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Current File : //opt/alt/python37/lib64/python3.7/idlelib/__pycache__/textview.cpython-37.pyc


� f��@s�dZddlmZmZmZmZmZmZmZm	Z	m
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e�Zddd�Zddd�Zedkr�ddlmZedddd�ddlmZee�dS)zSimple text browser for IDLE

HORIZONTAL�VERTICAL�NS�EW�NSEW�NONE�WORD�SUNKEN)�Frame�	Scrollbar�Button)�	showerror)�color_configcs0eZdZdZ�fdd�Zdd�Zdd�Z�ZS)�AutoHideScrollbarzpA scrollbar that is automatically hidden when not needed.

    Only the grid geometry manager is supported.
    cs<t|�dkst|�dkr"|��n|��t��||�dS)Ngg�?)�float�gridZgrid_remove�super�set)�self�lo�hi)�	__class__��5/opt/alt/python37/lib64/python3.7/idlelib/textview.pyrs
zAutoHideScrollbar.setcKst|jj�d���dS)Nz does not support "pack")rr�__name__)r�kwargsrrr�packszAutoHideScrollbar.packcKst|jj�d���dS)Nz does not support "place")rrr)rrrrr��
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__rrr �
__classcell__rr)rrrsrcs$eZdZdZef�fdd�	Z�ZS)�ScrollableTextFramezDisplay text with scrollbar(s).cs�t�j|f|�t||d�}|_|jddtd�|jddd�|jddd�t|t	d|j
d�|_|jjddtd�|jj
|d	<nd
S)a�Create a frame for Textview.

        master - master widget for this frame
        wrap - type of text wrapping to use ('word', 'char' or 'none')

        All parameters except for 'wrap' are passed to Frame.__init__().

        The Text widget is accessible via the 'text' attribute.

        Note: Changing the wrapping mode of the text widget after
        instantiation is not supported.
        )�wrapr)�row�columnZsticky�)ZweightF)Zorient�	takefocus�commandZyscrollcommandZxscrollcommandN)r�__init__r�textrr	Zgrid_rowconfigureZgrid_columnconfigurerrZyviewZyscrollrrr
r,r$rr)rrr%sr%cs,eZdZdZd�fdd�	Zd	dd�Z�ZS)
�	ViewFramez#Display TextFrame and Close button.�wordcs�t��|�||_|�d|j�|�d|j�t|tdd�|_|jj}|_|�	d|�|j
|ddd�t|�|��t
|d	|jd
d�|_}|jjdd
dd�|jdd�dS)aCreate a frame for viewing text with a "Close" button.

        parent - parent widget for this frame
        contents - text to display
        wrap - type of text wrapping to use ('word', 'char' or 'none')

        The Text widget is accessible via the 'text' attribute.
        z<Return>z<Escape>i�)ZreliefZheightz1.0rZdisabled)r&Zhighlightthickness�state�CloseF)r-r+r*�topT�both)�side�expand�fillZbottom)r4N)rr,�parentZbind�okr%rZ	textframer-�insertZ	configurerZ	focus_setr�	button_okr)rr7�contentsr&r-r:)rrrr,Js	zViewFrame.__init__NcCs|j��dS)zDismiss text viewer dialog.N)r7�destroy)r�eventrrrr8dszViewFrame.ok)r/)N)rr!r"r#r,r8r$rr)rrr.Hsr.cs8eZdZdZdefddd��fdd�Zd
dd	�Z�ZS)�
ViewWindowz%A simple text viewer dialog for IDLE.TF)�_htest�_utestcs�t��|�d|d<|��d}|��|s.dnd}	|�d|�d|	���|�|�t|||d�|_|�d|j	�t
|d	|j	d
|jjdd
r�|�|�|��|s�|��dS)aShow the given text in a scrollable window with a 'close' button.

        If modal is left True, users cannot interact with other windows
        until the textview window is closed.

        parent - parent of this dialog
        title - string which is title of popup dialog
        contents - text to display in dialog
        wrap - type of text wrapping to use ('word', 'char' or 'none')
        _htest - bool; change box location when running htest.
        _utest - bool; don't wait_window when running unittest.
�dz	=750x500+�+)r&ZWM_DELETE_WINDOWr1F)r-r+r*r2Tr3)r4r5r6N)rr,Zwinfo_rootxZwinfo_rootyZgeometry�titler.Z	viewframeZprotocolr8rr:r�is_modalZ	transientZgrab_setZwait_window)rr7rEr;�modalr&r?r@�x�yr:)rrrr,ls"

zViewWindow.__init__NcCs|jr|��|��dS)zDismiss text viewer dialog.N)rFZgrab_releaser<)rr=rrrr8�sz
ViewWindow.ok)N)rr!r"r#rr,r8r$rr)rrr>is"r>Tr/FcCst||||||d�S)a�Create text viewer for given text.

    parent - parent of this dialog
    title - string which is the title of popup dialog
    contents - text to display in this dialog
    wrap - type of text wrapping to use ('word', 'char' or 'none')
    modal - controls if users can interact with other windows while this
            dialog is displayed
    _utest - bool; controls wait_window on unittest
    )r&r@)r>)r7rEr;rGr&r@rrr�	view_text�srJc

r�}	ztdt|	�|d�Wdd}	~	XYnXt||||||d	�SdS)
z�Create text viewer for text in filename.

    Return error message if file cannot be read.  Otherwise calls view_text
    with contents of the file.
    �r)�encodingNzFile Load ErrorzUnable to load file z .)rE�messager7zUnicode Decode Error)r&r@)�open�read�OSErrorr�UnicodeDecodeError�strrJ)
r7rE�filenamerLrGr&r@�filer;�errrrr�	view_file�s
rV�__main__)�mainzidlelib.idle_test.test_textview�)�	verbosity�exit)�runN)Tr/F)Tr/F) r#Ztkinterrrrrrrrr	r
rrZtkinter.ttkr
rrZtkinter.messageboxrZidlelib.colorizerrrr%r.r>rJrVrZunittestrXZidlelib.idle_test.htestr\rrrr�<module>s 4)!-

