Your IP :
// © 2017 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
// License & terms of use:
#include "unicode/utypes.h"
#include "unicode/appendable.h"
#include "unicode/bytestream.h"
#include "unicode/currunit.h"
#include "unicode/dcfmtsym.h"
#include "unicode/displayoptions.h"
#include "unicode/fieldpos.h"
#include "unicode/fpositer.h"
#include "unicode/measunit.h"
#include "unicode/nounit.h"
#include "unicode/parseerr.h"
#include "unicode/plurrule.h"
#include "unicode/ucurr.h"
#include "unicode/unum.h"
#include "unicode/unumberformatter.h"
#include "unicode/uobject.h"
#include "unicode/unumberoptions.h"
#include "unicode/formattednumber.h"
* \file
* \brief C++ API: All-in-one formatter for localized numbers, currencies, and units.
* For a full list of options, see icu::number::NumberFormatterSettings.
* <pre>
* // Most basic usage:
* NumberFormatter::withLocale(...).format(123).toString(); // 1,234 in en-US
* // Custom notation, unit, and rounding precision:
* NumberFormatter::with()
* .notation(Notation::compactShort())
* .unit(CurrencyUnit("EUR", status))
* .precision(Precision::maxDigits(2))
* .locale(...)
* .format(1234)
* .toString(); // €1.2K in en-US
* // Create a formatter in a singleton by value for use later:
* static const LocalizedNumberFormatter formatter = NumberFormatter::withLocale(...)
* .unit(NoUnit::percent())
* .precision(Precision::fixedFraction(3));
* formatter.format(5.9831).toString(); // 5.983% in en-US
* // Create a "template" in a singleton unique_ptr but without setting a locale until the call site:
* std::unique_ptr<UnlocalizedNumberFormatter> template = NumberFormatter::with()
* .sign(UNumberSignDisplay::UNUM_SIGN_ALWAYS)
* .unit(MeasureUnit::getMeter())
* .unitWidth(UNumberUnitWidth::UNUM_UNIT_WIDTH_FULL_NAME)
* .clone();
* template->locale(...).format(1234).toString(); // +1,234 meters in en-US
* </pre>
* <p>
* This API offers more features than DecimalFormat and is geared toward new users of ICU.
* <p>
* NumberFormatter instances (i.e., LocalizedNumberFormatter and UnlocalizedNumberFormatter)
* are immutable and thread safe. This means that invoking a configuration method has no
* effect on the receiving instance; you must store and use the new number formatter instance it returns instead.
* <pre>
* UnlocalizedNumberFormatter formatter = UnlocalizedNumberFormatter::with().notation(Notation::scientific());
* formatter.precision(Precision.maxFraction(2)); // does nothing!
* formatter.locale(Locale.getEnglish()).format(9.8765).toString(); // prints "9.8765E0", not "9.88E0"
* </pre>
* <p>
* This API is based on the <em>fluent</em> design pattern popularized by libraries such as Google's Guava. For
* extensive details on the design of this API, read <a href="">the design doc</a>.
* <p>
* Note: To format monetary/currency values, specify the currency in the `.unit()` function.
* @author Shane Carr
// Forward declarations:
class IFixedDecimal;
class FieldPositionIteratorHandler;
class FormattedStringBuilder;
namespace numparse {
namespace impl {
// Forward declarations:
class NumberParserImpl;
class MultiplierParseHandler;
namespace units {
// Forward declarations:
class UnitsRouter;
} // namespace units
namespace number { // icu::number
// Forward declarations:
class UnlocalizedNumberFormatter;
class LocalizedNumberFormatter;
class SimpleNumberFormatter;
class FormattedNumber;
class Notation;
class ScientificNotation;
class Precision;
class FractionPrecision;
class CurrencyPrecision;
class IncrementPrecision;
class IntegerWidth;
namespace impl {
// can't be #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API; referenced throughout this file in public classes
* Datatype for minimum/maximum fraction digits. Must be able to hold kMaxIntFracSig.
* @internal
typedef int16_t digits_t;
// can't be #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API; needed for struct initialization
* Use a default threshold of 3. This means that the third time .format() is called, the data structures get built
* using the "safe" code path. The first two calls to .format() will trigger the unsafe code path.
* @internal
static constexpr int32_t kInternalDefaultThreshold = 3;
// Forward declarations:
class Padder;
struct MacroProps;
struct MicroProps;
class DecimalQuantity;
class UFormattedNumberData;
class NumberFormatterImpl;
struct ParsedPatternInfo;
class ScientificModifier;
class MultiplierProducer;
class RoundingImpl;
class ScientificHandler;
class Modifier;
class AffixPatternProvider;
class NumberPropertyMapper;
struct DecimalFormatProperties;
class MultiplierFormatHandler;
class CurrencySymbols;
class GeneratorHelpers;
class DecNum;
class NumberRangeFormatterImpl;
struct RangeMacroProps;
struct UFormattedNumberImpl;
class MutablePatternModifier;
class ImmutablePatternModifier;
struct DecimalFormatWarehouse;
struct SimpleMicroProps;
class AdoptingSignumModifierStore;
* Used for NumberRangeFormatter and implemented in numrange_fluent.cpp.
* Declared here so it can be friended.
* @internal
void touchRangeLocales(impl::RangeMacroProps& macros);
} // namespace impl
* Extra name reserved in case it is needed in the future.
* @stable ICU 63
typedef Notation CompactNotation;
* Extra name reserved in case it is needed in the future.
* @stable ICU 63
typedef Notation SimpleNotation;
* A class that defines the notation style to be used when formatting numbers in NumberFormatter.
* @stable ICU 60
class U_I18N_API Notation : public UMemory {
* Print the number using scientific notation (also known as scientific form, standard index form, or standard form
* in the UK). The format for scientific notation varies by locale; for example, many Western locales display the
* number in the form "#E0", where the number is displayed with one digit before the decimal separator, zero or more
* digits after the decimal separator, and the corresponding power of 10 displayed after the "E".
* <p>
* Example outputs in <em>en-US</em> when printing 8.765E4 through 8.765E-3:
* <pre>
* 8.765E4
* 8.765E3
* 8.765E2
* 8.765E1
* 8.765E0
* 8.765E-1
* 8.765E-2
* 8.765E-3
* 0E0
* </pre>
* @return A ScientificNotation for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter notation() setter.
* @stable ICU 60
static ScientificNotation scientific();
* Print the number using engineering notation, a variant of scientific notation in which the exponent must be
* divisible by 3.
* <p>
* Example outputs in <em>en-US</em> when printing 8.765E4 through 8.765E-3:
* <pre>
* 87.65E3
* 8.765E3
* 876.5E0
* 87.65E0
* 8.765E0
* 876.5E-3
* 87.65E-3
* 8.765E-3
* 0E0
* </pre>
* @return A ScientificNotation for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter notation() setter.
* @stable ICU 60
static ScientificNotation engineering();
* Print the number using short-form compact notation.
* <p>
* <em>Compact notation</em>, defined in Unicode Technical Standard #35 Part 3 Section 2.4.1, prints numbers with
* localized prefixes or suffixes corresponding to different powers of ten. Compact notation is similar to
* engineering notation in how it scales numbers.
* <p>
* Compact notation is ideal for displaying large numbers (over ~1000) to humans while at the same time minimizing
* screen real estate.
* <p>
* In short form, the powers of ten are abbreviated. In <em>en-US</em>, the abbreviations are "K" for thousands, "M"
* for millions, "B" for billions, and "T" for trillions. Example outputs in <em>en-US</em> when printing 8.765E7
* through 8.765E0:
* <pre>
* 88M
* 8.8M
* 876K
* 88K
* 8.8K
* 876
* 88
* 8.8
* </pre>
* <p>
* When compact notation is specified without an explicit rounding precision, numbers are rounded off to the closest
* integer after scaling the number by the corresponding power of 10, but with a digit shown after the decimal
* separator if there is only one digit before the decimal separator. The default compact notation rounding precision
* is equivalent to:
* <pre>
* Precision::integer().withMinDigits(2)
* </pre>
* @return A CompactNotation for passing to the NumberFormatter notation() setter.
* @stable ICU 60
static CompactNotation compactShort();
* Print the number using long-form compact notation. For more information on compact notation, see
* {@link #compactShort}.
* <p>
* In long form, the powers of ten are spelled out fully. Example outputs in <em>en-US</em> when printing 8.765E7
* through 8.765E0:
* <pre>
* 88 million
* 8.8 million
* 876 thousand
* 88 thousand
* 8.8 thousand
* 876
* 88
* 8.8
* </pre>
* @return A CompactNotation for passing to the NumberFormatter notation() setter.
* @stable ICU 60
static CompactNotation compactLong();
* Print the number using simple notation without any scaling by powers of ten. This is the default behavior.
* <p>
* Since this is the default behavior, this method needs to be called only when it is necessary to override a
* previous setting.
* <p>
* Example outputs in <em>en-US</em> when printing 8.765E7 through 8.765E0:
* <pre>
* 87,650,000
* 8,765,000
* 876,500
* 87,650
* 8,765
* 876.5
* 87.65
* 8.765
* </pre>
* @return A SimpleNotation for passing to the NumberFormatter notation() setter.
* @stable ICU 60
static SimpleNotation simple();
enum NotationType {
} fType;
union NotationUnion {
/** @internal (private) */
struct ScientificSettings {
/** @internal (private) */
int8_t fEngineeringInterval;
/** @internal (private) */
bool fRequireMinInt;
/** @internal (private) */
impl::digits_t fMinExponentDigits;
/** @internal (private) */
UNumberSignDisplay fExponentSignDisplay;
} scientific;
UNumberCompactStyle compactStyle;
UErrorCode errorCode;
} fUnion;
typedef NotationUnion::ScientificSettings ScientificSettings;
Notation(const NotationType &type, const NotationUnion &union_) : fType(type), fUnion(union_) {}
Notation(UErrorCode errorCode) : fType(NTN_ERROR) {
fUnion.errorCode = errorCode;
Notation() : fType(NTN_SIMPLE), fUnion() {}
UBool copyErrorTo(UErrorCode &status) const {
if (fType == NTN_ERROR) {
status = fUnion.errorCode;
return true;
return false;
// To allow MacroProps to initialize empty instances:
friend struct impl::MacroProps;
friend class ScientificNotation;
// To allow implementation to access internal types:
friend class impl::NumberFormatterImpl;
friend class impl::ScientificModifier;
friend class impl::ScientificHandler;
// To allow access to the skeleton generation code:
friend class impl::GeneratorHelpers;
* A class that defines the scientific notation style to be used when formatting numbers in NumberFormatter.
* <p>
* To create a ScientificNotation, use one of the factory methods in {@link Notation}.
* @stable ICU 60
class U_I18N_API ScientificNotation : public Notation {
* Sets the minimum number of digits to show in the exponent of scientific notation, padding with zeros if
* necessary. Useful for fixed-width display.
* <p>
* For example, with minExponentDigits=2, the number 123 will be printed as "1.23E02" in <em>en-US</em> instead of
* the default "1.23E2".
* @param minExponentDigits
* The minimum number of digits to show in the exponent.
* @return A ScientificNotation, for chaining.
* @stable ICU 60
ScientificNotation withMinExponentDigits(int32_t minExponentDigits) const;
* Sets whether to show the sign on positive and negative exponents in scientific notation. The default is AUTO,
* showing the minus sign but not the plus sign.
* <p>
* For example, with exponentSignDisplay=ALWAYS, the number 123 will be printed as "1.23E+2" in <em>en-US</em>
* instead of the default "1.23E2".
* @param exponentSignDisplay
* The strategy for displaying the sign in the exponent.
* @return A ScientificNotation, for chaining.
* @stable ICU 60
ScientificNotation withExponentSignDisplay(UNumberSignDisplay exponentSignDisplay) const;
// Inherit constructor
using Notation::Notation;
// Raw constructor for NumberPropertyMapper
ScientificNotation(int8_t fEngineeringInterval, bool fRequireMinInt, impl::digits_t fMinExponentDigits,
UNumberSignDisplay fExponentSignDisplay);
friend class Notation;
// So that NumberPropertyMapper can create instances
friend class impl::NumberPropertyMapper;
* Extra name reserved in case it is needed in the future.
* @stable ICU 63
typedef Precision SignificantDigitsPrecision;
* A class that defines the rounding precision to be used when formatting numbers in NumberFormatter.
* <p>
* To create a Precision, use one of the factory methods.
* @stable ICU 60
class U_I18N_API Precision : public UMemory {
* Show all available digits to full precision.
* <p>
* <strong>NOTE:</strong> When formatting a <em>double</em>, this method, along with {@link #minFraction} and
* {@link #minSignificantDigits}, will trigger complex algorithm similar to <em>Dragon4</em> to determine the
* low-order digits and the number of digits to display based on the value of the double.
* If the number of fraction places or significant digits can be bounded, consider using {@link #maxFraction}
* or {@link #maxSignificantDigits} instead to maximize performance.
* For more information, read the following blog post.
* <p>
* @return A Precision for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter precision() setter.
* @stable ICU 60
static Precision unlimited();
* Show numbers rounded if necessary to the nearest integer.
* @return A FractionPrecision for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter precision() setter.
* @stable ICU 60
static FractionPrecision integer();
* Show numbers rounded if necessary to a certain number of fraction places (numerals after the decimal separator).
* Additionally, pad with zeros to ensure that this number of places are always shown.
* <p>
* Example output with minMaxFractionPlaces = 3:
* <p>
* 87,650.000<br>
* 8,765.000<br>
* 876.500<br>
* 87.650<br>
* 8.765<br>
* 0.876<br>
* 0.088<br>
* 0.009<br>
* 0.000 (zero)
* <p>
* This method is equivalent to {@link #minMaxFraction} with both arguments equal.
* @param minMaxFractionPlaces
* The minimum and maximum number of numerals to display after the decimal separator (rounding if too
* long or padding with zeros if too short).
* @return A FractionPrecision for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter precision() setter.
* @stable ICU 60
static FractionPrecision fixedFraction(int32_t minMaxFractionPlaces);
* Always show at least a certain number of fraction places after the decimal separator, padding with zeros if
* necessary. Do not perform rounding (display numbers to their full precision).
* <p>
* <strong>NOTE:</strong> If you are formatting <em>doubles</em>, see the performance note in {@link #unlimited}.
* @param minFractionPlaces
* The minimum number of numerals to display after the decimal separator (padding with zeros if
* necessary).
* @return A FractionPrecision for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter precision() setter.
* @stable ICU 60
static FractionPrecision minFraction(int32_t minFractionPlaces);
* Show numbers rounded if necessary to a certain number of fraction places (numerals after the decimal separator).
* Unlike the other fraction rounding strategies, this strategy does <em>not</em> pad zeros to the end of the
* number.
* @param maxFractionPlaces
* The maximum number of numerals to display after the decimal mark (rounding if necessary).
* @return A FractionPrecision for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter precision() setter.
* @stable ICU 60
static FractionPrecision maxFraction(int32_t maxFractionPlaces);
* Show numbers rounded if necessary to a certain number of fraction places (numerals after the decimal separator);
* in addition, always show at least a certain number of places after the decimal separator, padding with zeros if
* necessary.
* @param minFractionPlaces
* The minimum number of numerals to display after the decimal separator (padding with zeros if
* necessary).
* @param maxFractionPlaces
* The maximum number of numerals to display after the decimal separator (rounding if necessary).
* @return A FractionPrecision for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter precision() setter.
* @stable ICU 60
static FractionPrecision minMaxFraction(int32_t minFractionPlaces, int32_t maxFractionPlaces);
* Show numbers rounded if necessary to a certain number of significant digits or significant figures. Additionally,
* pad with zeros to ensure that this number of significant digits/figures are always shown.
* <p>
* This method is equivalent to {@link #minMaxSignificantDigits} with both arguments equal.
* @param minMaxSignificantDigits
* The minimum and maximum number of significant digits to display (rounding if too long or padding with
* zeros if too short).
* @return A precision for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter precision() setter.
* @stable ICU 62
static SignificantDigitsPrecision fixedSignificantDigits(int32_t minMaxSignificantDigits);
* Always show at least a certain number of significant digits/figures, padding with zeros if necessary. Do not
* perform rounding (display numbers to their full precision).
* <p>
* <strong>NOTE:</strong> If you are formatting <em>doubles</em>, see the performance note in {@link #unlimited}.
* @param minSignificantDigits
* The minimum number of significant digits to display (padding with zeros if too short).
* @return A precision for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter precision() setter.
* @stable ICU 62
static SignificantDigitsPrecision minSignificantDigits(int32_t minSignificantDigits);
* Show numbers rounded if necessary to a certain number of significant digits/figures.
* @param maxSignificantDigits
* The maximum number of significant digits to display (rounding if too long).
* @return A precision for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter precision() setter.
* @stable ICU 62
static SignificantDigitsPrecision maxSignificantDigits(int32_t maxSignificantDigits);
* Show numbers rounded if necessary to a certain number of significant digits/figures; in addition, always show at
* least a certain number of significant digits, padding with zeros if necessary.
* @param minSignificantDigits
* The minimum number of significant digits to display (padding with zeros if necessary).
* @param maxSignificantDigits
* The maximum number of significant digits to display (rounding if necessary).
* @return A precision for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter precision() setter.
* @stable ICU 62
static SignificantDigitsPrecision minMaxSignificantDigits(int32_t minSignificantDigits,
int32_t maxSignificantDigits);
* Show numbers rounded if necessary to the closest multiple of a certain rounding increment. For example, if the
* rounding increment is 0.5, then round 1.2 to 1 and round 1.3 to 1.5.
* <p>
* In order to ensure that numbers are padded to the appropriate number of fraction places, call
* withMinFraction() on the return value of this method.
* For example, to round to the nearest 0.5 and always display 2 numerals after the
* decimal separator (to display 1.2 as "1.00" and 1.3 as "1.50"), you can run:
* <pre>
* Precision::increment(0.5).withMinFraction(2)
* </pre>
* @param roundingIncrement
* The increment to which to round numbers.
* @return A precision for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter precision() setter.
* @stable ICU 60
static IncrementPrecision increment(double roundingIncrement);
* Version of `Precision::increment()` that takes an integer at a particular power of 10.
* To round to the nearest 0.5 and display 2 fraction digits, with this function, you should write one of the following:
* <pre>
* Precision::incrementExact(5, -1).withMinFraction(2)
* Precision::incrementExact(50, -2).withMinFraction(2)
* Precision::incrementExact(50, -2)
* </pre>
* This is analagous to ICU4J `Precision.increment(new BigDecimal("0.50"))`.
* This behavior is modeled after ECMA-402. For more information, see:
* @param mantissa
* The increment to which to round numbers.
* @param magnitude
* The power of 10 of the ones digit of the mantissa.
* @return A precision for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter precision() setter.
* @stable ICU 71
static IncrementPrecision incrementExact(uint64_t mantissa, int16_t magnitude);
* Show numbers rounded and padded according to the rules for the currency unit. The most common
* rounding precision settings for currencies include <code>Precision::fixedFraction(2)</code>,
* <code>Precision::integer()</code>, and <code>Precision::increment(0.05)</code> for cash transactions
* ("nickel rounding").
* <p>
* The exact rounding details will be resolved at runtime based on the currency unit specified in the
* NumberFormatter chain. To round according to the rules for one currency while displaying the symbol for another
* currency, the withCurrency() method can be called on the return value of this method.
* @param currencyUsage
* Either STANDARD (for digital transactions) or CASH (for transactions where the rounding increment may
* be limited by the available denominations of cash or coins).
* @return A CurrencyPrecision for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter precision() setter.
* @stable ICU 60
static CurrencyPrecision currency(UCurrencyUsage currencyUsage);
* Configure how trailing zeros are displayed on numbers. For example, to hide trailing zeros
* when the number is an integer, use UNUM_TRAILING_ZERO_HIDE_IF_WHOLE.
* @param trailingZeroDisplay Option to configure the display of trailing zeros.
* @stable ICU 69
Precision trailingZeroDisplay(UNumberTrailingZeroDisplay trailingZeroDisplay) const;
enum PrecisionType {
// Used for strange increments like 3.14.
// Used for increments with 1 as the only digit. This is different than fraction
// rounding because it supports having additional trailing zeros. For example, this
// class is used to round with the increment 0.010.
// Used for increments with 5 as the only digit (nickel rounding).
} fType;
union PrecisionUnion {
/** @internal (private) */
struct FractionSignificantSettings {
/** @internal (private) */
impl::digits_t fMinFrac;
/** @internal (private) */
impl::digits_t fMaxFrac;
/** @internal (private) */
impl::digits_t fMinSig;
/** @internal (private) */
impl::digits_t fMaxSig;
/** @internal (private) */
UNumberRoundingPriority fPriority;
* Whether to retain trailing zeros based on the looser strategy.
* @internal (private)
bool fRetain;
} fracSig;
/** @internal (private) */
struct IncrementSettings {
// Note: This is a union, so we shouldn't own memory, since
// the default destructor would leak it.
/** @internal (private) */
uint64_t fIncrement;
/** @internal (private) */
impl::digits_t fIncrementMagnitude;
/** @internal (private) */
impl::digits_t fMinFrac;
} increment;
UCurrencyUsage currencyUsage; // For RND_CURRENCY
UErrorCode errorCode; // For RND_ERROR
} fUnion;
UNumberTrailingZeroDisplay fTrailingZeroDisplay = UNUM_TRAILING_ZERO_AUTO;
typedef PrecisionUnion::FractionSignificantSettings FractionSignificantSettings;
typedef PrecisionUnion::IncrementSettings IncrementSettings;
Precision(const PrecisionType& type, const PrecisionUnion& union_)
: fType(type), fUnion(union_) {}
Precision(UErrorCode errorCode) : fType(RND_ERROR) {
fUnion.errorCode = errorCode;
Precision() : fType(RND_BOGUS) {}
bool isBogus() const {
return fType == RND_BOGUS;
UBool copyErrorTo(UErrorCode &status) const {
if (fType == RND_ERROR) {
status = fUnion.errorCode;
return true;
return false;
// On the parent type so that this method can be called internally on Precision instances.
Precision withCurrency(const CurrencyUnit ¤cy, UErrorCode &status) const;
static FractionPrecision constructFraction(int32_t minFrac, int32_t maxFrac);
static Precision constructSignificant(int32_t minSig, int32_t maxSig);
static Precision constructFractionSignificant(
const FractionPrecision &base,
int32_t minSig,
int32_t maxSig,
UNumberRoundingPriority priority,
bool retain);
static IncrementPrecision constructIncrement(uint64_t increment, impl::digits_t magnitude);
static CurrencyPrecision constructCurrency(UCurrencyUsage usage);
// To allow MacroProps/MicroProps to initialize bogus instances:
friend struct impl::MacroProps;
friend struct impl::MicroProps;
// To allow NumberFormatterImpl to access isBogus() and other internal methods:
friend class impl::NumberFormatterImpl;
// To allow NumberPropertyMapper to create instances from DecimalFormatProperties:
friend class impl::NumberPropertyMapper;
// To allow access to the main implementation class:
friend class impl::RoundingImpl;
// To allow child classes to call private methods:
friend class FractionPrecision;
friend class CurrencyPrecision;
friend class IncrementPrecision;
// To allow access to the skeleton generation code:
friend class impl::GeneratorHelpers;
// To allow access to isBogus and the default (bogus) constructor:
friend class units::UnitsRouter;
* A class that defines a rounding precision based on a number of fraction places and optionally significant digits to be
* used when formatting numbers in NumberFormatter.
* <p>
* To create a FractionPrecision, use one of the factory methods on Precision.
* @stable ICU 60
class U_I18N_API FractionPrecision : public Precision {
* Override maximum fraction digits with maximum significant digits depending on the magnitude
* of the number. See UNumberRoundingPriority.
* @param minSignificantDigits
* Pad trailing zeros to achieve this minimum number of significant digits.
* @param maxSignificantDigits
* Round the number to achieve this maximum number of significant digits.
* @param priority
* How to disambiguate between fraction digits and significant digits.
* @return A precision for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter precision() setter.
* @stable ICU 69
Precision withSignificantDigits(
int32_t minSignificantDigits,
int32_t maxSignificantDigits,
UNumberRoundingPriority priority) const;
* Ensure that no less than this number of significant digits are retained when rounding
* according to fraction rules.
* For example, with integer rounding, the number 3.141 becomes "3". However, with minimum
* figures set to 2, 3.141 becomes "3.1" instead.
* This setting does not affect the number of trailing zeros. For example, 3.01 would print as
* "3", not "3.0".
* This is equivalent to `withSignificantDigits(1, minSignificantDigits, RELAXED)`.
* @param minSignificantDigits
* The number of significant figures to guarantee.
* @return A precision for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter precision() setter.
* @stable ICU 60
Precision withMinDigits(int32_t minSignificantDigits) const;
* Ensure that no more than this number of significant digits are retained when rounding
* according to fraction rules.
* For example, with integer rounding, the number 123.4 becomes "123". However, with maximum
* figures set to 2, 123.4 becomes "120" instead.
* This setting does not affect the number of trailing zeros. For example, with fixed fraction
* of 2, 123.4 would become "120.00".
* This is equivalent to `withSignificantDigits(1, maxSignificantDigits, STRICT)`.
* @param maxSignificantDigits
* Round the number to no more than this number of significant figures.
* @return A precision for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter precision() setter.
* @stable ICU 60
Precision withMaxDigits(int32_t maxSignificantDigits) const;
// Inherit constructor
using Precision::Precision;
// To allow parent class to call this class's constructor:
friend class Precision;
* A class that defines a rounding precision parameterized by a currency to be used when formatting numbers in
* NumberFormatter.
* <p>
* To create a CurrencyPrecision, use one of the factory methods on Precision.
* @stable ICU 60
class U_I18N_API CurrencyPrecision : public Precision {
* Associates a currency with this rounding precision.
* <p>
* <strong>Calling this method is <em>not required</em></strong>, because the currency specified in unit()
* is automatically applied to currency rounding precisions. However,
* this method enables you to override that automatic association.
* <p>
* This method also enables numbers to be formatted using currency rounding rules without explicitly using a
* currency format.
* @param currency
* The currency to associate with this rounding precision.
* @return A precision for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter precision() setter.
* @stable ICU 60
Precision withCurrency(const CurrencyUnit ¤cy) const;
// Inherit constructor
using Precision::Precision;
// To allow parent class to call this class's constructor:
friend class Precision;
* A class that defines a rounding precision parameterized by a rounding increment to be used when formatting numbers in
* NumberFormatter.
* <p>
* To create an IncrementPrecision, use one of the factory methods on Precision.
* @stable ICU 60
class U_I18N_API IncrementPrecision : public Precision {
* Specifies the minimum number of fraction digits to render after the decimal separator, padding with zeros if
* necessary. By default, no trailing zeros are added.
* <p>
* For example, if the rounding increment is 0.5 and minFrac is 2, then the resulting strings include "0.00",
* "0.50", "1.00", and "1.50".
* <p>
* Note: In ICU4J, this functionality is accomplished via the scale of the BigDecimal rounding increment.
* @param minFrac The minimum number of digits after the decimal separator.
* @return A precision for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter precision() setter.
* @stable ICU 60
Precision withMinFraction(int32_t minFrac) const;
// Inherit constructor
using Precision::Precision;
// To allow parent class to call this class's constructor:
friend class Precision;
* A class that defines the strategy for padding and truncating integers before the decimal separator.
* <p>
* To create an IntegerWidth, use one of the factory methods.
* @stable ICU 60
* @see NumberFormatter
class U_I18N_API IntegerWidth : public UMemory {
* Pad numbers at the beginning with zeros to guarantee a certain number of numerals before the decimal separator.
* <p>
* For example, with minInt=3, the number 55 will get printed as "055".
* @param minInt
* The minimum number of places before the decimal separator.
* @return An IntegerWidth for chaining or passing to the NumberFormatter integerWidth() setter.
* @stable ICU 60
static IntegerWidth zeroFillTo(int32_t minInt);
* Truncate numbers exceeding a certain number of numerals before the decimal separator.
* For example, with maxInt=3, the number 1234 will get printed as "234".
* @param maxInt
* The maximum number of places before the decimal separator. maxInt == -1 means no
* truncation.
* @return An IntegerWidth for passing to the NumberFormatter integerWidth() setter.
* @stable ICU 60
IntegerWidth truncateAt(int32_t maxInt);
union {
struct {
impl::digits_t fMinInt;
impl::digits_t fMaxInt;
bool fFormatFailIfMoreThanMaxDigits;
} minMaxInt;
UErrorCode errorCode;
} fUnion;
bool fHasError = false;
IntegerWidth(impl::digits_t minInt, impl::digits_t maxInt, bool formatFailIfMoreThanMaxDigits);
IntegerWidth(UErrorCode errorCode) { // NOLINT
fUnion.errorCode = errorCode;
fHasError = true;
IntegerWidth() { // NOLINT
fUnion.minMaxInt.fMinInt = -1;
/** Returns the default instance. */
static IntegerWidth standard() {
return IntegerWidth::zeroFillTo(1);
bool isBogus() const {
return !fHasError && fUnion.minMaxInt.fMinInt == -1;
UBool copyErrorTo(UErrorCode &status) const {
if (fHasError) {
status = fUnion.errorCode;
return true;
return false;
void apply(impl::DecimalQuantity &quantity, UErrorCode &status) const;
bool operator==(const IntegerWidth& other) const;
// To allow MacroProps/MicroProps to initialize empty instances:
friend struct impl::MacroProps;
friend struct impl::MicroProps;
// To allow NumberFormatterImpl to access isBogus():
friend class impl::NumberFormatterImpl;
// To allow the use of this class when formatting:
friend class impl::MutablePatternModifier;
friend class impl::ImmutablePatternModifier;
// So that NumberPropertyMapper can create instances
friend class impl::NumberPropertyMapper;
// To allow access to the skeleton generation code:
friend class impl::GeneratorHelpers;
* A class that defines a quantity by which a number should be multiplied when formatting.
* <p>
* To create a Scale, use one of the factory methods.
* @stable ICU 62
class U_I18N_API Scale : public UMemory {
* Do not change the value of numbers when formatting or parsing.
* @return A Scale to prevent any multiplication.
* @stable ICU 62
static Scale none();
* Multiply numbers by a power of ten before formatting. Useful for combining with a percent unit:
* <pre>
* NumberFormatter::with().unit(NoUnit::percent()).multiplier(Scale::powerOfTen(2))
* </pre>
* @return A Scale for passing to the setter in NumberFormatter.
* @stable ICU 62
static Scale powerOfTen(int32_t power);
* Multiply numbers by an arbitrary value before formatting. Useful for unit conversions.
* This method takes a string in a decimal number format with syntax
* as defined in the Decimal Arithmetic Specification, available at
* Also see the version of this method that takes a double.
* @return A Scale for passing to the setter in NumberFormatter.
* @stable ICU 62
static Scale byDecimal(StringPiece multiplicand);
* Multiply numbers by an arbitrary value before formatting. Useful for unit conversions.
* This method takes a double; also see the version of this method that takes an exact decimal.
* @return A Scale for passing to the setter in NumberFormatter.
* @stable ICU 62
static Scale byDouble(double multiplicand);
* Multiply a number by both a power of ten and by an arbitrary double value.
* @return A Scale for passing to the setter in NumberFormatter.
* @stable ICU 62
static Scale byDoubleAndPowerOfTen(double multiplicand, int32_t power);
// We need a custom destructor for the DecNum, which means we need to declare
// the copy/move constructor/assignment quartet.
/** @stable ICU 62 */
Scale(const Scale& other);
/** @stable ICU 62 */
Scale& operator=(const Scale& other);
/** @stable ICU 62 */
Scale(Scale&& src) noexcept;
/** @stable ICU 62 */
Scale& operator=(Scale&& src) noexcept;
/** @stable ICU 62 */
/** @internal */
Scale(int32_t magnitude, impl::DecNum* arbitraryToAdopt);
#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
int32_t fMagnitude;
impl::DecNum* fArbitrary;
UErrorCode fError;
Scale(UErrorCode error) : fMagnitude(0), fArbitrary(nullptr), fError(error) {}
Scale() : fMagnitude(0), fArbitrary(nullptr), fError(U_ZERO_ERROR) {}
bool isValid() const {
return fMagnitude != 0 || fArbitrary != nullptr;
UBool copyErrorTo(UErrorCode &status) const {
if (U_FAILURE(fError)) {
status = fError;
return true;
return false;
void applyTo(impl::DecimalQuantity& quantity) const;
void applyReciprocalTo(impl::DecimalQuantity& quantity) const;
// To allow MacroProps/MicroProps to initialize empty instances:
friend struct impl::MacroProps;
friend struct impl::MicroProps;
// To allow NumberFormatterImpl to access isBogus() and perform other operations:
friend class impl::NumberFormatterImpl;
// To allow the helper class MultiplierFormatHandler access to private fields:
friend class impl::MultiplierFormatHandler;
// To allow access to the skeleton generation code:
friend class impl::GeneratorHelpers;
// To allow access to parsing code:
friend class ::icu::numparse::impl::NumberParserImpl;
friend class ::icu::numparse::impl::MultiplierParseHandler;
namespace impl {
// Do not enclose entire StringProp with #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API, needed for a protected field.
// And do not enclose its class boilerplate within #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API.
* Manages NumberFormatterSettings::usage()'s char* instance on the heap.
* @internal
class U_I18N_API StringProp : public UMemory {
/** @internal */
/** @internal */
StringProp(const StringProp &other);
/** @internal */
StringProp &operator=(const StringProp &other);
/** @internal */
StringProp(StringProp &&src) noexcept;
/** @internal */
StringProp &operator=(StringProp &&src) noexcept;
/** @internal */
int16_t length() const {
return fLength;
/** @internal
* Makes a copy of value. Set to "" to unset.
void set(StringPiece value);
/** @internal */
bool isSet() const {
return fLength > 0;
char *fValue;
int16_t fLength;
UErrorCode fError;
StringProp() : fValue(nullptr), fLength(0), fError(U_ZERO_ERROR) {
/** @internal (private) */
UBool copyErrorTo(UErrorCode &status) const {
if (U_FAILURE(fError)) {
status = fError;
return true;
return false;
// Allow NumberFormatterImpl to access fValue.
friend class impl::NumberFormatterImpl;
// Allow skeleton generation code to access private members.
friend class impl::GeneratorHelpers;
// Allow MacroProps/MicroProps to initialize empty instances and to call
// copyErrorTo().
friend struct impl::MacroProps;
// Do not enclose entire SymbolsWrapper with #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API, needed for a protected field
/** @internal */
class U_I18N_API SymbolsWrapper : public UMemory {
/** @internal */
SymbolsWrapper() : fType(SYMPTR_NONE), fPtr{nullptr} {}
/** @internal */
SymbolsWrapper(const SymbolsWrapper &other);
/** @internal */
SymbolsWrapper &operator=(const SymbolsWrapper &other);
/** @internal */
SymbolsWrapper(SymbolsWrapper&& src) noexcept;
/** @internal */
SymbolsWrapper &operator=(SymbolsWrapper&& src) noexcept;
/** @internal */
* The provided object is copied, but we do not adopt it.
* @internal
void setTo(const DecimalFormatSymbols &dfs);
* Adopt the provided object.
* @internal
void setTo(const NumberingSystem *ns);
* Whether the object is currently holding a DecimalFormatSymbols.
* @internal
bool isDecimalFormatSymbols() const;
* Whether the object is currently holding a NumberingSystem.
* @internal
bool isNumberingSystem() const;
* Get the DecimalFormatSymbols pointer. No ownership change.
* @internal
const DecimalFormatSymbols *getDecimalFormatSymbols() const;
* Get the NumberingSystem pointer. No ownership change.
* @internal
const NumberingSystem *getNumberingSystem() const;
/** @internal */
UBool copyErrorTo(UErrorCode &status) const {
if (fType == SYMPTR_DFS && fPtr.dfs == nullptr) {
return true;
} else if (fType == SYMPTR_NS && fPtr.ns == nullptr) {
return true;
return false;
enum SymbolsPointerType {
} fType;
union {
const DecimalFormatSymbols *dfs;
const NumberingSystem *ns;
} fPtr;
void doCopyFrom(const SymbolsWrapper &other);
void doMoveFrom(SymbolsWrapper&& src);
void doCleanup();
// Do not enclose entire Grouper with #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API, needed for a protected field
/** @internal */
class U_I18N_API Grouper : public UMemory {
/** @internal */
static Grouper forStrategy(UNumberGroupingStrategy grouping);
* Resolve the values in Properties to a Grouper object.
* @internal
static Grouper forProperties(const DecimalFormatProperties& properties);
// Future: static Grouper forProperties(DecimalFormatProperties& properties);
/** @internal */
Grouper(int16_t grouping1, int16_t grouping2, int16_t minGrouping, UNumberGroupingStrategy strategy)
: fGrouping1(grouping1),
fStrategy(strategy) {}
/** @internal */
int16_t getPrimary() const;
/** @internal */
int16_t getSecondary() const;
* The grouping sizes, with the following special values:
* <ul>
* <li>-1 = no grouping
* <li>-2 = needs locale data
* <li>-4 = fall back to Western grouping if not in locale
* </ul>
int16_t fGrouping1;
int16_t fGrouping2;
* The minimum grouping size, with the following special values:
* <ul>
* <li>-2 = needs locale data
* <li>-3 = no less than 2
* </ul>
int16_t fMinGrouping;
* The UNumberGroupingStrategy that was used to create this Grouper, or UNUM_GROUPING_COUNT if this
* was not created from a UNumberGroupingStrategy.
UNumberGroupingStrategy fStrategy;
Grouper() : fGrouping1(-3) {}
bool isBogus() const {
return fGrouping1 == -3;
/** NON-CONST: mutates the current instance. */
void setLocaleData(const impl::ParsedPatternInfo &patternInfo, const Locale& locale);
bool groupAtPosition(int32_t position, const impl::DecimalQuantity &value) const;
// To allow MacroProps/MicroProps to initialize empty instances:
friend struct MacroProps;
friend struct MicroProps;
friend struct SimpleMicroProps;
// To allow NumberFormatterImpl to access isBogus() and perform other operations:
friend class NumberFormatterImpl;
friend class ::icu::number::SimpleNumberFormatter;
// To allow NumberParserImpl to perform setLocaleData():
friend class ::icu::numparse::impl::NumberParserImpl;
// To allow access to the skeleton generation code:
friend class impl::GeneratorHelpers;
// Do not enclose entire Padder with #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API, needed for a protected field
/** @internal */
class U_I18N_API Padder : public UMemory {
/** @internal */
static Padder none();
/** @internal */
static Padder codePoints(UChar32 cp, int32_t targetWidth, UNumberFormatPadPosition position);
/** @internal */
static Padder forProperties(const DecimalFormatProperties& properties);
UChar32 fWidth; // -3 = error; -2 = bogus; -1 = no padding
union {
struct {
int32_t fCp;
UNumberFormatPadPosition fPosition;
} padding;
UErrorCode errorCode;
} fUnion;
Padder(UChar32 cp, int32_t width, UNumberFormatPadPosition position);
Padder(int32_t width);
Padder(UErrorCode errorCode) : fWidth(-3) { // NOLINT
fUnion.errorCode = errorCode;
Padder() : fWidth(-2) {} // NOLINT
bool isBogus() const {
return fWidth == -2;
UBool copyErrorTo(UErrorCode &status) const {
if (fWidth == -3) {
status = fUnion.errorCode;
return true;
return false;
bool isValid() const {
return fWidth > 0;
int32_t padAndApply(const impl::Modifier &mod1, const impl::Modifier &mod2,
FormattedStringBuilder &string, int32_t leftIndex, int32_t rightIndex,
UErrorCode &status) const;
// To allow MacroProps/MicroProps to initialize empty instances:
friend struct MacroProps;
friend struct MicroProps;
// To allow NumberFormatterImpl to access isBogus() and perform other operations:
friend class impl::NumberFormatterImpl;
// To allow access to the skeleton generation code:
friend class impl::GeneratorHelpers;
// Do not enclose entire MacroProps with #ifndef U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API, needed for a protected field
/** @internal */
struct U_I18N_API MacroProps : public UMemory {
/** @internal */
Notation notation;
/** @internal */
MeasureUnit unit; // = MeasureUnit(); (the base dimensionless unit)
/** @internal */
MeasureUnit perUnit; // = MeasureUnit(); (the base dimensionless unit)
/** @internal */
Precision precision; // = Precision(); (bogus)
/** @internal */
UNumberFormatRoundingMode roundingMode = UNUM_ROUND_HALFEVEN;
/** @internal */
Grouper grouper; // = Grouper(); (bogus)
/** @internal */
Padder padder; // = Padder(); (bogus)
/** @internal */
IntegerWidth integerWidth; // = IntegerWidth(); (bogus)
/** @internal */
SymbolsWrapper symbols;
// UNUM_XYZ_COUNT denotes null (bogus) values.
/** @internal */
UNumberUnitWidth unitWidth = UNUM_UNIT_WIDTH_COUNT;
/** @internal */
UNumberSignDisplay sign = UNUM_SIGN_COUNT;
/** @internal */
bool approximately = false;
/** @internal */
UNumberDecimalSeparatorDisplay decimal = UNUM_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_COUNT;
/** @internal */
Scale scale; // = Scale(); (benign value)
/** @internal */
StringProp usage; // = StringProp(); (no usage)
/** @internal */
StringProp unitDisplayCase; // = StringProp(); (nominative)
/** @internal */
const AffixPatternProvider* affixProvider = nullptr; // no ownership
/** @internal */
const PluralRules* rules = nullptr; // no ownership
/** @internal */
int32_t threshold = kInternalDefaultThreshold;
/** @internal */
Locale locale;
// NOTE: Uses default copy and move constructors.
* Check all members for errors.
* @internal
bool copyErrorTo(UErrorCode &status) const {
return notation.copyErrorTo(status) || precision.copyErrorTo(status) ||
padder.copyErrorTo(status) || integerWidth.copyErrorTo(status) ||
symbols.copyErrorTo(status) || scale.copyErrorTo(status) || usage.copyErrorTo(status) ||
} // namespace impl
// Ignore MSVC warning 4661. This is generated for NumberFormatterSettings<>::toSkeleton() as this method
// is defined elsewhere (in number_skeletons.cpp). The compiler is warning that the explicit template instantiation
// inside this single translation unit (CPP file) is incomplete, and thus it isn't sure if the template class is
// fully defined. However, since each translation unit explicitly instantiates all the necessary template classes,
// they will all be passed to the linker, and the linker will still find and export all the class members.
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4661)
* An abstract base class for specifying settings related to number formatting. This class is implemented by
* {@link UnlocalizedNumberFormatter} and {@link LocalizedNumberFormatter}. This class is not intended for
* public subclassing.
template<typename Derived>
class U_I18N_API NumberFormatterSettings {
* Specifies the notation style (simple, scientific, or compact) for rendering numbers.
* <ul>
* <li>Simple notation: "12,300"
* <li>Scientific notation: "1.23E4"
* <li>Compact notation: "12K"
* </ul>
* <p>
* All notation styles will be properly localized with locale data, and all notation styles are compatible with
* units, rounding precisions, and other number formatter settings.
* <p>
* Pass this method the return value of a {@link Notation} factory method. For example:
* <pre>
* NumberFormatter::with().notation(Notation::compactShort())
* </pre>
* The default is to use simple notation.
* @param notation
* The notation strategy to use.
* @return The fluent chain.
* @see Notation
* @stable ICU 60
Derived notation(const Notation ¬ation) const &;
* Overload of notation() for use on an rvalue reference.
* @param notation
* The notation strategy to use.
* @return The fluent chain.
* @see #notation
* @stable ICU 62
Derived notation(const Notation ¬ation) &&;
* Specifies the unit (unit of measure, currency, or percent) to associate with rendered numbers.
* <ul>
* <li>Unit of measure: "12.3 meters"
* <li>Currency: "$12.30"
* <li>Percent: "12.3%"
* </ul>
* All units will be properly localized with locale data, and all units are compatible with notation styles,
* rounding precisions, and other number formatter settings.
* \note If the usage() is set, the output unit **will be changed** to
* produce localised units, according to usage, locale and unit. See
* FormattedNumber::getOutputUnit().
* Pass this method any instance of {@link MeasureUnit}. For units of measure:
* <pre>
* NumberFormatter::with().unit(MeasureUnit::getMeter())
* NumberFormatter::with().unit(MeasureUnit::forIdentifier("foot-per-second", status))
* </pre>
* Currency:
* <pre>
* NumberFormatter::with().unit(CurrencyUnit(u"USD", status))
* </pre>
* Percent:
* <pre>
* NumberFormatter::with().unit(NoUnit.percent())
* </pre>
* See {@link #perUnit} for information on how to format strings like "5 meters per second".
* The default is to render without units (equivalent to NoUnit.base()).
* @param unit
* The unit to render.
* @return The fluent chain.
* @see MeasureUnit
* @see Currency
* @see NoUnit
* @see #perUnit
* @stable ICU 60
Derived unit(const icu::MeasureUnit &unit) const &;
* Overload of unit() for use on an rvalue reference.
* @param unit
* The unit to render.
* @return The fluent chain.
* @see #unit
* @stable ICU 62
Derived unit(const icu::MeasureUnit &unit) &&;
* Like unit(), but takes ownership of a pointer. Convenient for use with the MeasureFormat factory
* methods that return pointers that need ownership.
* Note: consider using the MeasureFormat factory methods that return by value.
* @param unit
* The unit to render.
* @return The fluent chain.
* @see #unit
* @see MeasureUnit
* @stable ICU 60
Derived adoptUnit(icu::MeasureUnit *unit) const &;
* Overload of adoptUnit() for use on an rvalue reference.
* @param unit
* The unit to render.
* @return The fluent chain.
* @see #adoptUnit
* @stable ICU 62
Derived adoptUnit(icu::MeasureUnit *unit) &&;
* Sets a unit to be used in the denominator. For example, to format "3 m/s", pass METER to the unit and SECOND to
* the perUnit.
* Pass this method any instance of {@link MeasureUnit}. Example:
* <pre>
* NumberFormatter::with()
* .unit(MeasureUnit::getMeter())
* .perUnit(MeasureUnit::getSecond())
* </pre>
* The default is not to display any unit in the denominator.
* If a per-unit is specified without a primary unit via {@link #unit}, the behavior is undefined.
* @param perUnit
* The unit to render in the denominator.
* @return The fluent chain
* @see #unit
* @stable ICU 61
Derived perUnit(const icu::MeasureUnit &perUnit) const &;
* Overload of perUnit() for use on an rvalue reference.
* @param perUnit
* The unit to render in the denominator.
* @return The fluent chain.
* @see #perUnit
* @stable ICU 62
Derived perUnit(const icu::MeasureUnit &perUnit) &&;
* Like perUnit(), but takes ownership of a pointer. Convenient for use with the MeasureFormat factory
* methods that return pointers that need ownership.
* Note: consider using the MeasureFormat factory methods that return by value.
* @param perUnit
* The unit to render in the denominator.
* @return The fluent chain.
* @see #perUnit
* @see MeasureUnit
* @stable ICU 61
Derived adoptPerUnit(icu::MeasureUnit *perUnit) const &;
* Overload of adoptPerUnit() for use on an rvalue reference.
* @param perUnit
* The unit to render in the denominator.
* @return The fluent chain.
* @see #adoptPerUnit
* @stable ICU 62
Derived adoptPerUnit(icu::MeasureUnit *perUnit) &&;
* Specifies the rounding precision to use when formatting numbers.
* <ul>
* <li>Round to 3 decimal places: "3.142"
* <li>Round to 3 significant figures: "3.14"
* <li>Round to the closest nickel: "3.15"
* <li>Do not perform rounding: "3.1415926..."
* </ul>
* <p>
* Pass this method the return value of one of the factory methods on {@link Precision}. For example:
* <pre>
* NumberFormatter::with().precision(Precision::fixedFraction(2))
* </pre>
* <p>
* In most cases, the default rounding strategy is to round to 6 fraction places; i.e.,
* <code>Precision.maxFraction(6)</code>. The exceptions are if compact notation is being used, then the compact
* notation rounding strategy is used (see {@link Notation#compactShort} for details), or if the unit is a currency,
* then standard currency rounding is used, which varies from currency to currency (see {@link Precision#currency} for
* details).
* @param precision
* The rounding precision to use.
* @return The fluent chain.
* @see Precision
* @stable ICU 62
Derived precision(const Precision& precision) const &;
* Overload of precision() for use on an rvalue reference.
* @param precision
* The rounding precision to use.
* @return The fluent chain.
* @see #precision
* @stable ICU 62
Derived precision(const Precision& precision) &&;
* Specifies how to determine the direction to round a number when it has more digits than fit in the
* desired precision. When formatting 1.235:
* <ul>
* <li>Ceiling rounding mode with integer precision: "2"
* <li>Half-down rounding mode with 2 fixed fraction digits: "1.23"
* <li>Half-up rounding mode with 2 fixed fraction digits: "1.24"
* </ul>
* The default is HALF_EVEN. For more information on rounding mode, see the ICU userguide here:
* @param roundingMode The rounding mode to use.
* @return The fluent chain.
* @stable ICU 62
Derived roundingMode(UNumberFormatRoundingMode roundingMode) const &;
* Overload of roundingMode() for use on an rvalue reference.
* @param roundingMode The rounding mode to use.
* @return The fluent chain.
* @see #roundingMode
* @stable ICU 62
Derived roundingMode(UNumberFormatRoundingMode roundingMode) &&;
* Specifies the grouping strategy to use when formatting numbers.
* <ul>
* <li>Default grouping: "12,300" and "1,230"
* <li>Grouping with at least 2 digits: "12,300" and "1230"
* <li>No grouping: "12300" and "1230"
* </ul>
* <p>
* The exact grouping widths will be chosen based on the locale.
* <p>
* Pass this method an element from the {@link UNumberGroupingStrategy} enum. For example:
* <pre>
* NumberFormatter::with().grouping(UNUM_GROUPING_MIN2)
* </pre>
* The default is to perform grouping according to locale data; most locales, but not all locales,
* enable it by default.
* @param strategy
* The grouping strategy to use.
* @return The fluent chain.
* @stable ICU 61
Derived grouping(UNumberGroupingStrategy strategy) const &;
* Overload of grouping() for use on an rvalue reference.
* @param strategy
* The grouping strategy to use.
* @return The fluent chain.
* @see #grouping
* @stable ICU 62
Derived grouping(UNumberGroupingStrategy strategy) &&;
* Specifies the minimum and maximum number of digits to render before the decimal mark.
* <ul>
* <li>Zero minimum integer digits: ".08"
* <li>One minimum integer digit: "0.08"
* <li>Two minimum integer digits: "00.08"
* </ul>
* <p>
* Pass this method the return value of {@link IntegerWidth#zeroFillTo}. For example:
* <pre>
* NumberFormatter::with().integerWidth(IntegerWidth::zeroFillTo(2))
* </pre>
* The default is to have one minimum integer digit.
* @param style
* The integer width to use.
* @return The fluent chain.
* @see IntegerWidth
* @stable ICU 60
Derived integerWidth(const IntegerWidth &style) const &;
* Overload of integerWidth() for use on an rvalue reference.
* @param style
* The integer width to use.
* @return The fluent chain.
* @see #integerWidth
* @stable ICU 62
Derived integerWidth(const IntegerWidth &style) &&;
* Specifies the symbols (decimal separator, grouping separator, percent sign, numerals, etc.) to use when rendering
* numbers.
* <ul>
* <li><em>en_US</em> symbols: "12,345.67"
* <li><em>fr_FR</em> symbols: "12 345,67"
* <li><em>de_CH</em> symbols: "12’345.67"
* <li><em>my_MY</em> symbols: "၁၂,၃၄၅.၆၇"
* </ul>
* <p>
* Pass this method an instance of {@link DecimalFormatSymbols}. For example:
* <pre>
* NumberFormatter::with().symbols(DecimalFormatSymbols(Locale("de_CH"), status))
* </pre>
* <p>
* <strong>Note:</strong> DecimalFormatSymbols automatically chooses the best numbering system based on the locale.
* In the examples above, the first three are using the Latin numbering system, and the fourth is using the Myanmar
* numbering system.
* <p>
* <strong>Note:</strong> The instance of DecimalFormatSymbols will be copied: changes made to the symbols object
* after passing it into the fluent chain will not be seen.
* <p>
* <strong>Note:</strong> Calling this method will override any previously specified DecimalFormatSymbols
* or NumberingSystem.
* <p>
* The default is to choose the symbols based on the locale specified in the fluent chain.
* @param symbols
* The DecimalFormatSymbols to use.
* @return The fluent chain.
* @see DecimalFormatSymbols
* @stable ICU 60
Derived symbols(const DecimalFormatSymbols &symbols) const &;
* Overload of symbols() for use on an rvalue reference.
* @param symbols
* The DecimalFormatSymbols to use.
* @return The fluent chain.
* @see #symbols
* @stable ICU 62
Derived symbols(const DecimalFormatSymbols &symbols) &&;
* Specifies that the given numbering system should be used when fetching symbols.
* <ul>
* <li>Latin numbering system: "12,345"
* <li>Myanmar numbering system: "၁၂,၃၄၅"
* <li>Math Sans Bold numbering system: "𝟭𝟮,𝟯𝟰𝟱"
* </ul>
* <p>
* Pass this method an instance of {@link NumberingSystem}. For example, to force the locale to always use the Latin
* alphabet numbering system (ASCII digits):
* <pre>
* NumberFormatter::with().adoptSymbols(NumberingSystem::createInstanceByName("latn", status))
* </pre>
* <p>
* <strong>Note:</strong> Calling this method will override any previously specified DecimalFormatSymbols
* or NumberingSystem.
* <p>
* The default is to choose the best numbering system for the locale.
* <p>
* This method takes ownership of a pointer in order to work nicely with the NumberingSystem factory methods.
* @param symbols
* The NumberingSystem to use.
* @return The fluent chain.
* @see NumberingSystem
* @stable ICU 60
Derived adoptSymbols(NumberingSystem *symbols) const &;
* Overload of adoptSymbols() for use on an rvalue reference.
* @param symbols
* The NumberingSystem to use.
* @return The fluent chain.
* @see #adoptSymbols
* @stable ICU 62
Derived adoptSymbols(NumberingSystem *symbols) &&;
* Sets the width of the unit (measure unit or currency). Most common values:
* <ul>
* <li>Short: "$12.00", "12 m"
* <li>ISO Code: "USD 12.00"
* <li>Full name: "12.00 US dollars", "12 meters"
* </ul>
* <p>
* Pass an element from the {@link UNumberUnitWidth} enum to this setter. For example:
* <pre>
* NumberFormatter::with().unitWidth(UNumberUnitWidth::UNUM_UNIT_WIDTH_FULL_NAME)
* </pre>
* <p>
* The default is the SHORT width.
* @param width
* The width to use when rendering numbers.
* @return The fluent chain
* @see UNumberUnitWidth
* @stable ICU 60
Derived unitWidth(UNumberUnitWidth width) const &;
* Overload of unitWidth() for use on an rvalue reference.
* @param width
* The width to use when rendering numbers.
* @return The fluent chain.
* @see #unitWidth
* @stable ICU 62
Derived unitWidth(UNumberUnitWidth width) &&;
* Sets the plus/minus sign display strategy. Most common values:
* <ul>
* <li>Auto: "123", "-123"
* <li>Always: "+123", "-123"
* <li>Accounting: "$123", "($123)"
* </ul>
* <p>
* Pass an element from the {@link UNumberSignDisplay} enum to this setter. For example:
* <pre>
* NumberFormatter::with().sign(UNumberSignDisplay::UNUM_SIGN_ALWAYS)
* </pre>
* <p>
* The default is AUTO sign display.
* @param style
* The sign display strategy to use when rendering numbers.
* @return The fluent chain
* @see UNumberSignDisplay
* @stable ICU 60
Derived sign(UNumberSignDisplay style) const &;
* Overload of sign() for use on an rvalue reference.
* @param style
* The sign display strategy to use when rendering numbers.
* @return The fluent chain.
* @see #sign
* @stable ICU 62
Derived sign(UNumberSignDisplay style) &&;
* Sets the decimal separator display strategy. This affects integer numbers with no fraction part. Most common
* values:
* <ul>
* <li>Auto: "1"
* <li>Always: "1."
* </ul>
* <p>
* Pass an element from the {@link UNumberDecimalSeparatorDisplay} enum to this setter. For example:
* <pre>
* NumberFormatter::with().decimal(UNumberDecimalSeparatorDisplay::UNUM_DECIMAL_SEPARATOR_ALWAYS)
* </pre>
* <p>
* The default is AUTO decimal separator display.
* @param style
* The decimal separator display strategy to use when rendering numbers.
* @return The fluent chain
* @see UNumberDecimalSeparatorDisplay
* @stable ICU 60
Derived decimal(UNumberDecimalSeparatorDisplay style) const &;
* Overload of decimal() for use on an rvalue reference.
* @param style
* The decimal separator display strategy to use when rendering numbers.
* @return The fluent chain.
* @see #decimal
* @stable ICU 62
Derived decimal(UNumberDecimalSeparatorDisplay style) &&;
* Sets a scale (multiplier) to be used to scale the number by an arbitrary amount before formatting.
* Most common values:
* <ul>
* <li>Multiply by 100: useful for percentages.
* <li>Multiply by an arbitrary value: useful for unit conversions.
* </ul>
* <p>
* Pass an element from a {@link Scale} factory method to this setter. For example:
* <pre>
* NumberFormatter::with().scale(Scale::powerOfTen(2))
* </pre>
* <p>
* The default is to not apply any multiplier.
* @param scale
* The scale to apply when rendering numbers.
* @return The fluent chain
* @stable ICU 62
Derived scale(const Scale &scale) const &;
* Overload of scale() for use on an rvalue reference.
* @param scale
* The scale to apply when rendering numbers.
* @return The fluent chain.
* @see #scale
* @stable ICU 62
Derived scale(const Scale &scale) &&;
* Specifies the usage for which numbers will be formatted ("person-height",
* "road", "rainfall", etc.)
* When a `usage` is specified, the output unit will change depending on the
* `Locale` and the unit quantity. For example, formatting length
* measurements specified in meters:
* `NumberFormatter::with().usage("person").unit(MeasureUnit::getMeter()).locale("en-US")`
* * When formatting 0.25, the output will be "10 inches".
* * When formatting 1.50, the output will be "4 feet and 11 inches".
* The input unit specified via unit() determines the type of measurement
* being formatted (e.g. "length" when the unit is "foot"). The usage
* requested will be looked for only within this category of measurement
* units.
* The output unit can be found via FormattedNumber::getOutputUnit().
* If the usage has multiple parts (e.g. "land-agriculture-grain") and does
* not match a known usage preference, the last part will be dropped
* repeatedly until a match is found (e.g. trying "land-agriculture", then
* "land"). If a match is still not found, usage will fall back to
* "default".
* Setting usage to an empty string clears the usage (disables usage-based
* localized formatting).
* Setting a usage string but not a correct input unit will result in an
* When using usage, specifying rounding or precision is unnecessary.
* Specifying a precision in some manner will override the default
* formatting.
* @param usage A `usage` parameter from the units resource. See the
* unitPreferenceData in *source/data/misc/units.txt*, generated from
* `unitPreferenceData` in [CLDR's
* supplemental/units.xml](
* @return The fluent chain.
* @stable ICU 68
Derived usage(StringPiece usage) const &;
* Overload of usage() for use on an rvalue reference.
* @param usage The unit `usage`.
* @return The fluent chain.
* @stable ICU 68
Derived usage(StringPiece usage) &&;
* Specifies the DisplayOptions. For example, UDisplayOptionsGrammaticalCase specifies
* the desired case for a unit formatter's output (e.g. accusative, dative, genitive).
* @param displayOptions
* @return The fluent chain.
* @stable ICU 72
Derived displayOptions(const DisplayOptions &displayOptions) const &;
* Overload of displayOptions() for use on an rvalue reference.
* @param displayOptions
* @return The fluent chain.
* @stable ICU 72
Derived displayOptions(const DisplayOptions &displayOptions) &&;
* NOTE: Use `displayOptions` instead. This method was part of
* an internal technology preview in ICU 69, but will be removed
* in ICU 73, in favor of `displayOptions`
* Specifies the desired case for a unit formatter's output (e.g.
* accusative, dative, genitive).
* @internal
Derived unitDisplayCase(StringPiece unitDisplayCase) const &;
* NOTE: Use `displayOptions` instead. This method was part of
* an internal technology preview in ICU 69, but will be removed
* in ICU 73, in favor of `displayOptions`
* Overload of unitDisplayCase() for use on an rvalue reference.
* @internal
Derived unitDisplayCase(StringPiece unitDisplayCase) &&;
* Set the padding strategy. May be added in the future; see #13338.
* @internal ICU 60: This API is ICU internal only.
Derived padding(const impl::Padder &padder) const &;
/** @internal */
Derived padding(const impl::Padder &padder) &&;
* Internal fluent setter to support a custom regulation threshold. A threshold of 1 causes the data structures to
* be built right away. A threshold of 0 prevents the data structures from being built.
* @internal ICU 60: This API is ICU internal only.
Derived threshold(int32_t threshold) const &;
/** @internal */
Derived threshold(int32_t threshold) &&;
* Internal fluent setter to overwrite the entire macros object.
* @internal ICU 60: This API is ICU internal only.
Derived macros(const impl::MacroProps& macros) const &;
/** @internal */
Derived macros(const impl::MacroProps& macros) &&;
/** @internal */
Derived macros(impl::MacroProps&& macros) const &;
/** @internal */
Derived macros(impl::MacroProps&& macros) &&;
#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
* Creates a skeleton string representation of this number formatter. A skeleton string is a
* locale-agnostic serialized form of a number formatter.
* Not all options are capable of being represented in the skeleton string; for example, a
* DecimalFormatSymbols object. If any such option is encountered, the error code is set to
* The returned skeleton is in normalized form, such that two number formatters with equivalent
* behavior should produce the same skeleton.
* For more information on number skeleton strings, see:
* @return A number skeleton string with behavior corresponding to this number formatter.
* @stable ICU 62
UnicodeString toSkeleton(UErrorCode& status) const;
* Returns the current (Un)LocalizedNumberFormatter as a LocalPointer
* wrapping a heap-allocated copy of the current object.
* This is equivalent to new-ing the move constructor with a value object
* as the argument.
* @return A wrapped (Un)LocalizedNumberFormatter pointer, or a wrapped
* nullptr on failure.
* @stable ICU 64
LocalPointer<Derived> clone() const &;
* Overload of clone for use on an rvalue reference.
* @return A wrapped (Un)LocalizedNumberFormatter pointer, or a wrapped
* nullptr on failure.
* @stable ICU 64
LocalPointer<Derived> clone() &&;
* Sets the UErrorCode if an error occurred in the fluent chain.
* Preserves older error codes in the outErrorCode.
* @return true if U_FAILURE(outErrorCode)
* @stable ICU 60
UBool copyErrorTo(UErrorCode &outErrorCode) const {
if (U_FAILURE(outErrorCode)) {
// Do not overwrite the older error code
return true;
return U_FAILURE(outErrorCode);
// NOTE: Uses default copy and move constructors.
impl::MacroProps fMacros;
// Don't construct me directly! Use (Un)LocalizedNumberFormatter.
NumberFormatterSettings() = default;
friend class LocalizedNumberFormatter;
friend class UnlocalizedNumberFormatter;
// Give NumberRangeFormatter access to the MacroProps
friend void impl::touchRangeLocales(impl::RangeMacroProps& macros);
friend class impl::NumberRangeFormatterImpl;
// Explicit instantiations in source/i18n/number_fluent.cpp.
// (MSVC treats imports/exports of explicit instantiations differently.)
#ifndef _MSC_VER
extern template class NumberFormatterSettings<UnlocalizedNumberFormatter>;
extern template class NumberFormatterSettings<LocalizedNumberFormatter>;
* A NumberFormatter that does not yet have a locale. In order to format numbers, a locale must be specified.
* Instances of this class are immutable and thread-safe.
* @see NumberFormatter
* @stable ICU 60
class U_I18N_API UnlocalizedNumberFormatter
: public NumberFormatterSettings<UnlocalizedNumberFormatter>, public UMemory {
* Associate the given locale with the number formatter. The locale is used for picking the appropriate symbols,
* formats, and other data for number display.
* @param locale
* The locale to use when loading data for number formatting.
* @return The fluent chain.
* @stable ICU 60
LocalizedNumberFormatter locale(const icu::Locale &locale) const &;
* Overload of locale() for use on an rvalue reference.
* @param locale
* The locale to use when loading data for number formatting.
* @return The fluent chain.
* @see #locale
* @stable ICU 62
LocalizedNumberFormatter locale(const icu::Locale &locale) &&;
* Default constructor: puts the formatter into a valid but undefined state.
* @stable ICU 62
UnlocalizedNumberFormatter() = default;
* Returns a copy of this UnlocalizedNumberFormatter.
* @stable ICU 60
UnlocalizedNumberFormatter(const UnlocalizedNumberFormatter &other);
* Move constructor:
* The source UnlocalizedNumberFormatter will be left in a valid but undefined state.
* @stable ICU 62
UnlocalizedNumberFormatter(UnlocalizedNumberFormatter&& src) noexcept;
* Copy assignment operator.
* @stable ICU 62
UnlocalizedNumberFormatter& operator=(const UnlocalizedNumberFormatter& other);
* Move assignment operator:
* The source UnlocalizedNumberFormatter will be left in a valid but undefined state.
* @stable ICU 62
UnlocalizedNumberFormatter& operator=(UnlocalizedNumberFormatter&& src) noexcept;
explicit UnlocalizedNumberFormatter(const NumberFormatterSettings<UnlocalizedNumberFormatter>& other);
explicit UnlocalizedNumberFormatter(
NumberFormatterSettings<UnlocalizedNumberFormatter>&& src) noexcept;
// To give the fluent setters access to this class's constructor:
friend class NumberFormatterSettings<UnlocalizedNumberFormatter>;
// To give NumberFormatter::with() access to this class's constructor:
friend class NumberFormatter;
* A NumberFormatter that has a locale associated with it; this means .format() methods are available.
* Instances of this class are immutable and thread-safe.
* @see NumberFormatter
* @stable ICU 60
class U_I18N_API LocalizedNumberFormatter
: public NumberFormatterSettings<LocalizedNumberFormatter>, public UMemory {
* Format the given integer number to a string using the settings specified in the NumberFormatter fluent
* setting chain.
* @param value
* The number to format.
* @param status
* Set to an ErrorCode if one occurred in the setter chain or during formatting.
* @return A FormattedNumber object; call .toString() to get the string.
* @stable ICU 60
FormattedNumber formatInt(int64_t value, UErrorCode &status) const;
* Format the given float or double to a string using the settings specified in the NumberFormatter fluent setting
* chain.
* @param value
* The number to format.
* @param status
* Set to an ErrorCode if one occurred in the setter chain or during formatting.
* @return A FormattedNumber object; call .toString() to get the string.
* @stable ICU 60
FormattedNumber formatDouble(double value, UErrorCode &status) const;
* Format the given decimal number to a string using the settings
* specified in the NumberFormatter fluent setting chain.
* The syntax of the unformatted number is a "numeric string"
* as defined in the Decimal Arithmetic Specification, available at
* @param value
* The number to format.
* @param status
* Set to an ErrorCode if one occurred in the setter chain or during formatting.
* @return A FormattedNumber object; call .toString() to get the string.
* @stable ICU 60
FormattedNumber formatDecimal(StringPiece value, UErrorCode& status) const;
* @internal
const DecimalFormatSymbols* getDecimalFormatSymbols() const;
/** Internal method.
* @internal
FormattedNumber formatDecimalQuantity(const impl::DecimalQuantity& dq, UErrorCode& status) const;
/** Internal method for DecimalFormat compatibility.
* @internal
void getAffixImpl(bool isPrefix, bool isNegative, UnicodeString& result, UErrorCode& status) const;
* Internal method for testing.
* @internal
const impl::NumberFormatterImpl* getCompiled() const;
* Internal method for testing.
* @internal
int32_t getCallCount() const;
#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
* Creates a representation of this LocalizedNumberFormat as an icu::Format, enabling the use
* of this number formatter with APIs that need an object of that type, such as MessageFormat.
* This API is not intended to be used other than for enabling API compatibility. The formatDouble,
* formatInt, and formatDecimal methods should normally be used when formatting numbers, not the Format
* object returned by this method.
* The caller owns the returned object and must delete it when finished.
* @return A Format wrapping this LocalizedNumberFormatter.
* @stable ICU 62
Format* toFormat(UErrorCode& status) const;
* Default constructor: puts the formatter into a valid but undefined state.
* @stable ICU 62
LocalizedNumberFormatter() = default;
* Returns a copy of this LocalizedNumberFormatter.
* @stable ICU 60
LocalizedNumberFormatter(const LocalizedNumberFormatter &other);
* Move constructor:
* The source LocalizedNumberFormatter will be left in a valid but undefined state.
* @stable ICU 62
LocalizedNumberFormatter(LocalizedNumberFormatter&& src) noexcept;
* Copy assignment operator.
* @stable ICU 62
LocalizedNumberFormatter& operator=(const LocalizedNumberFormatter& other);
* Move assignment operator:
* The source LocalizedNumberFormatter will be left in a valid but undefined state.
* @stable ICU 62
LocalizedNumberFormatter& operator=(LocalizedNumberFormatter&& src) noexcept;
* This is the core entrypoint to the number formatting pipeline. It performs self-regulation: a static code path
* for the first few calls, and compiling a more efficient data structure if called repeatedly.
* <p>
* This function is very hot, being called in every call to the number formatting pipeline.
* @param results
* The results object. This method will mutate it to save the results.
* @param status
* @internal
void formatImpl(impl::UFormattedNumberData *results, UErrorCode &status) const;
#endif /* U_HIDE_INTERNAL_API */
* Destruct this LocalizedNumberFormatter, cleaning up any memory it might own.
* @stable ICU 60
// Note: fCompiled can't be a LocalPointer because impl::NumberFormatterImpl is defined in an internal
// header, and LocalPointer needs the full class definition in order to delete the instance.
const impl::NumberFormatterImpl* fCompiled {nullptr};
char fUnsafeCallCount[8] {}; // internally cast to u_atomic_int32_t
// Owned pointer to a DecimalFormatWarehouse, used when copying a LocalizedNumberFormatter
// from a DecimalFormat.
const impl::DecimalFormatWarehouse* fWarehouse {nullptr};
explicit LocalizedNumberFormatter(const NumberFormatterSettings<LocalizedNumberFormatter>& other);
explicit LocalizedNumberFormatter(NumberFormatterSettings<LocalizedNumberFormatter>&& src) noexcept;
LocalizedNumberFormatter(const impl::MacroProps ¯os, const Locale &locale);
LocalizedNumberFormatter(impl::MacroProps &¯os, const Locale &locale);
void resetCompiled();
void lnfMoveHelper(LocalizedNumberFormatter&& src);
void lnfCopyHelper(const LocalizedNumberFormatter& src, UErrorCode& status);
* @return true if the compiled formatter is available.
bool computeCompiled(UErrorCode& status) const;
// To give the fluent setters access to this class's constructor:
friend class NumberFormatterSettings<UnlocalizedNumberFormatter>;
friend class NumberFormatterSettings<LocalizedNumberFormatter>;
// To give UnlocalizedNumberFormatter::locale() access to this class's constructor:
friend class UnlocalizedNumberFormatter;
// Warning 4661.
#pragma warning(pop)
* See the main description in numberformatter.h for documentation and examples.
* @stable ICU 60
class U_I18N_API NumberFormatter final {
* Call this method at the beginning of a NumberFormatter fluent chain in which the locale is not currently known at
* the call site.
* @return An {@link UnlocalizedNumberFormatter}, to be used for chaining.
* @stable ICU 60
static UnlocalizedNumberFormatter with();
* Call this method at the beginning of a NumberFormatter fluent chain in which the locale is known at the call
* site.
* @param locale
* The locale from which to load formats and symbols for number formatting.
* @return A {@link LocalizedNumberFormatter}, to be used for chaining.
* @stable ICU 60
static LocalizedNumberFormatter withLocale(const Locale &locale);
* Call this method at the beginning of a NumberFormatter fluent chain to create an instance based
* on a given number skeleton string.
* It is possible for an error to occur while parsing. See the overload of this method if you are
* interested in the location of a possible parse error.
* For more information on number skeleton strings, see:
* @param skeleton
* The skeleton string off of which to base this NumberFormatter.
* @param status
* Set to U_NUMBER_SKELETON_SYNTAX_ERROR if the skeleton was invalid.
* @return An UnlocalizedNumberFormatter, to be used for chaining.
* @stable ICU 62
static UnlocalizedNumberFormatter forSkeleton(const UnicodeString& skeleton, UErrorCode& status);
* Call this method at the beginning of a NumberFormatter fluent chain to create an instance based
* on a given number skeleton string.
* If an error occurs while parsing the skeleton string, the offset into the skeleton string at
* which the error occurred will be saved into the UParseError, if provided.
* For more information on number skeleton strings, see:
* @param skeleton
* The skeleton string off of which to base this NumberFormatter.
* @param perror
* A parse error struct populated if an error occurs when parsing.
* If no error occurs, perror.offset will be set to -1.
* @param status
* Set to U_NUMBER_SKELETON_SYNTAX_ERROR if the skeleton was invalid.
* @return An UnlocalizedNumberFormatter, to be used for chaining.
* @stable ICU 64
static UnlocalizedNumberFormatter forSkeleton(const UnicodeString& skeleton,
UParseError& perror, UErrorCode& status);
* Use factory methods instead of the constructor to create a NumberFormatter.
NumberFormatter() = delete;
} // namespace number
#endif /* #if !UCONFIG_NO_FORMATTING */