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dS )r a9 Asynchronous context manager for managing groups of tasks.
Example use:
async with asyncio.TaskGroup() as group:
task1 = group.create_task(some_coroutine(...))
task2 = group.create_task(other_coroutine(...))
print("Both tasks have completed now.")
All tasks are awaited when the context manager exits.
Any exceptions other than `asyncio.CancelledError` raised within
a task will cancel all remaining tasks and wait for them to exit.
The exceptions are then combined and raised as an `ExceptionGroup`.
c � � d| _ d| _ d| _ d | _ d | _ d| _ t
� � | _ g | _ d | _ d | _
d S )NF)�_entered�_exiting� _aborting�_loop�_parent_task�_parent_cancel_requested�set�_tasks�_errors�_base_error�_on_completed_fut��selfs �9/opt/alt/python311/lib64/python3.11/asyncio/�__init__zTaskGroup.__init__ sV � ���
� ���(-��%��e�e���������!%����� c �t � dg}| j r*|� dt | j � � � �� � | j r*|� dt | j � � � �� � | j r|� d� � n| j r|� d� � d� |� � }d|� d�S ) N� ztasks=zerrors=�
cancelling�entered� z
<TaskGroup�>)r �append�lenr r r �join)r �info�info_strs r �__repr__zTaskGroup.__repr__( s� � ��t���;� 5��K�K�3��T�[�!1�!1�3�3�4�4�4��<� 7��K�K�5�#�d�l�"3�"3�5�5�6�6�6��>� #��K�K��%�%�%�%�
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TaskGroup z has already been enteredz! cannot determine the parent taskT)r �RuntimeErrorr r �get_running_loopr �current_taskr
r s r �
__aenter__zTaskGroup.__aenter__6 s� � � � ��=� @��>�T�>�>�>�@� @�
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�_is_base_errorr r �CancelledErrorr r
�uncancelr �_abortr r r �
create_futurer r �BaseExceptionGroup)r �et�exc�tb�propagate_cancellation_error�ex�mes r � __aexit__zTaskGroup.__aexit__D s� � � � ���
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