Your IP :
from __future__ import absolute_import
import os
import time
import logging
from types import FunctionType
from raven.utils.compat import iteritems, get_code, text_type, string_types
from raven.utils import once
special_logging_handlers = []
special_logger_handlers = {}
logger = logging.getLogger('raven')
def event_payload_considered_equal(a, b):
return (
a['type'] == b['type'] and
a['level'] == b['level'] and
a['message'] == b['message'] and
a['category'] == b['category'] and
a['data'] == b['data']
class BreadcrumbBuffer(object):
def __init__(self, limit=100):
self.buffer = []
self.limit = limit
def record(self, timestamp=None, level=None, message=None,
category=None, data=None, type=None, processor=None):
if not (message or data or processor):
raise ValueError('You must pass either `message`, `data`, '
'or `processor`')
if timestamp is None:
timestamp = time.time()
'type': type or 'default',
'timestamp': timestamp,
'level': level,
'message': message,
'category': category,
'data': data,
}, processor))
del self.buffer[:-self.limit]
def clear(self):
del self.buffer[:]
def get_buffer(self):
rv = []
for idx, (payload, processor) in enumerate(self.buffer):
if processor is not None:
except Exception:
logger.exception('Failed to process breadcrumbs. Ignored')
payload = None
self.buffer[idx] = (payload, None)
if payload is not None and \
(not rv or not event_payload_considered_equal(rv[-1], payload)):
return rv
class BlackholeBreadcrumbBuffer(BreadcrumbBuffer):
def record(self, *args, **kwargs):
def make_buffer(enabled=True):
if enabled:
return BreadcrumbBuffer()
return BlackholeBreadcrumbBuffer()
def record_breadcrumb(type, *args, **kwargs):
# Legacy alias
kwargs['type'] = type
return record(*args, **kwargs)
def record(message=None, timestamp=None, level=None, category=None,
data=None, type=None, processor=None):
"""Records a breadcrumb for all active clients. This is what integration
code should use rather than invoking the `captureBreadcrumb` method
on a specific client.
if timestamp is None:
timestamp = time.time()
for ctx in raven.context.get_active_contexts():
ctx.breadcrumbs.record(timestamp, level, message, category,
data, type, processor)
def _record_log_breadcrumb(logger, level, msg, *args, **kwargs):
for handler in special_logging_handlers:
rv = handler(logger, level, msg, args, kwargs)
if rv:
handler = special_logger_handlers.get(
if handler is not None:
rv = handler(logger, level, msg, args, kwargs)
if rv:
def processor(data):
formatted_msg = msg
# If people log bad things, this can happen. Then just don't do
# anything.
formatted_msg = text_type(msg)
if args:
formatted_msg = msg % args
except Exception:
# We do not want to include exc_info as argument because it often
# lies (set to a constant value like 1 or True) or even if it's a
# tuple it will not be particularly useful for us as we cannot
# process it anyways.
kwargs.pop('exc_info', None)
'message': formatted_msg,
'level': logging.getLevelName(level).lower(),
'data': kwargs,
def _wrap_logging_method(meth, level=None):
if not isinstance(meth, FunctionType):
func = meth.im_func
func = meth
# We were patched for raven before
if getattr(func, '__patched_for_raven__', False):
if level is None:
args = ('level', 'msg')
fwd = 'level, msg'
args = ('msg',)
fwd = '%d, msg' % level
code = get_code(func)
logging_srcfile = logging._srcfile
if logging_srcfile is None:
logging_srcfile = os.path.normpath(
# This requires a bit of explanation why we're doing this. Due to how
# logging itself works we need to pretend that the method actually was
# created within the logging module. There are a few ways to detect
# this and we fake all of them: we use the same function globals (the
# one from the logging module), we create it entirely there which
# means that also the filename is set correctly. This fools the
# detection code in logging and it makes logging itself skip past our
# code when determining the code location.
# Because we point the globals to the logging module we now need to
# refer to our own functions (original and the crumb recording
# function) through a closure instead of the global scope.
# We also add a lot of newlines in front of the code so that the
# code location lines up again in case someone runs inspect.getsource
# on the function.
ns = {}
eval(compile('''%(offset)sif 1:
def factory(original, record_crumb):
def %(name)s(self, %(args)s, *args, **kwargs):
record_crumb(self, %(fwd)s, *args, **kwargs)
return original(self, %(args)s, *args, **kwargs)
return %(name)s
\n''' % {
'offset': '\n' * (code.co_firstlineno - 3),
'name': func.__name__,
'args': ', '.join(args),
'fwd': fwd,
'level': level,
}, logging_srcfile, 'exec'), logging.__dict__, ns)
new_func = ns['factory'](meth, _record_log_breadcrumb)
new_func.__doc__ = func.__doc__
assert code.co_firstlineno == get_code(func).co_firstlineno
# In theory this should already be set correctly, but in some cases
# it is not. So override it.
new_func.__module__ == func.__module__
new_func.__name__ == func.__name__
new_func.__patched_for_raven__ = True
return new_func
def _patch_logger():
cls = logging.Logger
methods = {
'debug': logging.DEBUG,
'info': logging.INFO,
'warning': logging.WARNING,
'warn': logging.WARN,
'error': logging.ERROR,
'exception': logging.ERROR,
'critical': logging.CRITICAL,
'fatal': logging.FATAL
for method_name, level in iteritems(methods):
new_func = _wrap_logging_method(
getattr(cls, method_name), level)
setattr(logging.Logger, method_name, new_func)
logging.Logger.log = _wrap_logging_method(
def install_logging_hook():
"""Installs the logging hook if it was not installed yet. Otherwise
does nothing.
def ignore_logger(name_or_logger, allow_level=None):
"""Ignores a logger for the regular breadcrumb code. This is useful
for framework integration code where some log messages should be
specially handled.
def handler(logger, level, msg, args, kwargs):
if allow_level is not None and \
level >= allow_level:
return False
return True
register_special_log_handler(name_or_logger, handler)
def register_special_log_handler(name_or_logger, callback):
"""Registers a callback for log handling. The callback is invoked
with give arguments: `logger`, `level`, `msg`, `args` and `kwargs`
which are the values passed to the logging system. If the callback
returns `True` the default handling is disabled.
if isinstance(name_or_logger, string_types):
name = name_or_logger
name =
special_logger_handlers[name] = callback
def register_logging_handler(callback):
"""Registers a callback for log handling. The callback is invoked
with give arguments: `logger`, `level`, `msg`, `args` and `kwargs`
which are the values passed to the logging system. If the callback
returns `True` the default handling is disabled.
hooked_libraries = {}
def libraryhook(name):
def decorator(f):
f = once(f)
hooked_libraries[name] = f
return f
return decorator
def _hook_requests():
from requests.sessions import Session
except ImportError:
real_send = Session.send
def send(self, request, *args, **kwargs):
def _record_request(response):
record(type='http', category='requests', data={
'url': request.url,
'method': request.method,
'status_code': response and response.status_code or None,
'reason': response and response.reason or None,
resp = real_send(self, request, *args, **kwargs)
except Exception:
return resp
Session.send = send
def _install_httplib():
from httplib import HTTPConnection
except ImportError:
from http.client import HTTPConnection
real_putrequest = HTTPConnection.putrequest
real_getresponse = HTTPConnection.getresponse
def putrequest(self, method, url, *args, **kwargs):
self._raven_status_dict = status = {}
host =
port = self.port
default_port = self.default_port
def processor(data):
real_url = url
if not real_url.startswith(('http://', 'https://')):
real_url = '%s://%s%s%s' % (
default_port == 443 and 'https' or 'http',
port != default_port and ':%s' % port or '',
data['data'] = {
'url': real_url,
'method': method,
return data
record(type='http', category='requests', processor=processor)
return real_putrequest(self, method, url, *args, **kwargs)
def getresponse(self, *args, **kwargs):
rv = real_getresponse(self, *args, **kwargs)
status = getattr(self, '_raven_status_dict', None)
if status is not None and 'status_code' not in status:
status['status_code'] = rv.status
status['reason'] = rv.reason
return rv
HTTPConnection.putrequest = putrequest
HTTPConnection.getresponse = getresponse
def hook_libraries(libraries):
if libraries is None:
libraries = hooked_libraries.keys()
for lib in libraries:
func = hooked_libraries.get(lib)
if func is None:
raise RuntimeError('Unknown library %r for hooking' % lib)
import raven.context