Your IP :
// inventory, path, realpath, root, and parent
// node.root is a reference to the root module in the tree (ie, typically the
// cwd project folder)
// node.location is the /-delimited path from the root module to the node. In
// the case of link targets that may be outside of the root's package tree,
// this can include some number of /../ path segments. The location of the
// root module is always '.'. node.location thus never contains drive letters
// or absolute paths, and is portable within a given project, suitable for
// inclusion in lockfiles and metadata.
// node.path is the path to the place where this node lives on disk. It is
// system-specific and absolute.
// node.realpath is the path to where the module actually resides on disk. In
// the case of non-link nodes, node.realpath is equivalent to node.path. In
// the case of link nodes, it is equivalent to
// Setting node.parent will set the node's root to the parent's root, as well
// as updating edgesIn and edgesOut to reload dependency resolutions as needed,
// and setting node.path to parent.path/node_modules/name.
// node.inventory is a Map of name to a Set() of all the nodes under a given
// root by that name. It's empty for non-root nodes, and changing the root
// reference will remove it from the old root's inventory and add it to the new
// one. This map is useful for cases like `npm update foo` or `npm ls foo`
// where we need to quickly find all instances of a given package name within a
// tree.
const semver = require('semver')
const nameFromFolder = require('@npmcli/name-from-folder')
const Edge = require('./edge.js')
const Inventory = require('./inventory.js')
const OverrideSet = require('./override-set.js')
const { normalize } = require('read-package-json-fast')
const { getPaths: getBinPaths } = require('bin-links')
const npa = require('npm-package-arg')
const debug = require('./debug.js')
const gatherDepSet = require('./gather-dep-set.js')
const treeCheck = require('./tree-check.js')
const { walkUp } = require('walk-up-path')
const { resolve, relative, dirname, basename } = require('node:path')
const util = require('node:util')
const _package = Symbol('_package')
const _parent = Symbol('_parent')
const _target = Symbol.for('_target')
const _fsParent = Symbol('_fsParent')
const _reloadNamedEdges = Symbol('_reloadNamedEdges')
// overridden by Link class
const _loadDeps = Symbol.for('Arborist.Node._loadDeps')
const _refreshLocation = Symbol.for('_refreshLocation')
const _changePath = Symbol.for('_changePath')
// used by Link class as well
const _delistFromMeta = Symbol.for('_delistFromMeta')
const _explain = Symbol('_explain')
const _explanation = Symbol('_explanation')
const relpath = require('./relpath.js')
const consistentResolve = require('./consistent-resolve.js')
const printableTree = require('./printable.js')
const CaseInsensitiveMap = require('./case-insensitive-map.js')
const querySelectorAll = require('./query-selector-all.js')
class Node {
constructor (options) {
// NB: path can be null if it's a link target
const {
// allow setting name explicitly when we haven't set a path yet
installLinks = false,
legacyPeerDeps = false,
isInStore = false,
loadOverrides = false,
extraneous = true,
dev = true,
optional = true,
devOptional = true,
peer = true,
global = false,
dummy = false,
sourceReference = null,
} = options
// this object gives querySelectorAll somewhere to stash context about a node
// while processing a query
this.queryContext = {}
// true if part of a global install
this.#global = global
this.#workspaces = null
this.errors = error ? [error] : []
this.isInStore = isInStore
// this will usually be null, except when modeling a
// package's dependencies in a virtual root.
this.sourceReference = sourceReference
// TODO if this came from pacote.manifest we don't have to do this,
// we can be told to skip this step
const pkg = sourceReference ? sourceReference.package
: normalize(options.pkg || {}) = name ||
nameFromFolder(path || || realpath) || ||
// should be equal if not a link
this.path = path ? resolve(path) : null
if (! && (!this.path || this.path !== dirname(this.path))) {
throw new TypeError('could not detect node name from path or package')
this.realpath = !this.isLink ? this.path : resolve(realpath)
this.resolved = resolved || null
if (!this.resolved) {
// note: this *only* works for non-file: deps, so we avoid even
// trying here.
// file: deps are tracked in package.json will _resolved set to the
// full path to the tarball or link target. However, if the package
// is checked into git or moved to another location, that's 100% not
// portable at all! The _where and _location don't provide much help,
// since _location is just where the module ended up in the tree,
// and _where can be different than the actual root if it's a
// meta-dep deeper in the dependency graph.
// If we don't have the other oldest indicators of legacy npm, then it's
// probably what we're getting from pacote, which IS trustworthy.
// Otherwise, hopefully a shrinkwrap will help us out.
const resolved = consistentResolve(pkg._resolved)
if (resolved && !(/^file:/.test(resolved) && pkg._where)) {
this.resolved = resolved
this.integrity = integrity || pkg._integrity || null
this.hasShrinkwrap = hasShrinkwrap || pkg._hasShrinkwrap || false
this.installLinks = installLinks
this.legacyPeerDeps = legacyPeerDeps
this.children = new CaseInsensitiveMap()
this.fsChildren = new Set()
this.inventory = new Inventory()
this.tops = new Set()
this.linksIn = new Set(linksIn || [])
// these three are set by an Arborist taking a catalog
// after the tree is built. We don't get this along the way,
// because they have a tendency to change as new children are
// added, especially when they're deduped. Eg, a dev dep may be
// a 3-levels-deep dependency of a non-dev dep. If we calc the
// flags along the way, then they'll tend to be invalid by the
// time we need to look at them.
if (!dummy) { = dev
this.optional = optional
this.devOptional = devOptional
this.peer = peer
this.extraneous = extraneous
this.dummy = false
} else {
// true if this is a placeholder for the purpose of serving as a
// fsParent to link targets that get their deps resolved outside
// the root tree folder.
this.dummy = true = false
this.optional = false
this.devOptional = false
this.peer = false
this.extraneous = false
this.edgesIn = new Set()
this.edgesOut = new CaseInsensitiveMap()
// have to set the internal package ref before assigning the parent,
// because this.package is read when adding to inventory
this[_package] = pkg && typeof pkg === 'object' ? pkg : {}
if (overrides) {
this.overrides = overrides
} else if (loadOverrides) {
const overrides = this[_package].overrides || {}
if (Object.keys(overrides).length > 0) {
this.overrides = new OverrideSet({
overrides: this[_package].overrides,
// only relevant for the root and top nodes
this.meta = meta
// Note: this is _slightly_ less efficient for the initial tree
// building than it could be, but in exchange, it's a much simpler
// algorithm.
// If this node has a bunch of children, and those children satisfy
// its various deps, then we're going to _first_ create all the
// edges, and _then_ assign the children into place, re-resolving
// them all in _reloadNamedEdges.
// A more efficient, but more complicated, approach would be to
// flag this node as being a part of a tree build, so it could
// hold off on resolving its deps until its children are in place.
// call the parent setter
// Must be set prior to calling _loadDeps, because top-ness is relevant
// will also assign root if present on the parent
this[_parent] = null
this.parent = parent || null
this[_fsParent] = null
this.fsParent = fsParent || null
// see parent/root setters below.
// root is set to parent's root if we have a parent, otherwise if it's
// null, then it's set to the node itself.
if (!parent && !fsParent) {
this.root = root || null
// mostly a convenience for testing, but also a way to create
// trees in a more declarative way than setting parent on each
if (children) {
for (const c of children) {
new Node({ ...c, parent: this })
if (fsChildren) {
for (const c of fsChildren) {
new Node({ ...c, fsParent: this })
// now load all the dep edges
get meta () {
return this.#meta
set meta (meta) {
this.#meta = meta
if (meta) {
get global () {
if (this.#root === this) {
return this.#global
// true for packages installed directly in the global node_modules folder
get globalTop () {
return && this.parent && this.parent.isProjectRoot
get workspaces () {
return this.#workspaces
set workspaces (workspaces) {
// deletes edges if they already exists
if (this.#workspaces) {
for (const name of this.#workspaces.keys()) {
if (!workspaces.has(name)) {
this.#workspaces = workspaces
get binPaths () {
if (!this.parent) {
return []
return getBinPaths({
pkg: this[_package],
path: this.path,
top: this.globalTop,
get hasInstallScript () {
const { hasInstallScript, scripts } = this.package
const { install, preinstall, postinstall } = scripts || {}
return !!(hasInstallScript || install || preinstall || postinstall)
get version () {
return this[_package].version || ''
get packageName () {
return this[_package].name || null
get pkgid () {
const { name = '', version = '' } = this.package
// root package will prefer package name over folder name,
// and never be called an alias.
const { isProjectRoot } = this
const myname = isProjectRoot ? name ||
const alias = !isProjectRoot && name && myname !== name ? `npm:${name}@`
: ''
return `${myname}@${alias}${version}`
get overridden () {
return !!(this.overrides && this.overrides.value && ===
get package () {
return this[_package]
set package (pkg) {
// just detach them all. we could make this _slightly_ more efficient
// by only detaching the ones that changed, but we'd still have to walk
// them all, and the comparison logic gets a bit tricky. we generally
// only do this more than once at the root level, so the resolve() calls
// are only one level deep, and there's not much to be saved, anyway.
// simpler to just toss them all out.
for (const edge of this.edgesOut.values()) {
this[_explanation] = null
/* istanbul ignore next - should be impossible */
if (!pkg || typeof pkg !== 'object') {
debug(() => {
throw new Error('setting Node.package to non-object')
pkg = {}
this[_package] = pkg
// do a hard reload, since the dependents may now be valid or invalid
// as a result of the package change.
this.edgesIn.forEach(edge => edge.reload(true))
// node.explain(nodes seen already, edge we're trying to satisfy
// if edge is not specified, it lists every edge into the node.
explain (edge = null, seen = []) {
if (this[_explanation]) {
return this[_explanation]
return this[_explanation] = this[_explain](edge, seen)
[_explain] (edge, seen) {
if (this.isProjectRoot && !this.sourceReference) {
return {
location: this.path,
const why = {
name: this.isProjectRoot || this.isTop ? this.packageName :,
version: this.package.version,
if (this.errors.length || !this.packageName || !this.package.version) {
why.errors = this.errors.length ? this.errors : [
new Error('invalid package: lacks name and/or version'),
why.package = this.package
if (this.root.sourceReference) {
const { name, version } = this.root.package
why.whileInstalling = {
path: this.root.sourceReference.path,
if (this.sourceReference) {
return this.sourceReference.explain(edge, seen)
if (seen.includes(this)) {
return why
why.location = this.location
why.isWorkspace = this.isWorkspace
// make a new list each time. we can revisit, but not loop.
seen = seen.concat(this)
why.dependents = []
if (edge) {
} else {
// ignore invalid edges, since those aren't satisfied by this thing,
// and are not keeping it held in this spot anyway.
const edges = []
for (const edge of this.edgesIn) {
if (!edge.valid && !edge.from.isProjectRoot) {
for (const edge of edges) {
if (this.linksIn.size) {
why.linksIn = [...this.linksIn].map(link => link[_explain](edge, seen))
return why
isDescendantOf (node) {
for (let p = this; p; p = p.resolveParent) {
if (p === node) {
return true
return false
getBundler (path = []) {
// made a cycle, definitely not bundled!
if (path.includes(this)) {
return null
const parent = this[_parent]
if (!parent) {
return null
const pBundler = parent.getBundler(path)
if (pBundler) {
return pBundler
const ppkg = parent.package
const bd = ppkg && ppkg.bundleDependencies
// explicit bundling
if (Array.isArray(bd) && bd.includes( {
return parent
// deps that are deduped up to the bundling level are bundled.
// however, if they get their dep met further up than that,
// then they are not bundled. Ie, installing a package with
// unmet bundled deps will not cause your deps to be bundled.
for (const edge of this.edgesIn) {
const eBundler = edge.from.getBundler(path)
if (!eBundler) {
if (eBundler === parent) {
return eBundler
return null
get inBundle () {
return !!this.getBundler()
// when reifying, if a package is technically in a bundleDependencies list,
// but that list is the root project, we still have to install it. This
// getter returns true if it's in a dependency's bundle list, not the root's.
get inDepBundle () {
const bundler = this.getBundler()
return !!bundler && bundler !== this.root
get isWorkspace () {
if (this.isProjectRoot) {
return false
const { root } = this
const { type, to } = root.edgesOut.get(this.packageName) || {}
return type === 'workspace' && to && ( === this || to === this)
get isRoot () {
return this === this.root
get isProjectRoot () {
// only treat as project root if it's the actual link that is the root,
// or the target of the root link, but NOT if it's another link to the
// same root that happens to be somewhere else.
return this === this.root || this ===
get isRegistryDependency () {
if (this.edgesIn.size === 0) {
return false
for (const edge of this.edgesIn) {
if (!npa(edge.spec).registry) {
return false
return true
* ancestry () {
for (let anc = this; anc; anc = anc.resolveParent) {
yield anc
set root (root) {
// setting to null means this is the new root
// should only ever be one step
while (root && root.root !== root) {
root = root.root
root = root || this
// delete from current root inventory
// can't set the root (yet) if there's no way to determine location
// this allows us to do new Node({...}) and then set the root later.
// just make the assignment so we don't lose it, and move on.
if (!this.path || !root.realpath || !root.path) {
this.#root = root
// temporarily become a root node
this.#root = this
// break all linksIn, we're going to re-set them if needed later
for (const link of this.linksIn) {
link[_target] = null
// temporarily break this link as well, we'll re-set if possible later
const { target } = this
if (this.isLink) {
if (target) {
if (target.root === this) {
this[_target] = null
// if this is part of a cascading root set, then don't do this bit
// but if the parent/fsParent is in a different set, we have to break
// that reference before proceeding
if (this.parent && this.parent.root !== root) {
this[_parent] = null
if (this.fsParent && this.fsParent.root !== root) {
this[_fsParent] = null
if (root === this) {
} else {
// setting to some different node.
const loc = relpath(root.realpath, this.path)
const current = root.inventory.get(loc)
// clobber whatever is there now
if (current) {
current.root = null
this.#root = root
// set this.location and add to inventory
// try to find our parent/fsParent in the new root inventory
for (const p of walkUp(dirname(this.path))) {
if (p === this.path) {
const ploc = relpath(root.realpath, p)
const parent = root.inventory.get(ploc)
if (parent) {
/* istanbul ignore next - impossible */
if (parent.isLink) {
debug(() => {
throw Object.assign(new Error('assigning parentage to link'), {
path: this.path,
parent: parent.path,
parentReal: parent.realpath,
const childLoc = `${ploc}${ploc ? '/' : ''}node_modules/${}`
const isParent = this.location === childLoc
if (isParent) {
const oldChild = parent.children.get(
if (oldChild && oldChild !== this) {
oldChild.root = null
if (this.parent) {
parent.children.set(, this)
this[_parent] = parent
// don't do it for links, because they don't have a target yet
// we'll hit them up a bit later on.
if (!this.isLink) {
} else {
/* istanbul ignore if - should be impossible, since we break
* all fsParent/child relationships when moving? */
if (this.fsParent) {
this[_fsParent] = parent
// if it doesn't have a parent, it's a top node
if (!this.parent) {
} else {
// assign parentage for any nodes that need to have this as a parent
// this can happen when we have a node at nm/a/nm/b added *before*
// the node at nm/a, which might have the root node as a fsParent.
// we can't rely on the public setter here, because it calls into
// this function to set up these references!
// check dirname so that /foo isn't treated as the fsparent of /foo-bar
const nmloc = `${this.location}${this.location ? '/' : ''}node_modules/`
// only walk top nodes, since anything else already has a parent.
for (const child of root.tops) {
const isChild = child.location === nmloc +
const isFsChild =
dirname(child.path).startsWith(this.path) &&
child !== this &&
!child.parent &&
!child.fsParent ||
child.fsParent === this ||
if (!isChild && !isFsChild) {
// set up the internal parentage links
if (this.isLink) {
child.root = null
} else {
// can't possibly have a parent, because it's in tops
if (child.fsParent) {
child[_fsParent] = null
if (isChild) {
this.children.set(, child)
child[_parent] = this
} else {
child[_fsParent] = this
// look for any nodes with the same realpath. either they're links
// to that realpath, or a thing at that realpath if we're adding a link
// (if we're adding a regular node, we already deleted the old one)
for (const node of root.inventory.query('realpath', this.realpath)) {
if (node === this) {
/* istanbul ignore next - should be impossible */
debug(() => {
if (node.root !== root) {
throw new Error('inventory contains node from other root')
if (this.isLink) {
const target =
this[_target] = target
this[_package] = target.package
// reload edges here, because now we have a target
if (this.parent) {
} else {
/* istanbul ignore else - should be impossible */
if (node.isLink) {
node[_target] = this
node[_package] = this.package
if (node.parent) {
} else {
debug(() => {
throw Object.assign(new Error('duplicate node in root setter'), {
path: this.path,
realpath: this.realpath,
root: root.realpath,
// reload all edgesIn where the root doesn't match, so we don't have
// cross-tree dependency graphs
for (const edge of this.edgesIn) {
if (edge.from.root !== root) {
// reload all edgesOut where root doens't match, or is missing, since
// it might not be missing in the new tree
for (const edge of this.edgesOut.values()) {
if (! || !== root) {
// now make sure our family comes along for the ride!
const family = new Set([
].filter(n => n !== this))
for (const child of family) {
if (child.root !== root) {
child[_parent] = null
child[_fsParent] = null
for (const l of child.linksIn) {
l[_target] = null
for (const child of family) {
if (child.root !== root) {
child.root = root
// if we had a target, and didn't find one in the new root, then bring
// it over as well, but only if we're setting the link into a new root,
// as we don't want to lose the target any time we remove a link.
if (this.isLink && target && ! && root !== this) {
target.root = root
if (!this.overrides && this.parent && this.parent.overrides) {
this.overrides = this.parent.overrides.getNodeRule(this)
// tree should always be valid upon root setter completion.
if (this !== root) {
get root () {
return this.#root || this
#loadWorkspaces () {
if (!this.#workspaces) {
for (const [name, path] of this.#workspaces.entries()) {
new Edge({ from: this, name, spec: `file:${path.replace(/#/g, '%23')}`, type: 'workspace' })
[_loadDeps] () {
// Caveat! Order is relevant!
// Packages in optionalDependencies are optional.
// Packages in both deps and devDeps are required.
// Note the subtle breaking change from v6: it is no longer possible
// to have a different spec for a devDep than production dep.
// Linked targets that are disconnected from the tree are tops,
// but don't have a 'path' field, only a 'realpath', because we
// don't know their canonical location. We don't need their devDeps.
const pd = this.package.peerDependencies
const ad = this.package.acceptDependencies || {}
if (pd && typeof pd === 'object' && !this.legacyPeerDeps) {
const pm = this.package.peerDependenciesMeta || {}
const peerDependencies = {}
const peerOptional = {}
for (const [name, dep] of Object.entries(pd)) {
if (pm[name]?.optional) {
peerOptional[name] = dep
} else {
peerDependencies[name] = dep
this.#loadDepType(peerDependencies, 'peer', ad)
this.#loadDepType(peerOptional, 'peerOptional', ad)
this.#loadDepType(this.package.dependencies, 'prod', ad)
this.#loadDepType(this.package.optionalDependencies, 'optional', ad)
const { globalTop, isTop, path, sourceReference } = this
const {
globalTop: srcGlobalTop,
isTop: srcTop,
path: srcPath,
} = sourceReference || {}
const thisDev = isTop && !globalTop && path
const srcDev = !sourceReference || srcTop && !srcGlobalTop && srcPath
if (thisDev && srcDev) {
this.#loadDepType(this.package.devDependencies, 'dev', ad)
#loadDepType (deps, type, ad) {
// Because of the order in which _loadDeps runs, we always want to
// prioritize a new edge over an existing one
for (const [name, spec] of Object.entries(deps || {})) {
const current = this.edgesOut.get(name)
if (!current || current.type !== 'workspace') {
new Edge({ from: this, name, spec, accept: ad[name], type })
get fsParent () {
// in debug setter prevents fsParent from being this
return this[_fsParent]
set fsParent (fsParent) {
if (!fsParent) {
if (this[_fsParent]) {
this.root = null
debug(() => {
if (fsParent === this) {
throw new Error('setting node to its own fsParent')
if (fsParent.realpath === this.realpath) {
throw new Error('setting fsParent to same path')
// the initial set MUST be an actual walk-up from the realpath
// subsequent sets will re-root on the new fsParent's path.
if (!this[_fsParent] && this.realpath.indexOf(fsParent.realpath) !== 0) {
throw Object.assign(new Error('setting fsParent improperly'), {
path: this.path,
realpath: this.realpath,
fsParent: {
path: fsParent.path,
realpath: fsParent.realpath,
if (fsParent.isLink) {
fsParent =
// setting a thing to its own fsParent is not normal, but no-op for safety
if (this === fsParent || fsParent.realpath === this.realpath) {
// nothing to do
if (this[_fsParent] === fsParent) {
const oldFsParent = this[_fsParent]
const newPath = !oldFsParent ? this.path
: resolve(fsParent.path, relative(oldFsParent.path, this.path))
const nmPath = resolve(fsParent.path, 'node_modules',
// this is actually the parent, set that instead
if (newPath === nmPath) {
this.parent = fsParent
const pathChange = newPath !== this.path
// remove from old parent/fsParent
const oldParent = this.parent
const oldName =
if (this.parent) {
this[_parent] = null
if (this.fsParent) {
this[_fsParent] = null
// update this.path/realpath for this and all children/fsChildren
if (pathChange) {
if (oldParent) {
// clobbers anything at that path, resets all appropriate references
this.root = fsParent.root
// is it safe to replace one node with another? check the edges to
// make sure no one will get upset. Note that the node might end up
// having its own unmet dependencies, if the new node has new deps.
// Note that there are cases where Arborist will opt to insert a node
// into the tree even though this function returns false! This is
// necessary when a root dependency is added or updated, or when a
// root dependency brings peer deps along with it. In that case, we
// will go ahead and create the invalid state, and then try to resolve
// it with more tree construction, because it's a user request.
canReplaceWith (node, ignorePeers) {
if ( !== {
return false
if (node.packageName !== this.packageName) {
return false
// XXX need to check for two root nodes?
if (node.overrides !== this.overrides) {
return false
ignorePeers = new Set(ignorePeers)
// gather up all the deps of this node and that are only depended
// upon by deps of this node. those ones don't count, since
// they'll be replaced if this node is replaced anyway.
const depSet = gatherDepSet([this], e => !== this && e.valid)
for (const edge of this.edgesIn) {
// when replacing peer sets, we need to be able to replace the entire
// peer group, which means we ignore incoming edges from other peers
// within the replacement set.
if (!this.isTop &&
edge.from.parent === this.parent &&
edge.peer &&
ignorePeers.has( {
// only care about edges that don't originate from this node
if (!depSet.has(edge.from) && !edge.satisfiedBy(node)) {
return false
return true
canReplace (node, ignorePeers) {
return node.canReplaceWith(this, ignorePeers)
// return true if it's safe to remove this node, because anything that
// is depending on it would be fine with the thing that they would resolve
// to if it was removed, or nothing is depending on it in the first place.
canDedupe (preferDedupe = false) {
// not allowed to mess with shrinkwraps or bundles
if (this.inDepBundle || this.inShrinkwrap) {
return false
// it's a top level pkg, or a dep of one
if (!this.resolveParent || !this.resolveParent.resolveParent) {
return false
// no one wants it, remove it
if (this.edgesIn.size === 0) {
return true
const other = this.resolveParent.resolveParent.resolve(
// nothing else, need this one
if (!other) {
return false
// if it's the same thing, then always fine to remove
if (other.matches(this)) {
return true
// if the other thing can't replace this, then skip it
if (!other.canReplace(this)) {
return false
// if we prefer dedupe, or if the version is greater/equal, take the other
if (preferDedupe || semver.gte(other.version, this.version)) {
return true
return false
satisfies (requested) {
if (requested instanceof Edge) {
return === && requested.satisfiedBy(this)
const parsed = npa(requested)
const { name =, rawSpec: spec } = parsed
return === name && this.satisfies(new Edge({
from: new Node({ path: this.root.realpath }),
type: 'prod',
matches (node) {
// if the nodes are literally the same object, obviously a match.
if (node === this) {
return true
// if the names don't match, they're different things, even if
// the package contents are identical.
if ( !== {
return false
// if they're links, they match if the targets match
if (this.isLink) {
return node.isLink &&
// if they're two project root nodes, they're different if the paths differ
if (this.isProjectRoot && node.isProjectRoot) {
return this.path === node.path
// if the integrity matches, then they're the same.
if (this.integrity && node.integrity) {
return this.integrity === node.integrity
// if no integrity, check resolved
if (this.resolved && node.resolved) {
return this.resolved === node.resolved
// if no resolved, check both package name and version
// otherwise, conclude that they are different things
return this.packageName && node.packageName &&
this.packageName === node.packageName &&
this.version && node.version &&
this.version === node.version
// replace this node with the supplied argument
// Useful when mutating an ideal tree, so we can avoid having to call
// the parent/root setters more than necessary.
replaceWith (node) {
replace (node) {
// if the name matches, but is not identical, we are intending to clobber
// something case-insensitively, so merely setting name and path won't
// have the desired effect. just set the path so it'll collide in the
// parent's children map, and leave it at that.
if (node.parent?.children.get( === node) {
this.path = resolve(node.parent.path, 'node_modules',
} else {
this.path = node.path =
if (!this.isLink) {
this.realpath = this.path
// keep children when a node replaces another
if (!this.isLink) {
for (const kid of node.children.values()) {
kid.parent = this
if (node.isLink && { = null
if (!node.isRoot) {
this.root = node.root
get inShrinkwrap () {
return this.parent &&
(this.parent.hasShrinkwrap || this.parent.inShrinkwrap)
get parent () {
// setter prevents _parent from being this
return this[_parent]
// This setter keeps everything in order when we move a node from
// one point in a logical tree to another. Edges get reloaded,
// metadata updated, etc. It's also called when we *replace* a node
// with another by the same name (eg, to update or dedupe).
// This does a couple of walks out on the node_modules tree, recursing
// into child nodes. However, as setting the parent is typically done
// with nodes that don't have have many children, and (deduped) package
// trees tend to be broad rather than deep, it's not that bad.
// The only walk that starts from the parent rather than this node is
// limited by edge name.
set parent (parent) {
// when setting to null, just remove it from the tree entirely
if (!parent) {
// but only delete it if we actually had a parent in the first place
// otherwise it's just setting to null when it's already null
if (this[_parent]) {
this.root = null
if (parent.isLink) {
parent =
// setting a thing to its own parent is not normal, but no-op for safety
if (this === parent) {
const oldParent = this[_parent]
// nothing to do
if (oldParent === parent) {
// ok now we know something is actually changing, and parent is not a link
const newPath = resolve(parent.path, 'node_modules',
const pathChange = newPath !== this.path
// remove from old parent/fsParent
if (oldParent) {
this[_parent] = null
if (this.fsParent) {
this[_fsParent] = null
// update this.path/realpath for this and all children/fsChildren
if (pathChange) {
if (parent.overrides) {
this.overrides = parent.overrides.getNodeRule(this)
// clobbers anything at that path, resets all appropriate references
this.root = parent.root
// Call this before changing path or updating the _root reference.
// Removes the node from its root the metadata and inventory.
[_delistFromMeta] () {
const root = this.root
if (!root.realpath || !this.path) {
if (root.meta) {
/* istanbul ignore next - should be impossible */
debug(() => {
if ([...root.inventory.values()].includes(this)) {
throw new Error('failed to delist')
// update this.path/realpath and the paths of all children/fsChildren
[_changePath] (newPath) {
// have to de-list before changing paths
const oldPath = this.path
this.path = newPath
const namePattern = /(?:^|\/|\\)node_modules[\\/](@[^/\\]+[\\/][^\\/]+|[^\\/]+)$/
const nameChange = newPath.match(namePattern)
if (nameChange && !== nameChange[1]) { = nameChange[1].replace(/\\/g, '/')
// if we move a link target, update link realpaths
if (!this.isLink) {
this.realpath = newPath
for (const link of this.linksIn) {
link.realpath = newPath
// if we move /x to /y, then a module at /x/a/b becomes /y/a/b
for (const child of this.fsChildren) {
child[_changePath](resolve(newPath, relative(oldPath, child.path)))
for (const [name, child] of this.children.entries()) {
child[_changePath](resolve(newPath, 'node_modules', name))
// Called whenever the root/parent is changed.
// NB: need to remove from former root's meta/inventory and then update
// this.path BEFORE calling this method!
[_refreshLocation] () {
const root = this.root
const loc = relpath(root.realpath, this.path)
this.location = loc
if (root.meta) {
assertRootOverrides () {
if (!this.isProjectRoot || !this.overrides) {
for (const edge of this.edgesOut.values()) {
// if these differ an override has been applied, those are not allowed
// for top level dependencies so throw an error
if (edge.spec !== edge.rawSpec && !edge.spec.startsWith('$')) {
throw Object.assign(new Error(`Override for ${}@${edge.rawSpec} conflicts with direct dependency`), { code: 'EOVERRIDE' })
addEdgeOut (edge) {
if (this.overrides) {
edge.overrides = this.overrides.getEdgeRule(edge)
this.edgesOut.set(, edge)
addEdgeIn (edge) {
if (edge.overrides) {
this.overrides = edge.overrides
// try to get metadata from the yarn.lock file
if (this.root.meta) {
[_reloadNamedEdges] (name, rootLoc = this.location) {
const edge = this.edgesOut.get(name)
// if we don't have an edge, do nothing, but keep descending
const rootLocResolved = edge && && === `${rootLoc}/node_modules/${}`
const sameResolved = edge && this.resolve(name) ===
const recheck = rootLocResolved || !sameResolved
if (edge && recheck) {
for (const c of this.children.values()) {
c[_reloadNamedEdges](name, rootLoc)
for (const c of this.fsChildren) {
c[_reloadNamedEdges](name, rootLoc)
get isLink () {
return false
get target () {
return this
set target (n) {
debug(() => {
throw Object.assign(new Error('cannot set target on non-Link Nodes'), {
path: this.path,
get depth () {
if (this.isTop) {
return 0
return this.parent.depth + 1
get isTop () {
return !this.parent || this.globalTop
get top () {
if (this.isTop) {
return this
get isFsTop () {
return !this.fsParent
get fsTop () {
if (this.isFsTop) {
return this
return this.fsParent.fsTop
get resolveParent () {
return this.parent || this.fsParent
resolve (name) {
/* istanbul ignore next - should be impossible,
* but I keep doing this mistake in tests */
debug(() => {
if (typeof name !== 'string' || !name) {
throw new Error('non-string passed to Node.resolve')
const mine = this.children.get(name)
if (mine) {
return mine
const resolveParent = this.resolveParent
if (resolveParent) {
return resolveParent.resolve(name)
return null
inNodeModules () {
const rp = this.realpath
const name =
const scoped = name.charAt(0) === '@'
const d = dirname(rp)
const nm = scoped ? dirname(d) : d
const dir = dirname(nm)
const base = scoped ? `${basename(d)}/${basename(rp)}` : basename(rp)
return base === name && basename(nm) === 'node_modules' ? dir : false
// maybe accept both string value or array of strings
// seems to be what dom API does
querySelectorAll (query, opts) {
return querySelectorAll(this, query, opts)
toJSON () {
return printableTree(this)
[util.inspect.custom] () {
return this.toJSON()
module.exports = Node