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:copyright: (c) 2010-2012 by the Sentry Team, see AUTHORS for more details.
:license: BSD, see LICENSE for more details.
� )�absolute_importN)�
to_unicode)�get_stack_info�iter_traceback_frames)� BaseEvent� Exception�Message�Queryc @ s, e Zd Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zd S )
r c C s || _ t�t�| _d S )N)�client�logging� getLogger�__name__�logger)�selfr
� r �=/opt/alt/python37/lib/python3.7/site-packages/raven/�__init__ s zBaseEvent.__init__c C s t �d S )N)�NotImplementedError)r �datar r r � to_string s zBaseEvent.to_stringc K s i S )Nr )r �kwargsr r r �capture s zBaseEvent.capturec C s | j �|�S )N)r
� transform)r �valuer r r r s zBaseEvent.transformN)r
__module__�__qualname__r r r r r r r r r s r �__suppress_context__c c sn | V | \}}}t � }|�|� xH|jr0|j}n|j}||kr@P |�|� |dkrTP t|�||jfV q"W dS )z�
Return a generator iterator over an exception's chain.
The exceptions are yielded from outermost to innermost (i.e. last to
first when viewing a stack trace).
N)�set�addr � __cause__�__context__�type�
exc_traceback�contextr r r �_chained_exceptions( s
r( c c s
| V d S )Nr )r# r r r r( C s c @ s. e Zd ZdZdZdd� Zdd� Zd
dd �ZdS )r z�
Exceptions store the following metadata:
- value: 'My exception value'
- type: 'ClassName'
- module '__builtin__' (i.e. __builtin__.TypeError)
- frames: a list of serialized frames (see _get_traceback_frames)
� exceptionc C s6 || j d d }|d r.d|d |d f S |d S )N�values���r z%s: %sr! )�name)r r r% r r r r T s zException.to_stringc C sV t t|�| j| jjd�}t|dd�}|r0t|�}t|dd�}t|�t|�t|�|d�S )zH
Convert exception info to a value for the values list.
)Ztransformer�capture_localsr Nr
z <unknown>)r r! �moduleZ
stacktrace)r r r r
r- �getattr�strr )r r$ � exc_valuer&