Your IP :
* File containing the ezcConsoleArguments collection class.
* @package ConsoleTools
* @version 1.6.1
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2005-2010 eZ Systems AS. All rights reserved.
* @license New BSD License
* @filesource
* Collection class for ezcConsoleArgument objects. Used in {@link ezcConsoleInput}.
* @package ConsoleTools
* @version 1.6.1
class ezcConsoleArguments implements ArrayAccess, Iterator, Countable
* Ordered list of arguments.
* @var array(ezcConsoleArgument)
protected $ordered = array();
* Named list of arguments.
* @var array(string=>ezcConsoleArgument)
protected $named = array();
* Returns if the given offset exists.
* This method is part of the ArrayAccess interface to allow access to the
* data of this object as if it was an array. Valid offsets are integers or
* strings. If an integer is used, it refers to the position in the command
* line. A string refers to the arguments name property.
* @param mixed $offset The offset to check.
* @return bool True when the offset exists, otherwise false.
* @throws ezcBaseValueException
* If the provided offset is neither an integer, nor a string.
public function offsetExists( $offset )
switch ( gettype( $offset ) )
case "string":
return array_key_exists( $offset, $this->named );
case "integer":
return array_key_exists( $offset, $this->ordered );
throw new ezcBaseValueException( "offset", $offset, "string or int" );
* Returns the element with the given offset.
* This method is part of the ArrayAccess interface to allow access to the
* data of this object as if it was an array. Valid offsets are integers or
* strings. If an integer is used, it refers to the position in the command
* line. A string refers to the arguments name property.
* @param string|integer $offset The offset to check.
* @return ezcConsoleArgument
* @throws ezcBaseValueException
* If the provided offset is neither an integer, nor a string.
public function offsetGet( $offset )
switch ( gettype( $offset ) )
case "string":
if ( isset( $this[$offset] ) )
return $this->named[$offset];
case "integer":
if ( isset( $this[$offset] ) )
return $this->ordered[$offset];
throw new ezcBaseValueException( "offset", $offset, "string or int" );
throw new ezcBasePropertyNotFoundException( $offset );
* Set the element with the given offset.
* This method is part of the ArrayAccess interface to allow access to the
* data of this object as if it was an array. In contrast to the other
* ArrayAccess implementations of this class, this method allows only integer
* keys.
* @param int $offset The offset to assign an item to.
* @param ezcConsoleArgument $value The argument object to register.
* @return void
* @throws ezcBaseValueException
* If a non integer offset is provided.
* @throws ezcBaseValueException
* If the provided value is not of type {@ling ezcConsoleTableRow}.
* @throws ezcConsoleArgumentAlreadyRegisteredException
* If an argument with the given offset or name is already registered.
public function offsetSet( $offset, $value )
// Determine key if not set (using $obj[] = ...)
if ( $offset === null )
$offset = count( $this->ordered ) === 0 ? 0 : max( array_keys( $this->ordered ) ) + 1;
// Set access only allowed with integer values
if ( !is_int( $offset ) )
throw new ezcBaseValueException( "offset", $offset, "int" );
switch ( true )
case ( $value instanceof ezcConsoleArgument ):
if ( isset( $this->ordered[$offset] ) )
throw new ezcConsoleArgumentAlreadyRegisteredException( $offset, ezcConsoleArgumentAlreadyRegisteredException::ORDERED );
if ( isset( $this->named[$value->name] ) )
throw new ezcConsoleArgumentAlreadyRegisteredException( $value->name, ezcConsoleArgumentAlreadyRegisteredException::NAMED );
$this->named[$value->name] = $value;
$this->ordered[$offset] = $value;
case ( $value === null ):
// Aliasing unset() with assignement to null
unset( $this->named[$this->ordered[$offset]->name] );
unset( $this->ordered[$offset] );
throw new ezcBaseValueException( "value", $value, "ezcConsoleArgument or null" );
* Unset the element with the given offset.
* This method is part of the ArrayAccess interface to allow access to the
* data of this object as if it was an array. In contrast to the other
* ArrayAccess implementations of this class, this method allows only integer
* keys.
* @param int $offset The offset to unset the value for.
* @return void
* @throws ezcBaseValueException
* If a non numeric row offset is used.
public function offsetUnset( $offset )
// Set access only allowed with integer values
if ( is_int( $offset ) === false )
throw new ezcBaseValueException( "offset", $offset, "int" );
unset( $this->named[$this->ordered[$offset]->name] );
unset( $this->ordered[$offset] );
* Returns the currently selected argument from the list.
* Used by foreach-Loops.
* @return ezcConsoleArgument
public function current()
return current( $this->ordered );
* Returns the key of the currently selected argument from the list.
* Used by foreach-Loops. In contrast to the iteration direction, which is
* defined by the ordered list of arguments, this is the name of the
* argument.
* @return string
public function key()
return key( $this->ordered );
* Advances the internal pointer to the next argument and returns it.
* Used by foreach-Loops.
* @return ezcConsoleArgument
public function next()
return next( $this->ordered );
* Rewinds the internal pointer to the first argument and returns it.
* Used by foreach-Loops.
* @return ezcConsoleArgument
public function rewind()
// Called before foreach
ksort( $this->ordered );
return reset( $this->ordered );
* Checks if the current position is valid.
* Used by foreach-Loops.
* @return bool
public function valid()
return ( current( $this->ordered ) !== false );
* Returns the number of registered arguments.
* @return int
public function count()
return count( $this->ordered );