Your IP :
const { resolve } = require('node:path')
const semver = require('semver')
const libnpmdiff = require('libnpmdiff')
const npa = require('npm-package-arg')
const pacote = require('pacote')
const pickManifest = require('npm-pick-manifest')
const { log, output } = require('proc-log')
const pkgJson = require('@npmcli/package-json')
const BaseCommand = require('../base-cmd.js')
class Diff extends BaseCommand {
static description = 'The registry diff command'
static name = 'diff'
static usage = [
static params = [
static workspaces = true
static ignoreImplicitWorkspace = false
async exec (args) {
const specs = this.npm.config.get('diff').filter(d => d)
if (specs.length > 2) {
throw this.usageError(`Can't use more than two --diff arguments.`)
// execWorkspaces may have set this already
if (!this.prefix) {
this.prefix = this.npm.prefix
// this is the "top" directory, one up from node_modules
// in global mode we have to walk one up from globalDir because our
// node_modules is sometimes under ./lib, and in global mode we're only ever
// walking through node_modules (because we will have been given a package
// name already)
if ( { = resolve(this.npm.globalDir, '..')
} else { = this.prefix
const [a, b] = await this.retrieveSpecs(specs)'diff', { src: a, dst: b })
const res = await libnpmdiff([a, b], {
diffFiles: args,
return output.standard(res)
async execWorkspaces (args) {
await this.setWorkspaces()
for (const workspacePath of this.workspacePaths) { = workspacePath
this.prefix = workspacePath
await this.exec(args)
// get the package name from the packument at `path`
// throws if no packument is present OR if it does not have `name` attribute
async packageName () {
let name
try {
const { content: pkg } = await pkgJson.normalize(this.prefix)
name =
} catch (e) {
log.verbose('diff', 'could not read project dir package.json')
if (!name) {
throw this.usageError('Needs multiple arguments to compare or run from a project dir.')
return name
async retrieveSpecs ([a, b]) {
if (a && b) {
const specs = await this.convertVersionsToSpecs([a, b])
return this.findVersionsByPackageName(specs)
// no arguments, defaults to comparing cwd
// to its latest published registry version
if (!a) {
const pkgName = await this.packageName()
return [
`file:${this.prefix.replace(/#/g, '%23')}`,
// single argument, used to compare wanted versions of an
// installed dependency or to compare the cwd to a published version
let noPackageJson
let pkgName
try {
const { content: pkg } = await pkgJson.normalize(this.prefix)
pkgName =
} catch (e) {
log.verbose('diff', 'could not read project dir package.json')
noPackageJson = true
const missingPackageJson =
this.usageError('Needs multiple arguments to compare or run from a project dir.')
// using a valid semver range, that means it should just diff
// the cwd against a published version to the registry using the
// same project name and the provided semver range
if (semver.validRange(a)) {
if (!pkgName) {
throw missingPackageJson
return [
`file:${this.prefix.replace(/#/g, '%23')}`,
// when using a single package name as arg and it's part of the current
// install tree, then retrieve the current installed version and compare
// it against the same value `npm outdated` would suggest you to update to
const spec = npa(a)
if (spec.registry) {
let actualTree
let node
const Arborist = require('@npmcli/arborist')
try {
const opts = {
const arb = new Arborist(opts)
actualTree = await arb.loadActual(opts)
node = actualTree &&
} catch (e) {
log.verbose('diff', 'failed to load actual install tree')
if (!node || ! || !node.package || !node.package.version) {
if (noPackageJson) {
throw missingPackageJson
return [
`file:${this.prefix.replace(/#/g, '%23')}`,
const tryRootNodeSpec = () =>
(actualTree && actualTree.edgesOut.get( || {}).spec
const tryAnySpec = () => {
for (const edge of node.edgesIn) {
return edge.spec
const aSpec = `file:${node.realpath.replace(/#/g, '%23')}`
// finds what version of the package to compare against, if a exact
// version or tag was passed than it should use that, otherwise
// work from the top of the arborist tree to find the original semver
// range declared in the package that depends on the package.
let bSpec
if (spec.rawSpec !== '*') {
bSpec = spec.rawSpec
} else {
const bTargetVersion =
|| tryAnySpec()
// figure out what to compare against,
// follows same logic to npm outdated "Wanted" results
const packument = await pacote.packument(spec, {
preferOnline: true,
bSpec = pickManifest(
{ ...this.npm.flatOptions }
return [
} else if (spec.type === 'directory') {
return [
`file:${spec.fetchSpec.replace(/#/g, '%23')}`,
`file:${this.prefix.replace(/#/g, '%23')}`,
} else {
throw this.usageError(`Spec type ${spec.type} not supported.`)
async convertVersionsToSpecs ([a, b]) {
const semverA = semver.validRange(a)
const semverB = semver.validRange(b)
// both specs are semver versions, assume current project dir name
if (semverA && semverB) {
let pkgName
try {
const { content: pkg } = await pkgJson.normalize(this.prefix)
pkgName =
} catch (e) {
log.verbose('diff', 'could not read project dir package.json')
if (!pkgName) {
throw this.usageError('Needs to be run from a project dir in order to diff two versions.')
return [`${pkgName}@${a}`, `${pkgName}@${b}`]
// otherwise uses the name from the other arg to
// figure out the of what to compare
if (!semverA && semverB) {
return [a, `${npa(a).name}@${b}`]
if (semverA && !semverB) {
return [`${npa(b).name}@${a}`, b]
// no valid semver ranges used
return [a, b]
async findVersionsByPackageName (specs) {
let actualTree
const Arborist = require('@npmcli/arborist')
try {
const opts = {
const arb = new Arborist(opts)
actualTree = await arb.loadActual(opts)
} catch (e) {
log.verbose('diff', 'failed to load actual install tree')
return => {
const spec = npa(i)
if (spec.rawSpec !== '*') {
return i
const node = actualTree
&& actualTree.inventory.query('name',
const res = !node || !node.package || !node.package.version
? spec.fetchSpec
: `file:${node.realpath.replace(/#/g, '%23')}`
return `${}@${res}`
module.exports = Diff