Your IP :
declare namespace ip {
interface Options {
Only match an exact string. Useful with `RegExp#test()` to check if a string is a CIDR IP address. *(`false` matches any CIDR IP address in a string)*
@default false
readonly exact?: boolean;
declare const ip: {
Regular expression for matching IP addresses in CIDR notation.
@returns A regex for matching both IPv4 and IPv6 CIDR IP addresses.
import cidrRegex = require("cidr-regex");
// Contains a CIDR IP address?
//=> true
// Is a CIDR IP address?
cidrRegex({exact: true}).test("foo");
//=> false
"foo bar 1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8/64 baz".match(cidrRegex());
//=> ["", "1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8/64"]
(options?: ip.Options): RegExp;
@returns A regex for matching IPv4 CIDR IP addresses.
v4(options?: ip.Options): RegExp;
@returns A regex for matching IPv6 CIDR IP addresses.
import cidrRegex = require("cidr-regex");
cidrRegex.v6({exact: true}).test("1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8/64");
//=> true
v6(options?: ip.Options): RegExp;
export = ip;