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build-lib=�bz(directory for compiled extension modules)zbuild-temp=�tz1directory for temporary files (build by-products)z
plat-name=�pz>platform name to cross-compile for, if supported (default: %s))�inplace�iziignore build-lib and put compiled extensions into the source directory alongside your pure Python modulesz
include-dirs=�Iz.list of directories to search for header files)zdefine=�DzC preprocessor macros to define)zundef=�Uz!C preprocessor macros to undefine)z
libraries=�lz!external C libraries to link withz
library-dirs=�Lz.directories to search for external C libraries)zrpath=�Rz7directories to search for shared C libraries at runtime)z
link-objects=�Oz2extra explicit link objects to include in the link)�debug�gz'compile/link with debugging information)�force�fz2forcibly build everything (ignore file timestamps))z compiler=�czspecify the compiler type)z parallel=�jznumber of parallel build jobs)�swig-cppNz)make SWIG create C++ files (default is C))z
swig-opts=Nz!list of SWIG command line options)zswig=Nzpath to the SWIG executable)�userNz#add user include, library and rpath)r r r r$ r% z
help-compilerNzlist available compilersc C s� d | _ d | _d | _d | _d| _d | _d | _d | _d | _d | _ d | _
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