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help-commandsNzlist all available commands)�nameNzprint package name)�version�Vzprint package version)�fullnameNzprint <package name>-<version>)�authorNzprint the author's name)�author-emailNz print the author's email address)�
maintainerNzprint the maintainer's name)zmaintainer-emailNz$print the maintainer's email address)�contactNz7print the maintainer's name if known, else the author's)z
contact-emailNz@print the maintainer's email address if known, else the author's)�urlNzprint the URL for this package)�licenseNz print the license of the package)�licenceNzalias for --license)�descriptionNzprint the package description)zlong-descriptionNz"print the long package description)� platformsNzprint the list of platforms)�classifiersNzprint the list of classifiers)�keywordsNzprint the list of keywords)�providesNz+print the list of packages/modules provided)�requiresNz+print the list of packages/modules required)� obsoletesNz0print the list of packages/modules made obsoletec C s g | ]}t |d ��qS �r �r )�.0�xr r r �
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