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Current File : //opt/alt/python310/lib64/python3.10/importlib/__pycache__/__init__.cpython-310.opt-1.pyc


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lmZdd�Zddd�Zddd�ZiZdd�ZdS)z'A pure Python implementation of import.)�
_bootstrapzimportlib._bootstrap�	importlibz__init__.pyz�"tjD]}t|d�r|��qdS)zmCall the invalidate_caches() method on all meta path finders stored in
    sys.meta_path (where implemented).rN)�sys�	meta_path�hasattrr)�finder�r�9/opt/alt/python310/lib64/python3.10/importlib/__init__.pyrAs

��rcCs�tjdtdd�ztj|j}|durtd�|���|WSty%Ynt	y3td�|��d�wt
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z�Return the loader for the specified module.

    This is a backward-compatible wrapper around find_spec().

    This function is deprecated in favor of importlib.util.find_spec().

    ziDeprecated since Python 3.4 and slated for removal in Python 3.12; use importlib.util.find_spec() instead�)�
stacklevelNz{}.__loader__ is Nonez{}.__loader__ is not setzspec for {} missing loader��namez&namespace packages do not have loaders)�warnings�warn�DeprecationWarningr
_find_spec�loader�submodule_search_locations�ImportError)r�pathr�specrrr�find_loaderIs2��

��r#cCsXd}|�d�r!|sd}t|�|���|D]}|dkrn|d7}qt�||d�||�S)z�Import a module.

    The 'package' argument is required when performing a relative import. It
    specifies the package to use as the anchor point from which to resolve the
    relative import to an absolute import.

    r�.zHthe 'package' argument is required to perform a relative import for {!r}rN)�
startswith�	TypeErrorrr�_gcd_import)r�package�level�msg�	characterrrrrls

rcCsZz|jj}Wnty z|j}Wntytd��wYnwtj�|�|ur4d}t|�	|�|d��|t
|<z]|�d�d}|riztj|}Wntydd}t|�	|�|d�d�w|j
|=WSty�YSwzt
|=Wwty�Yww)	zcReload the module and return it.

    The module must have been successfully imported before.

    z"reload() argument must be a modulezmodule {} not in sys.modulesrr$rzparent {!r} not in sys.modulesNzspec not found for the module )�__spec__rr�__name__r&r
r�getr r�

�_frozen_importlibrr ��_setupr-�__package__�__file__�replace�	NameErrorr�_frozen_importlib_externalr	�_set_bootstrap_module�_pack_uint32�_unpack_uint32rrrr#rr/rrrrr�<module>sT
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