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Keymap contains functions for parsing keyspecs and turning keyspecs into
appropriate sequences.

A keyspec is a string representing a sequence of key presses that can
be bound to a command. All characters other than the backslash represent
themselves. In the traditional manner, a backslash introduces an escape

pyrepl uses its own keyspec format that is meant to be a strict superset of
readline's KEYSEQ format. This means that if a spec is found that readline
accepts that this doesn't, it should be logged as a bug. Note that this means
we're using the `\C-o' style of readline's keyspec, not the `Control-o' sort.

The extension to readline is that the sequence \<KEY> denotes the
sequence of characters produced by hitting KEY.

`a'      - what you get when you hit the `a' key
`\EOA'  - Escape - O - A (up, on my terminal)
`\<UP>' - the up arrow key
`\<up>' - ditto (keynames are case-insensitive)
`\C-o', `\c-o'  - control-o
`\M-.'  - meta-period
`\E.'   - ditto (that's how meta works for pyrepl)
`\<tab>', `\<TAB>', `\t', `\011', '\x09', '\X09', '\C-i', '\C-I'
   - all of these are the tab character.
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