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:copyright: (c) 2010-2012 by the Sentry Team, see AUTHORS for more details.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
� )�absolute_import�unicode_literalsN)�
integer_types� text_type�binary_type�string_types�PY2c C s4 ddl }ddl}t| ttd�t||j|j|jf �S )z�Determine if the object instance is of a protected type.
Objects of protected types are preserved as-is when passed to
r N)�Decimal�datetime�
isinstancer �type�float�date�time)�objr r
� r �E/opt/alt/python37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/raven/utils/�is_protected_type s r �utf-8F�strictc
s� t | t�r| S �rt| �r| S yft | t�svt| d�r>| �� } q�tsdt | t�rZt| � ��} qtt| �} q�tt| �� ��} n| �� ��} W nT t k
r� } z6t | t
�s�t |j� �nd�� ��fdd�| D ��} W dd}~X Y nX | S )z�
Similar to smart_text, except that lazy instances are resolved to
strings, rather than kept as lazy objects.
If strings_only is True, don't convert (some) non-string-like objects.
�__unicode__� c s g | ]}t |� ����qS r )�
force_text)�.0�arg)�encoding�errors�strings_onlyr r �
<listcomp>C s zforce_text.<locals>.<listcomp>N)
r r r r �hasattrr r �bytes�decode�UnicodeDecodeError� Exception�args�join)�sr r r �er )r r r r r s(
r c C s ddl m} t�dt� || �S )Nr )� transformz5You should switch to raven.utils.serializer.transform)Zraven.utils.serializerr( �warnings�warn�DeprecationWarning)�valuer( r r r r( H s r( c C sv yt t| ��} W n` ttfk
r, d} Y nF tk
rp yt ttt| ����} W n tk
rj d} Y nX Y nX | S )Nz(Error decoding value))r r �UnicodeEncodeErrorr"