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e a e a d � Z d S( s, Drop-in replacement for the thread module.
Meant to be used as a brain-dead substitute so that threaded code does
not need to be rewritten for when the thread module is not present.
Suggested usage is::
import thread
except ImportError:
import dummy_thread as thread
t errort start_new_threadt exitt get_identt
allocate_lockt interrupt_maint LockTypei����Nc B s e Z d Z d � Z RS( s% Dummy implementation of thread.error.c G s
| | _ d S( N( t args( t selfR ( ( s1 /opt/alt/python27/lib64/python2.7/dummy_thread.pyt __init__ s ( t __name__t
__module__t __doc__R ( ( ( s1 /opt/alt/python27/lib64/python2.7/dummy_thread.pyR s c C s� t | � t t � � k r* t d � � n t | � t t � � k rT t d � � n t a y | | | � Wn! t k
r~ n t j � n Xt a t
r� t a
t � n d S( s� Dummy implementation of thread.start_new_thread().
Compatibility is maintained by making sure that ``args`` is a
tuple and ``kwargs`` is a dictionary. If an exception is raised
and it is SystemExit (which can be done by thread.exit()) it is
caught and nothing is done; all other exceptions are printed out
by using traceback.print_exc().
If the executed function calls interrupt_main the KeyboardInterrupt will be
raised when the function returns.
s 2nd arg must be a tuples 3rd arg must be a dictN( t typet tuplet TypeErrort dictt Falset _maint
_tracebackt print_exct Truet
_interruptt KeyboardInterrupt( t functionR t kwargs( ( s1 /opt/alt/python27/lib64/python2.7/dummy_thread.pyR s
c C s
t � d S( s&