Your IP :
// certain assertions we should do only when testing arborist itself, because
// they are too expensive or aggressive and would break user programs if we
// miss a situation where they are actually valid.
// call like this:
// /* istanbul ignore next - debug check */
// debug(() => {
// if (someExpensiveCheck)
// throw new Error('expensive check should have returned false')
// })
// run in debug mode if explicitly requested, running arborist tests,
// or working in the arborist project directory.
const debug = process.env.ARBORIST_DEBUG !== '0' && (
process.env.ARBORIST_DEBUG === '1' ||
/\barborist\b/.test(process.env.NODE_DEBUG || '') ||
process.env.npm_package_name === '@npmcli/arborist' &&
['test', 'snap'].includes(process.env.npm_lifecycle_event) ||
process.cwd() === require('node:path').resolve(__dirname, '..')
module.exports = debug ? fn => fn() : () => {}
const red = process.stderr.isTTY ? msg => `\x1B[31m${msg}\x1B[39m` : m => m
module.exports.log = (...msg) => module.exports(() => {
const { format } = require('node:util')
const prefix = `\n${} ${red(format(msg.shift()))} `
msg = (prefix + format(...msg).trim().split('\n').join(prefix)).trim()
/* eslint-disable-next-line no-console */