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Utility functions for manipulating directories and directory trees.i N( u DistutilsFileErroru DistutilsInternalError( u logi� i c C s� t | t � s% t d | f � � n t j j | � } g } t j j | � s[ | d k r_ | St j t j j | � � r~ | St j j
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Xn X| j | � n d t | <q� W| S( u� Create a directory and any missing ancestor directories.
If the directory already exists (or if 'name' is the empty string, which
means the current directory, which of course exists), then do nothing.
Raise DistutilsFileError if unable to create some directory along the way
(eg. some sub-path exists, but is a file rather than a directory).
If 'verbose' is true, print a one-line summary of each mkdir to stdout.
Return the list of directories actually created.
u( mkpath: 'name' must be a string (got %r)u i i u creating %su could not create '%s': %sNi����( u
isinstanceu stru DistutilsInternalErroru osu pathu normpathu isdiru
_path_createdu getu abspathu splitu insertu joinu logu infou mkdiru OSErroru errnou EEXISTu DistutilsFileErroru argsu append( u nameu modeu verboseu dry_runu created_dirsu headu tailu tailsu du abs_headu exc( ( u7 /opt/alt/python33/lib64/python3.3/distutils/dir_util.pyu mkpath s>