Your IP :
| PECL :: http |
| Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without |
| modification, are permitted provided that the conditions mentioned |
| in the accompanying LICENSE file are met. |
| Copyright (c) 2004-2014, Michael Wallner <> |
typedef struct php_http_client_curl_user_context {
php_http_client_t *client;
zval user;
zend_function closure;
php_http_object_method_t timer;
php_http_object_method_t socket;
php_http_object_method_t once;
php_http_object_method_t wait;
php_http_object_method_t send;
} php_http_client_curl_user_context_t;
PHP_HTTP_API zend_class_entry *php_http_client_curl_user_get_class_entry();
PHP_HTTP_API php_http_client_curl_ops_t *php_http_client_curl_user_ops_get();
#if 0
interface http\Client\Curl\User
const POLL_NONE = 0;
const POLL_IN = 1;
const POLL_OUT = 2;
const POLL_INOUT = 3;
const POLL_REMOVE = 4;
* Initialize the loop
* The callback should be run when:
* - timeout occurs
* - a watched socket needs action
* @param callable $run callback as function(http\Client $client, resource $socket = null, int $action = http\Client\Curl\User::POLL_NONE):int (returns unfinished requests pending)
function init(callable $run);
* Register a timeout watcher
* @param int $timeout_ms desired timeout with milliseconds resolution
function timer(int $timeout_ms);
* (Un-)Register a socket watcher
* @param resource $socket the fd to watch
* @param int $poll http\Client\Curl\Loop::POLL_* constant
function socket($socket, int $poll);
* Run the loop as long as it does not block
* Called by http\Client::once()
function once();
* Wait/poll/select (block the loop) until events fire
* Called by http\Client::wait()
* @param int $timeout_ms block for maximal $timeout_ms milliseconds
function wait(int $timeout_ms = null);
* Run the loop
* Called by http\Client::send() while there are unfinished requests and
* no exception has occurred
function send();
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