Your IP :
const linkBins = require('./link-bins.js')
const linkMans = require('./link-mans.js')
const binLinks = opts => {
const { path, pkg, force, global, top } = opts
// global top pkgs on windows get bins installed in {prefix}, and no mans
// unix global top pkgs get their bins installed in {prefix}/bin,
// and mans in {prefix}/share/man
// non-top pkgs get their bins installed in {prefix}/node_modules/.bin,
// and do not install mans
// non-global top pkgs don't have any bins or mans linked. From here on
// out, if it's top, we know that it's global, so no need to pass that
// option further down the stack.
if (top && !global) {
return Promise.resolve()
return Promise.all([
// allow clobbering within the local node_modules/.bin folder.
// only global bins are protected in this way, or else it is
// yet another vector for excessive dependency conflicts.
linkBins({ path, pkg, top, force: force || !top }),
linkMans({ path, pkg, top, force }),
const shimBin = require('./shim-bin.js')
const linkGently = require('./link-gently.js')
const resetSeen = () => {
const checkBins = require('./check-bins.js')
const getPaths = require('./get-paths.js')
module.exports = Object.assign(binLinks, {