Your IP :
const os = require('node:os')
const { join, dirname, basename } = require('node:path')
const fsMiniPass = require('fs-minipass')
const fs = require('node:fs/promises')
const { log } = require('proc-log')
const { formatWithOptions } = require('./format')
const padZero = (n, length) => n.toString().padStart(length.toString().length, '0')
class LogFiles {
// Default to an array so we can buffer
// initial writes before we know the cache location
#logStream = []
// We cap log files at a certain number of log events per file.
// Note that each log event can write more than one line to the
// file. Then we rotate log files once this number of events is reached
// Now that we write logs continuously we need to have a backstop
// here for infinite loops that still log. This is also partially handled
// by the config.get('max-files') option, but this is a failsafe to
// prevent runaway log file creation
#fileLogCount = 0
#totalLogCount = 0
#path = null
#logsMax = null
#files = []
#timing = false
constructor ({
maxLogsPerFile = 50_000,
maxFilesPerProcess = 5,
} = {}) {
this.#MAX_LOGS_PER_FILE = maxLogsPerFile
this.#MAX_FILES_PER_PROCESS = maxFilesPerProcess
on () {
process.on('log', this.#logHandler)
off () {'log', this.#logHandler)
load ({ command, path, logsMax = Infinity, timing } = {}) {
if (['completion'].includes(command)) {
// dir is user configurable and is required to exist so
// this can error if the dir is missing or not configured correctly
this.#path = path
this.#logsMax = logsMax
this.#timing = timing
// Log stream has already ended
if (!this.#logStream) {
log.verbose('logfile', `logs-max:${logsMax} dir:${this.#path}`)
// Write the contents of our array buffer to our new file stream and
// set that as the new log logstream for future writes
// if logs max is 0 then the user does not want a log file
if (this.#logsMax > 0) {
const initialFile = this.#openLogFile()
if (initialFile) {
for (const item of this.#logStream) {
const formatted = this.#formatLogItem(...item)
if (formatted !== null) {
this.#logStream = initialFile
log.verbose('logfile', this.files[0] || 'no logfile created')
// Kickoff cleaning process, even if we aren't writing a logfile.
// This is async but it will always ignore the current logfile
// Return the result so it can be awaited in tests
return this.#cleanLogs()
get files () {
return this.#files
get #isBuffered () {
return Array.isArray(this.#logStream)
#endStream (output) {
if (this.#logStream && !this.#isBuffered) {
this.#logStream = null
#logHandler = (level, ...args) => {
// Ignore pause and resume events since we
// write everything to the log file
if (level === 'pause' || level === 'resume') {
// If the stream is ended then do nothing
if (!this.#logStream) {
if (this.#isBuffered) {
// Cant do anything but buffer the output if we dont
// have a file stream yet
this.#logStream.push([level, ...args])
const logOutput = this.#formatLogItem(level, ...args)
if (logOutput === null) {
// Open a new log file if we've written too many logs to this one
if (this.#fileLogCount >= this.#MAX_LOGS_PER_FILE) {
// Write last chunk to the file and close it
if (this.#files.length >= this.#MAX_FILES_PER_PROCESS) {
// but if its way too many then we just stop listening
} else {
// otherwise we are ready for a new file for the next event
this.#logStream = this.#openLogFile()
} else {
#formatLogItem (level, title, ...args) {
// Only right timing logs to logfile if explicitly requests
if (level === log.KEYS.timing && !this.#timing) {
return null
this.#fileLogCount += 1
const prefix = [this.#totalLogCount++, level, title || null]
return formatWithOptions({ prefix, eol: os.EOL, colors: false }, ...args)
#getLogFilePath (count = '') {
return `${this.#path}debug-${count}.log`
#openLogFile () {
// Count in filename will be 0 indexed
const count = this.#files.length
try {
// Pad with zeros so that our log files are always sorted properly
// We never want to write files ending in `-9.log` and `-10.log` because
// log file cleaning is done by deleting the oldest so in this example
// `-10.log` would be deleted next
const f = this.#getLogFilePath(padZero(count, this.#MAX_FILES_PER_PROCESS))
// Some effort was made to make the async, but we need to write logs
// during process.on('exit') which has to be synchronous. So in order
// to never drop log messages, it is easiest to make it sync all the time
// and this was measured to be about 1.5% slower for 40k lines of output
const logStream = new fsMiniPass.WriteStreamSync(f, { flags: 'a' })
if (count > 0) {
// Reset file log count if we are opening
// after our first file
this.#fileLogCount = 0
return logStream
} catch (e) {
// If the user has a readonly logdir then we don't want to
// warn this on every command so it should be verbose
log.verbose('logfile', `could not be created: ${e}`)
async #cleanLogs () {
// module to clean out the old log files
// this is a best-effort attempt. if a rm fails, we just
// log a message about it and move on. We do return a
// Promise that succeeds when we've tried to delete everything,
// just for the benefit of testing this function properly.
try {
const logPath = this.#getLogFilePath()
const patternFileName = basename(logPath)
// tell glob to only match digits
.replace(/\d/g, 'd')
// Handle the old (prior to 8.2.0) log file names which did not have a
// counter suffix
.replace('-.log', '')
let files = await fs.readdir(
dirname(logPath), {
withFileTypes: true,
encoding: 'utf-8',
files = files.sort((a, b) => basename(, 'en'))
const logFiles = []
for (const file of files) {
if (!file.isFile()) {
const genericFileName =\d/g, 'd')
const filePath = join(dirname(logPath), basename(
// Always ignore the currently written files
if (
&& genericFileName.endsWith('.log')
&& !this.#files.includes(filePath)
) {
const toDelete = logFiles.length - this.#logsMax
if (toDelete <= 0) {
log.silly('logfile', `start cleaning logs, removing ${toDelete} files`)
for (const file of logFiles.slice(0, toDelete)) {
try {
await fs.rm(file, { force: true })
} catch (e) {
log.silly('logfile', 'error removing log file', file, e)
} catch (e) {
// Disable cleanup failure warnings when log writing is disabled
if (this.#logsMax > 0) {
log.verbose('logfile', 'error cleaning log files', e)
} finally {
log.silly('logfile', 'done cleaning log files')
module.exports = LogFiles