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� dk rd� Znd� Z[d S )a� Simple API for XML (SAX) implementation for Python.
This module provides an implementation of the SAX 2 interface;
information about the Java version of the interface can be found at The Python version of the interface is
documented at <...>.
This package contains the following modules:
handler -- Base classes and constants which define the SAX 2 API for
the 'client-side' of SAX for Python.
saxutils -- Implementation of the convenience classes commonly used to
work with SAX.
xmlreader -- Base classes and constants which define the SAX 2 API for
the parsers used with SAX for Python.
expatreader -- Driver that allows use of the Expat parser with SAX.
� )�InputSource)�ContentHandler�ErrorHandler)�SAXException�SAXNotRecognizedException�SAXParseException�SAXNotSupportedException�SAXReaderNotAvailablec � � t � � }|� |� � |� |� � |� | � � d S )N)�make_parser�setContentHandler�setErrorHandler�parse)�source�handler�errorHandler�parsers �7/opt/alt/python311/lib64/python3.11/xml/sax/__init__.pyr r sK � �
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setByteStream�BytesIOr )�stringr r r r �inpsrcs r �parseStringr! # s� � �
�]�]�F��&�#��� 1��!�!�"�+�+�f�"5�"5�6�6�6�6����R�Z�Z��/�/�0�0�0�
�L�L������r zxml.sax.expatreaderr N�
PY_SAX_PARSER�,zpython.xml.sax.parser� �java� c �� � t | � � t z D ]<} t |� � c S # t $ r ddl}||j v r� Y �.t $ r Y �9w xY wt
dd� � �)a3 Creates and returns a SAX parser.
Creates the first parser it is able to instantiate of the ones
given in the iterable created by chaining parser_list and
default_parser_list. The iterables must contain the names of Python
modules containing both a SAX parser and a create_parser function.r NzNo parsers found)�list�default_parser_list�_create_parser�ImportError�sys�modulesr
)�parser_list�parser_namer, s r r r F s� � � �K�(�(�+>�>� � �� �!�+�.�.�.�.�.��� � � ��J�J�J��c�k�)�)� � *�)� %� � � �
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create_parser)r/ r1 �
drv_modules r r* r* a s? � �'�'�'�'�'�'��^�^�K��G�I�I�>�>�
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__import__r5 )r/ r6 s r r* r* g s* � ���B�r�?�2C�D�D�
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