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��fB c @ sS d Z d d l m Z d d l m Z d d l m Z Gd d � d e j � Z d S( u� Fixer that changes 'a ,b' into 'a, b'.
This also changes '{a :b}' into '{a: b}', but does not touch other
uses of colons. It does not touch other uses of whitespace.
i ( u pytree( u token( u
fixer_basec B sb | Ee Z d Z d Z d Z e j e j d � Z e j e j
d � Z
e e
f Z d d � Z d S( u
any<(not(',') any)+ ',' ((not(',') any)+ ',')* [not(',') any]>
u ,u :c C s� | j � } d } x� | j D]u } | | j k rg | j } | j � r^ d | k r^ d | _ n d } q | r� | j } | s� d | _ q� n d } q W| S( Nu
u u FT( u cloneu Falseu childrenu SEPSu prefixu isspaceu True( u selfu nodeu resultsu newu commau childu prefix( ( u? /opt/alt/python33/lib64/python3.3/lib2to3/fixes/fix_ws_comma.pyu transform s
u FixWsComma.transformNT(
u __name__u
__module__u __qualname__u Trueu explicitu PATTERNu pytreeu Leafu tokenu COMMAu COLONu SEPSu transform( u
__locals__( ( u? /opt/alt/python33/lib64/python3.3/lib2to3/fixes/fix_ws_comma.pyu
FixWsComma s u
FixWsCommaN( u __doc__u u pytreeu pgen2u tokenu
fixer_baseu BaseFixu
FixWsComma( ( ( u? /opt/alt/python33/lib64/python3.3/lib2to3/fixes/fix_ws_comma.pyu <module> s