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SndHeadersz.filetype framerate nchannels nframes sampwidthz�The value for type indicates the data type
and will be one of the strings 'aifc', 'aiff', 'au','hcom',
'sndr', 'sndt', 'voc', 'wav', '8svx', 'sb', 'ub', or 'ul'.zYThe sampling_rate will be either the actual
value or 0 if unknown or difficult to decode.z^The number of channels or 0 if it cannot be
determined or if the value is difficult to decode.z?The value for frames will be either the number
of frames or -1.zAEither the sample size in bits or
'A' for A-LAW or 'U' for u-LAW.c C s t | �}|S )N)r )�filename�res� r �+/opt/alt/python39/lib64/python3.9/sndhdr.pyr 4 s c C sl t | d��N}|�d�}tD ],}|||�}|rt|� W d � S qW d � d S 1 s^0 Y d S )N�rbi )�open�read�testsr )r �f�hZtfr r r r r : s
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Nr � FORM� � s AIFC�aifcs AIFFZaiff�r)
r �
startswith�seekr �EOFError�Error�getframerate�getnchannels�
getnframes�getsampwidth)r r r Zfmt�ar r r � test_aifcK s
�r c
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r r �func�filetypeZhdr_size� data_size�encoding�rate� nchannelsZsample_sizeZsample_bitsZ
frame_sizeZnframer r r �test_au` s2
r1 c C sT | dd� dks | dd� dkr$d S t | dd� �}|rBd | }nd
dfS )N�A �E s FSSD� � s HCOM� � i"V r Zhcomr# r( r )r) )r r Zdivisorr/ r r r � test_hcom� s
r8 c C st | � d�sd S t| dd� �}d}d| kr6dk rfn n,| | dkrfd| |d }|rftd | �}d
|dddfS )
Ns Creative Voice Filer! � r i� r# � r g ��.AZvocr( r )r �get_short_le�int)r r Zsbseekr/ Zratecoder r r �test_voc� s
$r= c C s� dd l }| �d�r2| dd� dks2| dd� dkr6d S |�d� z|�|d�}W n t|jfyj Y d S 0 d |�� |�� |�� d|� � fS )
Nr s RIFFr r s WAVEr s fmt r Zwav)
�waver r r r r r r r r )r r r>