Your IP :

Current Path : /opt/alt/alt-nodejs16/root/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules.bundled/tar/lib/
Upload File :
Current File : //opt/alt/alt-nodejs16/root/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules.bundled/tar/lib/write-entry.js

'use strict'
const MiniPass = require('minipass')
const Pax = require('./pax.js')
const Header = require('./header.js')
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const normPath = require('./normalize-windows-path.js')
const stripSlash = require('./strip-trailing-slashes.js')

const prefixPath = (path, prefix) => {
  if (!prefix)
    return normPath(path)
  path = normPath(path).replace(/^\.(\/|$)/, '')
  return stripSlash(prefix) + '/' + path

const maxReadSize = 16 * 1024 * 1024
const PROCESS = Symbol('process')
const FILE = Symbol('file')
const DIRECTORY = Symbol('directory')
const SYMLINK = Symbol('symlink')
const HARDLINK = Symbol('hardlink')
const HEADER = Symbol('header')
const READ = Symbol('read')
const LSTAT = Symbol('lstat')
const ONLSTAT = Symbol('onlstat')
const ONREAD = Symbol('onread')
const ONREADLINK = Symbol('onreadlink')
const OPENFILE = Symbol('openfile')
const ONOPENFILE = Symbol('onopenfile')
const CLOSE = Symbol('close')
const MODE = Symbol('mode')
const AWAITDRAIN = Symbol('awaitDrain')
const ONDRAIN = Symbol('ondrain')
const PREFIX = Symbol('prefix')
const HAD_ERROR = Symbol('hadError')
const warner = require('./warn-mixin.js')
const winchars = require('./winchars.js')
const stripAbsolutePath = require('./strip-absolute-path.js')

const modeFix = require('./mode-fix.js')

const WriteEntry = warner(class WriteEntry extends MiniPass {
  constructor (p, opt) {
    opt = opt || {}
    if (typeof p !== 'string')
      throw new TypeError('path is required')
    this.path = normPath(p)
    // suppress atime, ctime, uid, gid, uname, gname
    this.portable = !!opt.portable
    // until node has builtin pwnam functions, this'll have to do
    this.myuid = process.getuid && process.getuid() || 0
    this.myuser = process.env.USER || ''
    this.maxReadSize = opt.maxReadSize || maxReadSize
    this.linkCache = opt.linkCache || new Map()
    this.statCache = opt.statCache || new Map()
    this.preservePaths = !!opt.preservePaths
    this.cwd = normPath(opt.cwd || process.cwd())
    this.strict = !!opt.strict
    this.noPax = !!opt.noPax
    this.noMtime = !!opt.noMtime
    this.mtime = opt.mtime || null
    this.prefix = opt.prefix ? normPath(opt.prefix) : null

    this.fd = null
    this.blockLen = null
    this.blockRemain = null
    this.buf = null
    this.offset = null
    this.length = null
    this.pos = null
    this.remain = null

    if (typeof opt.onwarn === 'function')
      this.on('warn', opt.onwarn)

    let pathWarn = false
    if (!this.preservePaths) {
      const [root, stripped] = stripAbsolutePath(this.path)
      if (root) {
        this.path = stripped
        pathWarn = root

    this.win32 = !!opt.win32 || process.platform === 'win32'
    if (this.win32) {
      // force the \ to / normalization, since we might not *actually*
      // be on windows, but want \ to be considered a path separator.
      this.path = winchars.decode(this.path.replace(/\\/g, '/'))
      p = p.replace(/\\/g, '/')

    this.absolute = normPath(opt.absolute || path.resolve(this.cwd, p))

    if (this.path === '')
      this.path = './'

    if (pathWarn) {
      this.warn('TAR_ENTRY_INFO', `stripping ${pathWarn} from absolute path`, {
        entry: this,
        path: pathWarn + this.path,

    if (this.statCache.has(this.absolute))

  emit (ev, {
    if (ev === 'error')
      this[HAD_ERROR] = true
    return super.emit(ev,

  [LSTAT] () {
    fs.lstat(this.absolute, (er, stat) => {
      if (er)
        return this.emit('error', er)

  [ONLSTAT] (stat) {
    this.statCache.set(this.absolute, stat)
    this.stat = stat
    if (!stat.isFile())
      stat.size = 0
    this.type = getType(stat)
    this.emit('stat', stat)

  [PROCESS] () {
    switch (this.type) {
      case 'File': return this[FILE]()
      case 'Directory': return this[DIRECTORY]()
      case 'SymbolicLink': return this[SYMLINK]()
      // unsupported types are ignored.
      default: return this.end()

  [MODE] (mode) {
    return modeFix(mode, this.type === 'Directory', this.portable)

  [PREFIX] (path) {
    return prefixPath(path, this.prefix)

  [HEADER] () {
    if (this.type === 'Directory' && this.portable)
      this.noMtime = true

    this.header = new Header({
      path: this[PREFIX](this.path),
      // only apply the prefix to hard links.
      linkpath: this.type === 'Link' ? this[PREFIX](this.linkpath)
      : this.linkpath,
      // only the permissions and setuid/setgid/sticky bitflags
      // not the higher-order bits that specify file type
      mode: this[MODE](this.stat.mode),
      uid: this.portable ? null : this.stat.uid,
      gid: this.portable ? null : this.stat.gid,
      size: this.stat.size,
      mtime: this.noMtime ? null : this.mtime || this.stat.mtime,
      type: this.type,
      uname: this.portable ? null :
      this.stat.uid === this.myuid ? this.myuser : '',
      atime: this.portable ? null : this.stat.atime,
      ctime: this.portable ? null : this.stat.ctime,

    if (this.header.encode() && !this.noPax) {
      super.write(new Pax({
        atime: this.portable ? null : this.header.atime,
        ctime: this.portable ? null : this.header.ctime,
        gid: this.portable ? null : this.header.gid,
        mtime: this.noMtime ? null : this.mtime || this.header.mtime,
        path: this[PREFIX](this.path),
        linkpath: this.type === 'Link' ? this[PREFIX](this.linkpath)
        : this.linkpath,
        size: this.header.size,
        uid: this.portable ? null : this.header.uid,
        uname: this.portable ? null : this.header.uname,
        dev: this.portable ? null :,
        ino: this.portable ? null : this.stat.ino,
        nlink: this.portable ? null : this.stat.nlink,

  [DIRECTORY] () {
    if (this.path.substr(-1) !== '/')
      this.path += '/'
    this.stat.size = 0

  [SYMLINK] () {
    fs.readlink(this.absolute, (er, linkpath) => {
      if (er)
        return this.emit('error', er)

  [ONREADLINK] (linkpath) {
    this.linkpath = normPath(linkpath)

  [HARDLINK] (linkpath) {
    this.type = 'Link'
    this.linkpath = normPath(path.relative(this.cwd, linkpath))
    this.stat.size = 0

  [FILE] () {
    if (this.stat.nlink > 1) {
      const linkKey = + ':' + this.stat.ino
      if (this.linkCache.has(linkKey)) {
        const linkpath = this.linkCache.get(linkKey)
        if (linkpath.indexOf(this.cwd) === 0)
          return this[HARDLINK](linkpath)
      this.linkCache.set(linkKey, this.absolute)

    if (this.stat.size === 0)
      return this.end()


  [OPENFILE] () {, 'r', (er, fd) => {
      if (er)
        return this.emit('error', er)

  [ONOPENFILE] (fd) {
    this.fd = fd
    if (this[HAD_ERROR])
      return this[CLOSE]()

    this.blockLen = 512 * Math.ceil(this.stat.size / 512)
    this.blockRemain = this.blockLen
    const bufLen = Math.min(this.blockLen, this.maxReadSize)
    this.buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(bufLen)
    this.offset = 0
    this.pos = 0
    this.remain = this.stat.size
    this.length = this.buf.length

  [READ] () {
    const { fd, buf, offset, length, pos } = this, buf, offset, length, pos, (er, bytesRead) => {
      if (er) {
        // ignoring the error from close(2) is a bad practice, but at
        // this point we already have an error, don't need another one
        return this[CLOSE](() => this.emit('error', er))

  [CLOSE] (cb) {
    fs.close(this.fd, cb)

  [ONREAD] (bytesRead) {
    if (bytesRead <= 0 && this.remain > 0) {
      const er = new Error('encountered unexpected EOF')
      er.path = this.absolute
      er.syscall = 'read'
      er.code = 'EOF'
      return this[CLOSE](() => this.emit('error', er))

    if (bytesRead > this.remain) {
      const er = new Error('did not encounter expected EOF')
      er.path = this.absolute
      er.syscall = 'read'
      er.code = 'EOF'
      return this[CLOSE](() => this.emit('error', er))

    // null out the rest of the buffer, if we could fit the block padding
    // at the end of this loop, we've incremented bytesRead and this.remain
    // to be incremented up to the blockRemain level, as if we had expected
    // to get a null-padded file, and read it until the end.  then we will
    // decrement both remain and blockRemain by bytesRead, and know that we
    // reached the expected EOF, without any null buffer to append.
    if (bytesRead === this.remain) {
      for (let i = bytesRead; i < this.length && bytesRead < this.blockRemain; i++) {
        this.buf[i + this.offset] = 0

    const writeBuf = this.offset === 0 && bytesRead === this.buf.length ?
      this.buf : this.buf.slice(this.offset, this.offset + bytesRead)

    const flushed = this.write(writeBuf)
    if (!flushed)
      this[AWAITDRAIN](() => this[ONDRAIN]())

  [AWAITDRAIN] (cb) {
    this.once('drain', cb)

  write (writeBuf) {
    if (this.blockRemain < writeBuf.length) {
      const er = new Error('writing more data than expected')
      er.path = this.absolute
      return this.emit('error', er)
    this.remain -= writeBuf.length
    this.blockRemain -= writeBuf.length
    this.pos += writeBuf.length
    this.offset += writeBuf.length
    return super.write(writeBuf)

  [ONDRAIN] () {
    if (!this.remain) {
      if (this.blockRemain)
      return this[CLOSE](er => er ? this.emit('error', er) : this.end())

    if (this.offset >= this.length) {
      // if we only have a smaller bit left to read, alloc a smaller buffer
      // otherwise, keep it the same length it was before.
      this.buf = Buffer.allocUnsafe(Math.min(this.blockRemain, this.buf.length))
      this.offset = 0
    this.length = this.buf.length - this.offset

class WriteEntrySync extends WriteEntry {
  [LSTAT] () {

  [SYMLINK] () {

  [OPENFILE] () {
    this[ONOPENFILE](fs.openSync(this.absolute, 'r'))

  [READ] () {
    let threw = true
    try {
      const { fd, buf, offset, length, pos } = this
      const bytesRead = fs.readSync(fd, buf, offset, length, pos)
      threw = false
    } finally {
      // ignoring the error from close(2) is a bad practice, but at
      // this point we already have an error, don't need another one
      if (threw) {
        try {
          this[CLOSE](() => {})
        } catch (er) {}

  [AWAITDRAIN] (cb) {

  [CLOSE] (cb) {

const WriteEntryTar = warner(class WriteEntryTar extends MiniPass {
  constructor (readEntry, opt) {
    opt = opt || {}
    this.preservePaths = !!opt.preservePaths
    this.portable = !!opt.portable
    this.strict = !!opt.strict
    this.noPax = !!opt.noPax
    this.noMtime = !!opt.noMtime

    this.readEntry = readEntry
    this.type = readEntry.type
    if (this.type === 'Directory' && this.portable)
      this.noMtime = true

    this.prefix = opt.prefix || null

    this.path = normPath(readEntry.path)
    this.mode = this[MODE](readEntry.mode)
    this.uid = this.portable ? null : readEntry.uid
    this.gid = this.portable ? null : readEntry.gid
    this.uname = this.portable ? null : readEntry.uname
    this.gname = this.portable ? null : readEntry.gname
    this.size = readEntry.size
    this.mtime = this.noMtime ? null : opt.mtime || readEntry.mtime
    this.atime = this.portable ? null : readEntry.atime
    this.ctime = this.portable ? null : readEntry.ctime
    this.linkpath = normPath(readEntry.linkpath)

    if (typeof opt.onwarn === 'function')
      this.on('warn', opt.onwarn)

    let pathWarn = false
    if (!this.preservePaths) {
      const [root, stripped] = stripAbsolutePath(this.path)
      if (root) {
        this.path = stripped
        pathWarn = root

    this.remain = readEntry.size
    this.blockRemain = readEntry.startBlockSize

    this.header = new Header({
      path: this[PREFIX](this.path),
      linkpath: this.type === 'Link' ? this[PREFIX](this.linkpath)
      : this.linkpath,
      // only the permissions and setuid/setgid/sticky bitflags
      // not the higher-order bits that specify file type
      mode: this.mode,
      uid: this.portable ? null : this.uid,
      gid: this.portable ? null : this.gid,
      size: this.size,
      mtime: this.noMtime ? null : this.mtime,
      type: this.type,
      uname: this.portable ? null : this.uname,
      atime: this.portable ? null : this.atime,
      ctime: this.portable ? null : this.ctime,

    if (pathWarn) {
      this.warn('TAR_ENTRY_INFO', `stripping ${pathWarn} from absolute path`, {
        entry: this,
        path: pathWarn + this.path,

    if (this.header.encode() && !this.noPax) {
      super.write(new Pax({
        atime: this.portable ? null : this.atime,
        ctime: this.portable ? null : this.ctime,
        gid: this.portable ? null : this.gid,
        mtime: this.noMtime ? null : this.mtime,
        path: this[PREFIX](this.path),
        linkpath: this.type === 'Link' ? this[PREFIX](this.linkpath)
        : this.linkpath,
        size: this.size,
        uid: this.portable ? null : this.uid,
        uname: this.portable ? null : this.uname,
        dev: this.portable ? null :,
        ino: this.portable ? null : this.readEntry.ino,
        nlink: this.portable ? null : this.readEntry.nlink,


  [PREFIX] (path) {
    return prefixPath(path, this.prefix)

  [MODE] (mode) {
    return modeFix(mode, this.type === 'Directory', this.portable)

  write (data) {
    const writeLen = data.length
    if (writeLen > this.blockRemain)
      throw new Error('writing more to entry than is appropriate')
    this.blockRemain -= writeLen
    return super.write(data)

  end () {
    if (this.blockRemain)
    return super.end()

WriteEntry.Sync = WriteEntrySync
WriteEntry.Tar = WriteEntryTar

const getType = stat =>
  stat.isFile() ? 'File'
  : stat.isDirectory() ? 'Directory'
  : stat.isSymbolicLink() ? 'SymbolicLink'
  : 'Unsupported'

module.exports = WriteEntry
