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dd� ZdS )�CountLinesTestz1Tests for the count_lines_with_wrapping function.c C s | � |t||��S )N)�assertEqualr )�self�expected�text� linewidthr r r �check% s zCountLinesTest.checkc C s | � td�d� dS )zTest with an empty string.� r N)r r )r r r r �test_count_empty+ s zCountLinesTest.test_count_emptyc C s | � td�d� dS )z/Test with a string which begins with a newline.z
text� N)r r )r r r r �!test_count_begins_with_empty_line/ s z0CountLinesTest.test_count_begins_with_empty_linec C s | � td�d� dS )z-Test with a string which ends with a newline.ztext
� N)r r )r r r r �test_count_ends_with_empty_line3 s z.CountLinesTest.test_count_ends_with_empty_linec C s | � td�d� dS )z Test with several lines of text.z1
� N)r r )r r r r �test_count_several_lines7 s z'CountLinesTest.test_count_several_linesc C s4 | j dddd� | j dddd� | j dddd� d S ) Nr$ �
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