Your IP :
const { resolve } = require('node:path')
const packlist = require('npm-packlist')
const runScript = require('@npmcli/run-script')
const tar = require('tar')
const { Minipass } = require('minipass')
const Fetcher = require('./fetcher.js')
const FileFetcher = require('./file.js')
const _ = require('./util/protected.js')
const tarCreateOptions = require('./util/tar-create-options.js')
class DirFetcher extends Fetcher {
constructor (spec, opts) {
super(spec, opts)
// just the fully resolved filename
this.resolved = this.spec.fetchSpec
this.tree = opts.tree || null
this.Arborist = opts.Arborist || null
// exposes tarCreateOptions as public API
static tarCreateOptions (manifest) {
return tarCreateOptions(manifest)
get types () {
return ['directory']
#prepareDir () {
return this.manifest().then(mani => {
if (!mani.scripts || !mani.scripts.prepare) {
// we *only* run prepare.
// pre/post-pack is run by the npm CLI for publish and pack,
// but this function is *also* run when installing git deps
const stdio = this.opts.foregroundScripts ? 'inherit' : 'pipe'
return runScript({
pkg: mani,
event: 'prepare',
path: this.resolved,
env: {
npm_package_resolved: this.resolved,
npm_package_integrity: this.integrity,
npm_package_json: resolve(this.resolved, 'package.json'),
[_.tarballFromResolved] () {
if (!this.tree && !this.Arborist) {
throw new Error('DirFetcher requires either a tree or an Arborist constructor to pack')
const stream = new Minipass()
stream.resolved = this.resolved
stream.integrity = this.integrity
const { prefix, workspaces } = this.opts
// run the prepare script, get the list of files, and tar it up
// pipe to the stream, and proxy errors the chain.
.then(async () => {
if (!this.tree) {
const arb = new this.Arborist({ path: this.resolved })
this.tree = await arb.loadActual()
return packlist(this.tree, { path: this.resolved, prefix, workspaces })
.then(files => tar.c(tarCreateOptions(this.package), files)
.on('error', er => stream.emit('error', er)).pipe(stream))
.catch(er => stream.emit('error', er))
return stream
manifest () {
if (this.package) {
return Promise.resolve(this.package)
return this[_.readPackageJson](this.resolved)
.then(mani => this.package = {
_integrity: this.integrity && String(this.integrity),
_resolved: this.resolved,
_from: this.from,
packument () {
return FileFetcher.prototype.packument.apply(this)
module.exports = DirFetcher