicky
maintainers will ask you to do more, or fix seemingly benign problems. Hang in
there!;TS; ;
i;I"Thank You;To;;[I"`Please do know that we really appreciate and value your time and work. We love
you, really.;T: