Your IP :
# Change Log
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See [standard-version]( for commit guidelines.
<a name="4.0.7"></a>
## [4.0.7]( (2019-10-09)
### Bug Fixes
* delete node_modules contents but keep the dir itself ([f668181](, closes [#3](
<a name="4.0.4"></a>
## [4.0.4]( (2019-09-24)
### Bug Fixes
* pack git directories properly ([576ab36](, closes [#4](
<a name="4.0.3"></a>
## [4.0.3]( (2019-08-12)
### Bug Fixes
* do not pass opts.log to lifecycle ([46b2101](
<a name="4.0.2"></a>
## [4.0.2]( (2019-08-12)
<a name="4.0.1"></a>
## [4.0.1]( (2019-08-12)
### Bug Fixes
* respect and retain all configs passed in ([20b7372](
<a name="4.0.0"></a>
# [4.0.0]( (2019-07-10)
* npm-lifecycle@3.0.0 ([84b8d7e](
### Bug Fixes
* **lifecycle:** remove warning from bluebird ([#59]( ([7af39e6](, closes [#58](
* requires updating node-gyp in npm/cli
<a name="3.0.3"></a>
## [3.0.3]( (2019-01-22)
### Bug Fixes
* **scripts:** pass in opts.dir directly ([018df27](
<a name="3.0.2"></a>
## [3.0.2]( (2018-08-31)
### Bug Fixes
* **worker:** missed a spot ([4371558](
<a name="3.0.1"></a>
## [3.0.1]( (2018-08-31)
### Bug Fixes
* **workers:** disable workers for now ([64db490](
<a name="3.0.0"></a>
# [3.0.0]( (2018-08-31)
### Features
* **config:** switch to modern, figgy-pudding configuration ([#57]( ([161f6b2](
* **config:** this updates cipm to use pacote@9, which consumes npm-style config objects, not pacoteOpts()-style objects.
<a name="2.0.2"></a>
## [2.0.2]( (2018-08-10)
### Bug Fixes
* **child:** only override dirPacker if opts.dirPacker is defined ([#55]( ([13ab2f0](
<a name="2.0.1"></a>
## [2.0.1]( (2018-07-27)
### Bug Fixes
* **deps:** move mkdirp to prod deps ([6878f39](
<a name="2.0.0"></a>
# [2.0.0]( (2018-05-24)
### meta
* update node version support ([694b4d3](
* node@4 is no longer supported
<a name="1.6.3"></a>
## [1.6.3]( (2018-05-24)
<a name="1.6.2"></a>
## [1.6.2]( (2018-04-08)
### Bug Fixes
* **lifecycle:** detect binding.gyp for default install lifecycle ([#46]( ([9149631](, closes [#45](
<a name="1.6.1"></a>
## [1.6.1]( (2018-03-13)
### Bug Fixes
* **bin:** Set non-zero exit code on error ([#41]( ([54d0106](
* **lifecycle:** defer to lifecycle’s internal logic as to whether or not to execute a run-script ([#42]( ([7f27a52](, closes [npm/npm#19258](
* **prefix:** don't reference prefix before computing it ([#40]( ([08ed1cc](
* **prefix:** Resolve to promise when passing --prefix to npm ci ([#43]( ([401d466](
<a name="1.6.0"></a>
# [1.6.0]( (2018-03-01)
### Bug Fixes
* **bin:** cli.js was being excluded ([d62668e](
### Features
* **libcipm:** working standalone cipm release! ([a3383fd](
<a name="1.5.1"></a>
## [1.5.1]( (2018-03-01)
### Bug Fixes
* **_from:** do not add _from to directory deps ([7405360](
<a name="1.5.0"></a>
# [1.5.0]( (2018-03-01)
### Bug Fixes
* **errors:** handle aggregate errors better ([6239499](
### Features
* **logger:** rudimentary progress bar update ([c5d9dc7](
<a name="1.4.1"></a>
## [1.4.1]( (2018-02-27)
### Bug Fixes
* **buildTree:** linking in parallel causes hoist-clobbering ([5ffbc0e](, closes [#39](
* **buildTree:** use checkDepEnv here too ([41a4634](
* **perf:** split up updateJson and buildTree ([df5aba0](
* **perf:** stop using the readPackageJson version to update packages ([8da3d5a](
<a name="1.4.0"></a>
# [1.4.0]( (2018-02-21)
### Features
* **extract:** add support for --only and --also ([ad143ae](
<a name="1.3.3"></a>
## [1.3.3]( (2018-02-21)
### Bug Fixes
* **extract:** stop extracting deps before parent :\ ([c6847dc](
<a name="1.3.2"></a>
## [1.3.2]( (2018-02-15)
<a name="1.3.1"></a>
## [1.3.1]( (2018-02-15)
<a name="1.3.0"></a>
# [1.3.0]( (2018-02-13)
### Features
* **extract:** link directory deps and install missing bundle deps ([8334e9e](
<a name="1.2.0"></a>
# [1.2.0]( (2018-02-07)
### Features
* **metadata:** add _resolved, _integrity, and _from on install ([36642dc](
<a name="1.1.2"></a>
## [1.1.2]( (2018-01-19)
<a name="1.1.1"></a>
## [1.1.1]( (2018-01-19)
<a name="1.1.0"></a>
# [1.1.0]( (2018-01-07)
### Features
* **log:** add some helpful log output ([f443f03](
<a name="1.0.1"></a>
## [1.0.1]( (2018-01-07)
### Bug Fixes
* **deps:** added protoduck to pkgjson ([ecbe719](
<a name="1.0.0"></a>
# [1.0.0]( (2018-01-07)
### Features
* **cli:** splitting off CLI into a separate tool ([cff65c1](
* **cli:** libcipm is its own library now,
<a name="0.9.1"></a>
## [0.9.1]( (2018-01-07)
### Bug Fixes
* **prefix:** oops @ prefix ([cc5adac](
<a name="0.9.0"></a>
# [0.9.0]( (2018-01-07)
### Bug Fixes
* **package:** add pacote to bundleDependencies ([#36]( ([a69742e](
### Features
* **config:** allow injection of npm configs ([#35]( ([1f5694b](
<a name="0.8.0"></a>
# [0.8.0]( (2017-11-28)
### Features
* **gyp:** new npm-lifecycle[@2]( with included node-gyp ([a4ed938](
<a name="0.7.2"></a>
## [0.7.2]( (2017-10-13)
### Bug Fixes
* **extract:** idk why this was breaking. Seriously. ([433a2be](
* **tree:** pass through a custom Promise to logiTree ([2d29efb](
### Performance Improvements
* zoomzoom. Even more concurrency! ([db9c2e0](
<a name="0.7.1"></a>
## [0.7.1]( (2017-10-13)
### Bug Fixes
* **scripts:** separate extract and build and fix ordering ([eb072a5](
<a name="0.7.0"></a>
# [0.7.0]( (2017-10-12)
### Bug Fixes
* **lockfile:** npm-shrinkwrap takes precedence over package-lock (#28) ([3b98fb3](
### Features
* **optional:** ignore failed optional deps (#27) ([a654629](
<a name="0.6.0"></a>
# [0.6.0]( (2017-10-09)
### Features
* **scripts:** run prepare and prepublish scripts in the root (#26) ([e0e35a3](
<a name="0.5.1"></a>
## [0.5.1]( (2017-10-09)
<a name="0.5.0"></a>
# [0.5.0]( (2017-10-09)
### Bug Fixes
* **output:** npm does not punctuate this ([e7ba976](
* **shutdown:** make sure workers close ([7ab57d0](
### Features
* **bin:** link bins and run scripts (#25) ([fab74bf](
* **lifecycle:** run scripts in dep order (#23) ([68ecfac](
<a name="0.4.0"></a>
# [0.4.0]( (2017-10-04)
### Features
* **opts:** support full range of relevant CLI opts (#19) ([6f2bd51](
<a name="0.3.2"></a>
## [0.3.2]( (2017-09-06)
### Bug Fixes
* **bin:** make cli executable by default (#13) ([14a9a5f](
* **config:** use npm.cmd on win32 and fix tests (#12) ([d912d16](, closes [#12](
* **json:** strip BOM when reading JSON files (#8) ([2529149](
<a name="0.3.1"></a>
## [0.3.1]( (2017-09-05)
<a name="0.3.0"></a>
# [0.3.0]( (2017-09-05)
### Features
* **lockfile:** verify that lockfile matches package.json (#5) ([f631203](
* **scripts:** support --ignore-scripts option (#9) ([213ca02](
<a name="0.2.0"></a>
# [0.2.0]( (2017-09-01)
### Bug Fixes
* **main:** default --prefix ([ff06a31](
### Features
* **lifecycle:** actually run lifecycle scripts correctly ([7f8933e](
<a name="0.1.1"></a>
## [0.1.1]( (2017-08-30)
### Bug Fixes
* **files:** oops. forgot to include new files in tarball ([1ee85c9](
<a name="0.1.0"></a>
# 0.1.0 (2017-08-30)
### Bug Fixes
* **config:** pipe stdout ([08e6af8](
* **extract:** make sure to extract properly ([9643583](
* **license:** switch to MIT ([0d10d0d](
### Features
* **impl:** rough prototype ([2970e43](
* **lifecycle:** Run lifecycle events, implement prefix option, add unit tests (#1) ([d6629be](, closes [#1](
* **opts:** add usage string and --help ([efcc48d](