Your IP :
o:RDoc::Markup::Paragraph;[I"JMiddleware that applies chunked transfer encoding to response bodies ;TI"@when the response does not include a content-length header.;To:RDoc::Markup::BlankLine o; ;[I"LThis supports the trailer response header to allow the use of trailing ;TI"Qheaders in the chunked encoding. However, using this requires you manually ;TI"Ispecify a response body that supports a +trailers+ method. Example:;T@o:RDoc::Markup::Verbatim;[I":[200, { 'trailer' => 'expires'}, ["Hello", "World"]]
;TI"# error raised
;TI"body = ["Hello", "World"]
;TI"def body.trailers
;TI"& { 'expires' => }
;TI" end
;TI",[200, { 'trailer' => 'expires'}, body]
;TI"# No exception raised;T:@format0:
0;0[ [ [[I"Rack::Utils;To;;[ ;
class;T[[:public[[I"new;T@+[:protected[ [:private[ [I"
instance;T[[;[[I" call;T@+[I"chunkable_version?;T@+[;[ [;[ [ [U:RDoc::Context::Section[i 0o;;[ ;
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