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dS )z�distutils.command.build_clib
Implements the Distutils 'build_clib' command, to build a C/C++ library
that is included in the module distribution and needed by an extension
module.� N)�Command)�*)�customize_compiler)�logc C s ddl m} | � d S )Nr ��show_compilers)�distutils.ccompilerr r � r �C/opt/alt/python310/lib64/python3.10/distutils/command/build_clib.pyr s
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build_clibz/build C/C++ libraries used by Python extensions))zbuild-clib=�bz%directory to build C/C++ libraries to)zbuild-temp=�tz,directory to put temporary build by-products)�debug�gz"compile with debugging information)�force�fz2forcibly build everything (ignore file timestamps))z compiler=�czspecify the compiler typer r z
help-compilerNzlist available compilersc C s: d | _ d | _d | _d | _d | _d | _d | _d| _d | _d S )Nr ) r �
build_temp� libraries�include_dirs�define�undefr r �compiler��selfr r r
�initialize_options4 s
zbuild_clib.initialize_optionsc C sl | � dddddd� | jj| _| jr| �| j� | jd u r$| jjp"g | _t| jt�r4| j�tj �| _d S d S )NZbuild)r r )r r )r r )r r )r r )
Zset_undefined_optionsZdistributionr �check_library_listr �
isinstance�str�split�os�pathsepr r r r
�finalize_optionsD s �
�zbuild_clib.finalize_optionsc C s� | j sd S ddlm} || j| j| jd�| _t| j� | jd ur'| j�| j� | j d ur;| j D ]\}}| j�
||� q/| jd urL| jD ]}| j�|� qC| �
| j � d S )Nr )�new_compiler)r �dry_runr )r r r# r r$ r r r Zset_include_dirsr Zdefine_macror Zundefine_macro�build_libraries)r r# �name�valueZmacror r r
�run^ s"