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gZda dd� Z
d� ZG dd� de�ZG dd� d�Z
edkr�ddlmZ edddd� dS )z0Editor window that can serve as an output file.
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messagebox)�EditorWindow)�iomenuzfile "([^"]*)", line (\d+)z([^\s]+)\((\d+)\)z^(\s*\S.*?):\s*(\d+):z([^\s]+):\s*(\d+):z^\s*(\S.*?):\s*(\d+):c C s dd� t D �adS )z?Compile the patterns for matching to file name and line number.c S s g | ]}t �|t j��qS � )�re�compile�
IGNORECASE)�.0Zpatr r �3/opt/alt/python37/lib64/python3.7/idlelib/�
<listcomp> s z!compile_progs.<locals>.<listcomp>N)�file_line_pats�file_line_progsr r r r
compile_progs s r c C s� t s
t� x^t D ]R}|�| �}|r|�dd�\}}yt|d�}|�� P W q tk
r` wY qX qW dS y|t|�fS tk
r� dS X dS )a- Extract file name and line number from line of text.
Check if line of text contains one of the file/line patterns.
If it does and if the file and line are valid, return
a tuple of the file name and line number. If it doesn't match
or if the file or line is invalid, return None.
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r �search�group�open�close�OSError�int� TypeError)�line�prog�match�filename�lineno�fr r r
�file_line_helper s"