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Zdd� ZG dd� d�ZdZG dd� d�ZdS )z�Provides shared memory for direct access across processes.
The API of this package is currently provisional. Refer to the
documentation for details.
ShareableList� )�partialN�ntFT� )�resource_tracker� z/psm_Zwnsm_c C sB t tt� d } | dksJ d��tt�| � }t|�t ksJ �|S )z6Create a random filename for the shared memory object.� z_SHM_NAME_PREFIX too long)�_SHM_SAFE_NAME_LENGTH�len�_SHM_NAME_PREFIX�secretsZ token_hex)�nbytes�name� r �D/opt/alt/python310/lib64/python3.10/multiprocessing/�_make_filename( s
r c @ s� e Zd ZdZdZdZdZdZej Z
ddd �Zd
d� Zdd
� Zdd� Zedd� �Zedd� �Zedd� �Zdd� Zdd� ZdS )r a� Creates a new shared memory block or attaches to an existing
shared memory block.
Every shared memory block is assigned a unique name. This enables
one process to create a shared memory block with a particular name
so that a different process can attach to that same shared memory
block using that same name.
As a resource for sharing data across processes, shared memory blocks
may outlive the original process that created them. When one process
no longer needs access to a shared memory block that might still be
needed by other processes, the close() method should be called.
When a shared memory block is no longer needed by any process, the
unlink() method should be called to ensure proper cleanup.N���i� TFr c C sx |dkst d��|rttjB | _|dkrt d��|d u r&| jtj@ s&t d��tr�|d u rL t� }z
tj || j| j
d�| _W n tyF Y q,w || _
n| jrSd| n|}tj || j| j
d�| _|| _
z|ro|rot�| j|� t�| j�}|j}t�| j|�| _W n ty� | �� � w t�| j
d� n�|r� |d u r�t� n|}t�tjtjtj|d ? d
@ |d
@ |�}z1t�� }|tjkr�|d ur�ttj t�!tj �|tj��W t�"|� q�tjd||d�| _W t�"|� nt�"|� w || _
n?|| _
|�}zt�%|tj$ddd�}W t�"|� nt�"|� w zt�&|�}W t�'|� nt�'|� w tjd||d�| _|| _(t)| j�| _*d S )Nr z!'size' must be a positive integerz4'size' must be a positive number different from zeroz&'name' can only be None if create=TrueT)�mode�/�
shared_memory� l �� r )ZtagnameF)+�
_USE_POSIXr �_posixshmemZshm_open�_mode�_fd�FileExistsError�_name�_prepend_leading_slash� ftruncate�fstat�st_size�mmap�_mmap�OSError�unlinkr �register�_winapiZCreateFileMappingZINVALID_HANDLE_VALUEZNULLZPAGE_READWRITEZGetLastErrorZERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS�errnoZEEXIST�strerrorZCloseHandleZOpenFileMappingZ
memoryview�_buf) �selfr �create�sizeZstatsZ temp_nameZh_mapZlast_error_codeZp_bufr r r �__init__K s� ����
����zSharedMemory.__init__c C s$ z| � � W d S ty Y d S w �N)�closer* �r3 r r r �__del__� s
�zSharedMemory.__del__c C s | j | jd| jffS )NF)� __class__r r5 r9 r r r �
__reduce__� s ��zSharedMemory.__reduce__c C s | j j� d| j�d| j� d�S )N�(z, size=�))r; �__name__r r5 r9 r r r �__repr__� s zSharedMemory.__repr__c C � | j S )z4A memoryview of contents of the shared memory block.)r2 r9 r r r �buf� � zSharedMemory.bufc C s. | j }tr| jr| j �d�r| j dd� }|S )z4Unique name that identifies the shared memory block.r r N)r# r r$ �
startswith)r3 Z
reported_namer r r r � s
zSharedMemory.namec C rA )zSize in bytes.)r0 r9 r r r r5 � rC zSharedMemory.sizec C s` | j dur
| j �� d| _ | jdur| j�� d| _tr,| jdkr.t�| j� d| _dS dS dS )zkCloses access to the shared memory from this instance but does
not destroy the shared memory block.Nr r )r2 �releaser) r8 r r! r r9 r r r r8 � s
�zSharedMemory.closec C s0 t r| jrt�| j� t�| jd� dS dS dS )z�Requests that the underlying shared memory block be destroyed.
In order to ensure proper cleanup of resources, unlink should be
called once (and only once) across all processes which have access
to the shared memory block.r N)r r# r Z
shm_unlinkr �
unregisterr9 r r r r+ � s
�zSharedMemory.unlink)NFr )r? �
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__r# r! r) r2 r r r r r r$ r6 r: r<