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� Zd#dd�Zd$dd�Zedgdfedgdfedgdfedgdfedgdfeg dfd�Zdd � Zd%d!d"�ZdS )&zodistutils.archive_util
Utility functions for creating archive files (tarballs, zip files,
that sort of thing).� N)�warn)�DistutilsExecError)�spawn)�mkpath)�log)�getpwnam)�getgrnamc C sN t dks| dkrdS yt | �}W n tk
r8 d}Y nX |dk rJ|d S dS )z"Returns a gid, given a group name.N� )r �KeyError)�name�result� r
�;/opt/alt/python37/lib64/python3.7/distutils/�_get_gid s
r c C sN t dks| dkrdS yt | �}W n tk
r8 d}Y nX |dk rJ|d S dS )z"Returns an uid, given a user name.Nr )r r
)r r r
r �_get_uid+ s
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S | S )a= Create a (possibly compressed) tar file from all the files under
'compress' must be "gzip" (the default), "bzip2", "xz", "compress", or
None. ("compress" will be deprecated in Python 3.2)
'owner' and 'group' can be used to define an owner and a group for the
archive that is being built. If not provided, the current owner and group
will be used.
The output tar file will be named 'base_dir' + ".tar", possibly plus
the appropriate compression extension (".gz", ".bz2", ".xz" or ".Z").
Returns the output filename.
Zgz�bz2�xz� )r �bzip2r N�compressz.gzz.bz2z.xzz.Z)r r r r NzKbad value for 'compress': must be None, 'gzip', 'bzip2', 'xz' or 'compress'z.tarr )�dry_runr zCreating tar archivec s, � d k r� | _ �| _�d k r(�| _�| _| S )N)�gidZgname�uid�uname)Ztarinfo)r �group�ownerr r
r �_set_uid_gida s z"make_tarball.<locals>._set_uid_gidzw|%s)�filterz'compress' will be deprecated.Zwin32z-f)�keys�
ValueError�getr �os�path�dirname�tarfiler �infor r �open�add�closer �PendingDeprecationWarning�sys�platformr )� base_name�base_dirr �verboser r r Ztar_compressionZcompress_extZarchive_namer% r �tarZcompressed_name�cmdr
)r r r r r �make_tarball7 s<