Your IP :
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d e f d � � YZ n@ e j d
k r� d Z e Z d e f d
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d | � � d S( s� Return the type with the 'other' byte order. Simple types like
c_int and so on already have __ctype_be__ and __ctype_le__
attributes which contain the types, for more complicated types
arrays and structures are supported.
s+ This type does not support other endian: %sN( t hasattrt
_OTHER_ENDIANt getattrt
isinstancet _array_typet
_other_endiant _type_t _length_t
issubclasst Structuret TypeError( t typ( ( s3 /opt/alt/python27/lib64/python2.7/ctypes/_endian.pyR s
_swapped_metac B s e Z d � Z RS( c C s� | d k rg g } xI | D]A } | d } | d } | d } | j | t | � f | � q W| } n t t | � j | | � d S( Nt _fields_i i i ( t appendR t superR
t __setattr__( t selft attrnamet valuet fieldst desct nameR t rest( ( s3 /opt/alt/python27/lib64/python2.7/ctypes/_endian.pyR s
! ( t __name__t
__module__R ( ( ( s3 /opt/alt/python27/lib64/python2.7/ctypes/_endian.pyR
s t littlet __ctype_be__t BigEndianStructurec B s e Z d Z e Z d Z RS( s$ Structure with big endian byte orderN( R R t __doc__R
__metaclass__t Nonet _swappedbytes_( ( ( s3 /opt/alt/python27/lib64/python2.7/ctypes/_endian.pyR . s t bigt __ctype_le__t LittleEndianStructurec B s e Z d Z e Z d Z RS( s'