Your IP :
const valid = require('semver/functions/valid')
const clean = require('semver/functions/clean')
const fs = require('node:fs/promises')
const path = require('node:path')
const { log } = require('proc-log')
* @type {import('hosted-git-info')}
let _hostedGitInfo
function lazyHostedGitInfo () {
if (!_hostedGitInfo) {
_hostedGitInfo = require('hosted-git-info')
return _hostedGitInfo
* @type {import('glob').glob}
let _glob
function lazyLoadGlob () {
if (!_glob) {
_glob = require('glob').glob
return _glob
// used to be npm-normalize-package-bin
function normalizePackageBin (pkg, changes) {
if (pkg.bin) {
if (typeof pkg.bin === 'string' && {
changes?.push('"bin" was converted to an object')
pkg.bin = { []: pkg.bin }
} else if (Array.isArray(pkg.bin)) {
changes?.push('"bin" was converted to an object')
pkg.bin = pkg.bin.reduce((acc, k) => {
acc[path.basename(k)] = k
return acc
}, {})
if (typeof pkg.bin === 'object') {
for (const binKey in pkg.bin) {
if (typeof pkg.bin[binKey] !== 'string') {
delete pkg.bin[binKey]
changes?.push(`removed invalid "bin[${binKey}]"`)
const base = path.basename(secureAndUnixifyPath(binKey))
if (!base) {
delete pkg.bin[binKey]
changes?.push(`removed invalid "bin[${binKey}]"`)
const binTarget = secureAndUnixifyPath(pkg.bin[binKey])
if (!binTarget) {
delete pkg.bin[binKey]
changes?.push(`removed invalid "bin[${binKey}]"`)
if (base !== binKey) {
delete pkg.bin[binKey]
changes?.push(`"bin[${binKey}]" was renamed to "bin[${base}]"`)
if (binTarget !== pkg.bin[binKey]) {
changes?.push(`"bin[${base}]" script name was cleaned`)
pkg.bin[base] = binTarget
if (Object.keys(pkg.bin).length === 0) {
changes?.push('empty "bin" was removed')
delete pkg.bin
return pkg
delete pkg.bin
function normalizePackageMan (pkg, changes) {
if ( {
const mans = []
for (const man of (Array.isArray( ? : [])) {
if (typeof man !== 'string') {
changes?.push(`removed invalid "man [${man}]"`)
} else {
if (!mans.length) {
changes?.push('empty "man" was removed')
} else { = mans
return pkg
function isCorrectlyEncodedName (spec) {
return !spec.match(/[/@\s+%:]/) &&
spec === encodeURIComponent(spec)
function isValidScopedPackageName (spec) {
if (spec.charAt(0) !== '@') {
return false
const rest = spec.slice(1).split('/')
if (rest.length !== 2) {
return false
return rest[0] && rest[1] &&
rest[0] === encodeURIComponent(rest[0]) &&
rest[1] === encodeURIComponent(rest[1])
function unixifyPath (ref) {
return ref.replace(/\\|:/g, '/')
function securePath (ref) {
const secured = path.join('.', path.join('/', unixifyPath(ref)))
return secured.startsWith('.') ? '' : secured
function secureAndUnixifyPath (ref) {
return unixifyPath(securePath(ref))
// We don't want the `changes` array in here by default because this is a hot
// path for parsing packuments during install. So the calling method passes it
// in if it wants to track changes.
const normalize = async (pkg, { strict, steps, root, changes, allowLegacyCase }) => {
if (!pkg.content) {
throw new Error('Can not normalize without content')
const data = pkg.content
const scripts = data.scripts || {}
const pkgId = `${ ?? ''}@${data.version ?? ''}`
// name and version are load bearing so we have to clean them up first
if (steps.includes('fixNameField') || steps.includes('normalizeData')) {
if (! && !strict) {
changes?.push('Missing "name" field was set to an empty string') = ''
} else {
if (typeof !== 'string') {
throw new Error('name field must be a string.')
if (!strict) {
const name =
if ( !== name) {
changes?.push(`Whitespace was trimmed from "name"`) = name
if ('.') ||
!(isValidScopedPackageName( || isCorrectlyEncodedName( ||
(strict && (!allowLegacyCase) && !== || === 'node_modules' || === 'favicon.ico') {
throw new Error('Invalid name: ' + JSON.stringify(
if (steps.includes('fixVersionField') || steps.includes('normalizeData')) {
// allow "loose" semver 1.0 versions in non-strict mode
// enforce strict semver 2.0 compliance in strict mode
const loose = !strict
if (!data.version) {
data.version = ''
} else {
if (!valid(data.version, loose)) {
throw new Error(`Invalid version: "${data.version}"`)
const version = clean(data.version, loose)
if (version !== data.version) {
changes?.push(`"version" was cleaned and set to "${version}"`)
data.version = version
// remove attributes that start with "_"
if (steps.includes('_attributes')) {
for (const key in data) {
if (key.startsWith('_')) {
changes?.push(`"${key}" was removed`)
delete pkg.content[key]
// build the "_id" attribute
if (steps.includes('_id')) {
if ( && data.version) {
changes?.push(`"_id" was set to ${pkgId}`)
data._id = pkgId
// fix bundledDependencies typo
// normalize bundleDependencies
if (steps.includes('bundledDependencies')) {
if (data.bundleDependencies === undefined && data.bundledDependencies !== undefined) {
data.bundleDependencies = data.bundledDependencies
changes?.push(`Deleted incorrect "bundledDependencies"`)
delete data.bundledDependencies
// expand "bundleDependencies: true or translate from object"
if (steps.includes('bundleDependencies')) {
const bd = data.bundleDependencies
if (bd === false && !steps.includes('bundleDependenciesDeleteFalse')) {
changes?.push(`"bundleDependencies" was changed from "false" to "[]"`)
data.bundleDependencies = []
} else if (bd === true) {
changes?.push(`"bundleDependencies" was auto-populated from "dependencies"`)
data.bundleDependencies = Object.keys(data.dependencies || {})
} else if (bd && typeof bd === 'object') {
if (!Array.isArray(bd)) {
changes?.push(`"bundleDependencies" was changed from an object to an array`)
data.bundleDependencies = Object.keys(bd)
} else if ('bundleDependencies' in data) {
changes?.push(`"bundleDependencies" was removed`)
delete data.bundleDependencies
// it was once common practice to list deps both in optionalDependencies and
// in dependencies, to support npm versions that did not know about
// optionalDependencies. This is no longer a relevant need, so duplicating
// the deps in two places is unnecessary and excessive.
if (steps.includes('optionalDedupe')) {
if (data.dependencies &&
data.optionalDependencies && typeof data.optionalDependencies === 'object') {
for (const name in data.optionalDependencies) {
changes?.push(`optionalDependencies."${name}" was removed`)
delete data.dependencies[name]
if (!Object.keys(data.dependencies).length) {
changes?.push(`Empty "optionalDependencies" was removed`)
delete data.dependencies
// add "install" attribute if any "*.gyp" files exist
if (steps.includes('gypfile')) {
if (!scripts.install && !scripts.preinstall && data.gypfile !== false) {
const files = await lazyLoadGlob()('*.gyp', { cwd: pkg.path })
if (files.length) {
scripts.install = 'node-gyp rebuild'
data.scripts = scripts
data.gypfile = true
changes?.push(`"scripts.install" was set to "node-gyp rebuild"`)
changes?.push(`"gypfile" was set to "true"`)
// add "start" attribute if "server.js" exists
if (steps.includes('serverjs') && !scripts.start) {
try {
await fs.access(path.join(pkg.path, 'server.js'))
scripts.start = 'node server.js'
data.scripts = scripts
changes?.push('"scripts.start" was set to "node server.js"')
} catch {
// do nothing
// strip "node_modules/.bin" from scripts entries
// remove invalid scripts entries (non-strings)
if ((steps.includes('scripts') || steps.includes('scriptpath')) && data.scripts !== undefined) {
const spre = /^(\.[/\\])?node_modules[/\\].bin[\\/]/
if (typeof data.scripts === 'object') {
for (const name in data.scripts) {
if (typeof data.scripts[name] !== 'string') {
delete data.scripts[name]
changes?.push(`Invalid scripts."${name}" was removed`)
} else if (steps.includes('scriptpath') && spre.test(data.scripts[name])) {
data.scripts[name] = data.scripts[name].replace(spre, '')
changes?.push(`scripts entry "${name}" was fixed to remove node_modules/.bin reference`)
} else {
changes?.push(`Removed invalid "scripts"`)
delete data.scripts
if (steps.includes('funding')) {
if (data.funding && typeof data.funding === 'string') {
data.funding = { url: data.funding }
changes?.push(`"funding" was changed to an object with a url attribute`)
// populate "authors" attribute
if (steps.includes('authors') && !data.contributors) {
try {
const authorData = await fs.readFile(path.join(pkg.path, 'AUTHORS'), 'utf8')
const authors = authorData.split(/\r?\n/g)
.map(line => line.replace(/^\s*#.*$/, '').trim())
.filter(line => line)
data.contributors = authors
changes?.push('"contributors" was auto-populated with the contents of the "AUTHORS" file')
} catch {
// do nothing
// populate "readme" attribute
if (steps.includes('readme') && !data.readme) {
const mdre = /\.m?a?r?k?d?o?w?n?$/i
const files = await lazyLoadGlob()('{README,README.*}', {
cwd: pkg.path,
nocase: true,
mark: true,
let readmeFile
for (const file of files) {
// don't accept directories.
if (!file.endsWith(path.sep)) {
if (file.match(mdre)) {
readmeFile = file
if (file.endsWith('README')) {
readmeFile = file
if (readmeFile) {
const readmeData = await fs.readFile(path.join(pkg.path, readmeFile), 'utf8')
data.readme = readmeData
data.readmeFilename = readmeFile
changes?.push(`"readme" was set to the contents of ${readmeFile}`)
changes?.push(`"readmeFilename" was set to ${readmeFile}`)
if (!data.readme) {
// this.warn('missingReadme')
data.readme = 'ERROR: No README data found!'
// expand
if (steps.includes('mans')) {
if (data.directories?.man && ! {
const manDir = secureAndUnixifyPath(
const cwd = path.resolve(pkg.path, manDir)
const files = await lazyLoadGlob()('**/*.[0-9]', { cwd }) = =>
path.relative(pkg.path, path.join(cwd, man)).split(path.sep).join('/')
normalizePackageMan(data, changes)
if (steps.includes('bin') || steps.includes('binDir') || steps.includes('binRefs')) {
normalizePackageBin(data, changes)
// expand "directories.bin"
if (steps.includes('binDir') && data.directories?.bin && !data.bin) {
const binsDir = path.resolve(pkg.path, securePath(data.directories.bin))
const bins = await lazyLoadGlob()('**', { cwd: binsDir })
data.bin = bins.reduce((acc, binFile) => {
if (binFile && !binFile.startsWith('.')) {
const binName = path.basename(binFile)
acc[binName] = path.join(data.directories.bin, binFile)
return acc
}, {})
// *sigh*
normalizePackageBin(data, changes)
// populate "gitHead" attribute
if (steps.includes('gitHead') && !data.gitHead) {
const git = require('@npmcli/git')
const gitRoot = await git.find({ cwd: pkg.path, root })
let head
if (gitRoot) {
try {
head = await fs.readFile(path.resolve(gitRoot, '.git/HEAD'), 'utf8')
} catch (err) {
// do nothing
let headData
if (head) {
if (head.startsWith('ref: ')) {
const headRef = head.replace(/^ref: /, '').trim()
const headFile = path.resolve(gitRoot, '.git', headRef)
try {
headData = await fs.readFile(headFile, 'utf8')
headData = headData.replace(/^ref: /, '').trim()
} catch (err) {
// do nothing
if (!headData) {
const packFile = path.resolve(gitRoot, '.git/packed-refs')
try {
let refs = await fs.readFile(packFile, 'utf8')
if (refs) {
refs = refs.split('\n')
for (let i = 0; i < refs.length; i++) {
const match = refs[i].match(/^([0-9a-f]{40}) (.+)$/)
if (match && match[2].trim() === headRef) {
headData = match[1]
} catch {
// do nothing
} else {
headData = head.trim()
if (headData) {
data.gitHead = headData
// populate "types" attribute
if (steps.includes('fillTypes')) {
const index = data.main || 'index.js'
if (typeof index !== 'string') {
throw new TypeError('The "main" attribute must be of type string.')
// TODO exports is much more complicated than this in verbose format
// We need to support for instance
// "exports": {
// ".": [
// {
// "default": "./lib/npm.js"
// },
// "./lib/npm.js"
// ],
// "./package.json": "./package.json"
// },
// as well as conditional exports
// if (data.exports && typeof data.exports === 'string') {
// index = data.exports
// }
// if (data.exports && data.exports['.']) {
// index = data.exports['.']
// if (typeof index !== 'string') {
// }
// }
const extless = path.join(path.dirname(index), path.basename(index, path.extname(index)))
const dts = `./${extless}.d.ts`
const hasDTSFields = 'types' in data || 'typings' in data
if (!hasDTSFields) {
try {
await fs.access(path.join(pkg.path, dts))
data.types = dts.split(path.sep).join('/')
} catch {
// do nothing
// "normalizeData" from "read-package-json", which was just a call through to
// "normalize-package-data". We only call the "fixer" functions because
// outside of that it was also clobbering _id (which we already conditionally
// do) and also adding the gypfile script (which we also already
// conditionally do)
// Some steps are isolated so we can do a limited subset of these in `fix`
if (steps.includes('fixRepositoryField') || steps.includes('normalizeData')) {
if (data.repositories) {
/* eslint-disable-next-line max-len */
changes?.push(`"repository" was set to the first entry in "repositories" (${data.repository})`)
data.repository = data.repositories[0]
if (data.repository) {
if (typeof data.repository === 'string') {
changes?.push('"repository" was changed from a string to an object')
data.repository = {
type: 'git',
url: data.repository,
if (data.repository.url) {
const hosted = lazyHostedGitInfo().fromUrl(data.repository.url)
let r
if (hosted) {
if (hosted.getDefaultRepresentation() === 'shortcut') {
r = hosted.https()
} else {
r = hosted.toString()
if (r !== data.repository.url) {
changes?.push(`"repository.url" was normalized to "${r}"`)
data.repository.url = r
if (steps.includes('fixDependencies') || steps.includes('normalizeData')) {
// peerDependencies?
// devDependencies is meaningless here, it's ignored on an installed package
for (const type of ['dependencies', 'devDependencies', 'optionalDependencies']) {
if (data[type]) {
let secondWarning = true
if (typeof data[type] === 'string') {
changes?.push(`"${type}" was converted from a string into an object`)
data[type] = data[type].trim().split(/[\n\r\s\t ,]+/)
secondWarning = false
if (Array.isArray(data[type])) {
if (secondWarning) {
changes?.push(`"${type}" was converted from an array into an object`)
const o = {}
for (const d of data[type]) {
if (typeof d === 'string') {
const dep = d.trim().split(/(:?[@\s><=])/)
const dn = dep.shift()
const dv = dep.join('').replace(/^@/, '').trim()
o[dn] = dv
data[type] = o
// normalize-package-data used to put optional dependencies BACK into
// dependencies here, we no longer do this
for (const deps of ['dependencies', 'devDependencies']) {
if (deps in data) {
if (!data[deps] || typeof data[deps] !== 'object') {
changes?.push(`Removed invalid "${deps}"`)
delete data[deps]
} else {
for (const d in data[deps]) {
const r = data[deps][d]
if (typeof r !== 'string') {
changes?.push(`Removed invalid "${deps}.${d}"`)
delete data[deps][d]
const hosted = lazyHostedGitInfo().fromUrl(data[deps][d])?.toString()
if (hosted && hosted !== data[deps][d]) {
changes?.push(`Normalized git reference to "${deps}.${d}"`)
data[deps][d] = hosted.toString()
if (steps.includes('normalizeData')) {
const legacyFixer = require('normalize-package-data/lib/fixer.js')
const legacyMakeWarning = require('normalize-package-data/lib/make_warning.js')
legacyFixer.warn = function () {
changes?.push(legacyMakeWarning.apply(null, arguments))
const legacySteps = [
for (const legacyStep of legacySteps) {
// Warn if the bin references don't point to anything. This might be better
// in normalize-package-data if it had access to the file path.
if (steps.includes('binRefs') && data.bin instanceof Object) {
for (const key in data.bin) {
try {
await fs.access(path.resolve(pkg.path, data.bin[key]))
} catch {
log.warn('package-json', pkgId, `No bin file found at ${data.bin[key]}`)
// XXX: should a future breaking change delete bin entries that cannot be accessed?
module.exports = normalize