Your IP :
const { resolve } = require('node:path')
const { lstat } = require('node:fs/promises')
const cp = require('node:child_process')
const completion = require('../utils/installed-shallow.js')
const BaseCommand = require('../base-cmd.js')
const splitPackageNames = (path) => path.split('/')
// combine scoped parts
.reduce((parts, part) => {
if (parts.length === 0) {
return [part]
const lastPart = parts[parts.length - 1]
// check if previous part is the first part of a scoped package
if (lastPart[0] === '@' && !lastPart.includes('/')) {
parts[parts.length - 1] += '/' + part
} else {
return parts
}, [])
.replace(/(\/node_modules)+/, '/node_modules')
// npm edit <pkg>
// open the package folder in the $EDITOR
class Edit extends BaseCommand {
static description = 'Edit an installed package'
static name = 'edit'
static usage = ['<pkg>[/<subpkg>...]']
static params = ['editor']
static ignoreImplicitWorkspace = false
/* istanbul ignore next */
static async completion (opts, npm) {
return completion(npm, opts)
async exec (args) {
if (args.length !== 1) {
throw this.usageError()
const path = splitPackageNames(args[0])
const dir = resolve(this.npm.dir, path)
await lstat(dir)
await new Promise((res, rej) => {
const [bin, ...spawnArgs] = this.npm.config.get('editor').split(/\s+/)
const editor = cp.spawn(bin, [...spawnArgs, dir], { stdio: 'inherit' })
editor.on('exit', async (code) => {
if (code) {
return rej(new Error(`editor process exited with code: ${code}`))
await this.npm.exec('rebuild', [dir]).then(res).catch(rej)
module.exports = Edit