Your IP :
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const { bin, arb: options } = require('./lib/options')
const version = require('../package.json').version
const usage = (message = '') => `Arborist - the npm tree doctor
Version: ${version}
${message && '\n' + message + '\n'}
arborist <cmd> [path] [options...]
* reify: reify ideal tree to node_modules (install, update, rm, ...)
* prune: prune the ideal tree and reify (like npm prune)
* ideal: generate and print the ideal tree
* actual: read and print the actual tree in node_modules
* virtual: read and print the virtual tree in the local shrinkwrap file
* shrinkwrap: load a local shrinkwrap and print its data
* audit: perform a security audit on project dependencies
* funding: query funding information in the local package tree. A second
positional argument after the path name can limit to a package name.
* license: query license information in the local package tree. A second
positional argument after the path name can limit to a license type.
* help: print this text
* version: print the version
Most npm options are supported, but in camelCase rather than css-case. For
example, instead of '--dry-run', use '--dryRun'.
* --loglevel=warn|--quiet will supppress the printing of package trees
* --logfile <file|bool> will output logs to a file
* --timing will show timing information
* Instead of 'npm install <pkg>', use 'arborist reify --add=<pkg>'.
The '--add=<pkg>' option can be specified multiple times.
* Instead of 'npm rm <pkg>', use 'arborist reify --rm=<pkg>'.
The '--rm=<pkg>' option can be specified multiple times.
* Instead of 'npm update', use 'arborist reify --update-all'.
* 'npm audit fix' is 'arborist audit --fix'
const commands = {
version: () => console.log(version),
help: () => console.log(usage()),
exit: () => {
process.exitCode = 1
usage(`Error: command '${bin.command}' does not exist.`)
const commandFiles = fs.readdirSync(__dirname).filter((f) => path.extname(f) === '.js' && f !== __filename)
for (const file of commandFiles) {
const command = require(`./${file}`)
const name = path.basename(file, '.js')
const totalTime = `bin:${name}:init`
const scriptTime = `bin:${name}:script`
commands[name] = () => {
const timers = require('./lib/timers')
const log = require('./lib/logging'), options)
process.emit('time', totalTime)
process.emit('time', scriptTime)
return command(options, (result) => {
process.emit('timeEnd', scriptTime)
return {
timing: {
seconds: `${timers.get(scriptTime) / 1e9}s`,
ms: `${timers.get(scriptTime) / 1e6}ms`,
.then((result) => {
return result
.catch((err) => {
process.exitCode = 1
return err
.then((r) => {
process.emit('timeEnd', totalTime)
if (bin.loglevel !== 'silent') {
console[process.exitCode ? 'error' : 'log'](r)
return r
if (commands[bin.command]) {
} else {