Your IP :
// an object representing the set of vulnerabilities in a tree
/* eslint camelcase: "off" */
const localeCompare = require('@isaacs/string-locale-compare')('en')
const npa = require('npm-package-arg')
const pickManifest = require('npm-pick-manifest')
const Vuln = require('./vuln.js')
const Calculator = require('@npmcli/metavuln-calculator')
const _getReport = Symbol('getReport')
const _fixAvailable = Symbol('fixAvailable')
const _checkTopNode = Symbol('checkTopNode')
const _init = Symbol('init')
const _omit = Symbol('omit')
const log = require('proc-log')
const fetch = require('npm-registry-fetch')
class AuditReport extends Map {
static load (tree, opts) {
return new AuditReport(tree, opts).run()
get auditReportVersion () {
return 2
toJSON () {
const obj = {
auditReportVersion: this.auditReportVersion,
vulnerabilities: {},
metadata: {
vulnerabilities: {
info: 0,
low: 0,
moderate: 0,
high: 0,
critical: 0,
total: this.size,
dependencies: {
prod: 0,
dev: 0,
optional: 0,
peer: 0,
peerOptional: 0,
total: this.tree.inventory.size - 1,
for (const node of this.tree.inventory.values()) {
const { dependencies } = obj.metadata
let prod = true
for (const type of [
]) {
if (node[type]) {
prod = false
if (prod) {
// if it doesn't have any topVulns, then it's fixable with audit fix
// for each topVuln, figure out if it's fixable with audit fix --force,
// or if we have to just delete the thing, and if the fix --force will
// require a semver major update.
const vulnerabilities = []
for (const [name, vuln] of this.entries()) {
vulnerabilities.push([name, vuln.toJSON()])
obj.vulnerabilities = vulnerabilities
.sort(([a], [b]) => localeCompare(a, b))
.reduce((set, [name, vuln]) => {
set[name] = vuln
return set
}, {})
return obj
constructor (tree, opts = {}) {
const { omit } = opts
this[_omit] = new Set(omit || [])
this.topVulns = new Map()
this.calculator = new Calculator(opts)
this.error = null
this.options = opts
this.tree = tree
this.filterSet = opts.filterSet
async run () { = await this[_getReport]()
log.silly('audit report',
if ( {
await this[_init]()
return this
isVulnerable (node) {
const vuln = this.get(node.packageName)
return !!(vuln && vuln.isVulnerable(node))
async [_init] () {
process.emit('time', 'auditReport:init')
const promises = []
for (const [name, advisories] of Object.entries( {
for (const advisory of advisories) {
promises.push(this.calculator.calculate(name, advisory))
// now the advisories are calculated with a set of versions
// and the packument. turn them into our style of vuln objects
// which also have the affected nodes, and also create entries
// for all the metavulns that we find from dependents.
const advisories = new Set(await Promise.all(promises))
const seen = new Set()
for (const advisory of advisories) {
const { name, range } = advisory
const k = `${name}@${range}`
const vuln = this.get(name) || new Vuln({ name, advisory })
if (this.has(name)) {
super.set(name, vuln)
// don't flag the exact same name/range more than once
// adding multiple advisories with the same range is fine, but no
// need to search for nodes we already would have added.
if (!seen.has(k)) {
const p = []
for (const node of this.tree.inventory.query('packageName', name)) {
if (!shouldAudit(node, this[_omit], this.filterSet)) {
// if not vulnerable by this advisory, keep searching
if (!advisory.testVersion(node.version)) {
// we will have loaded the source already if this is a metavuln
if (advisory.type === 'metavuln') {
// already marked this one, no need to do it again
if (vuln.nodes.has(node)) {
// haven't marked this one yet. get its dependents.
for (const { from: dep, spec } of node.edgesIn) {
if (dep.isTop && !vuln.topNodes.has(dep)) {
this[_checkTopNode](dep, vuln, spec)
} else {
// calculate a metavuln, if necessary
const calc = this.calculator.calculate(dep.packageName, advisory)
// eslint-disable-next-line promise/always-return
p.push(calc.then(meta => {
// eslint-disable-next-line promise/always-return
if (meta.testVersion(dep.version, spec)) {
await Promise.all(p)
// make sure we actually got something. if not, remove it
// this can happen if you are loading from a lockfile created by
// npm v5, since it lists the current version of all deps,
// rather than the range that is actually depended upon,
// or if using --omit with the older audit endpoint.
if (this.get(name).nodes.size === 0) {
// if the vuln is valid, but THIS advisory doesn't apply to any of
// the nodes it references, then remove it from the advisory list.
// happens when using omit with old audit endpoint.
for (const advisory of vuln.advisories) {
const relevant = [...vuln.nodes]
.some(n => advisory.testVersion(n.version))
if (!relevant) {
process.emit('timeEnd', 'auditReport:init')
[_checkTopNode] (topNode, vuln, spec) {
vuln.fixAvailable = this[_fixAvailable](topNode, vuln, spec)
if (vuln.fixAvailable !== true) {
// now we know the top node is vulnerable, and cannot be
// upgraded out of the bad place without --force. But, there's
// no need to add it to the actual vulns list, because nothing
// depends on root.
this.topVulns.set(, vuln)
// check whether the top node is vulnerable.
// check whether we can get out of the bad place with --force, and if
// so, whether that update is SemVer Major
[_fixAvailable] (topNode, vuln, spec) {
// this will always be set to at least {name, versions:{}}
const paku = vuln.packument
if (!vuln.testSpec(spec)) {
return true
// similarly, even if we HAVE a packument, but we're looking for it
// somewhere other than the registry, and we got something vulnerable,
// then we're stuck with it.
const specObj = npa(spec)
if (!specObj.registry) {
return false
if (specObj.subSpec) {
spec = specObj.subSpec.rawSpec
// We don't provide fixes for top nodes other than root, but we
// still check to see if the node is fixable with a different version,
// and if that is a semver major bump.
try {
const {
_isSemVerMajor: isSemVerMajor,
} = pickManifest(paku, spec, {
before: null,
avoid: vuln.range,
avoidStrict: true,
return { name, version, isSemVerMajor }
} catch (er) {
return false
set () {
throw new Error('do not call AuditReport.set() directly')
// convert a quick-audit into a bulk advisory listing
static auditToBulk (report) {
if (!report.advisories) {
// tack on the report json where the response body would go
throw Object.assign(new Error('Invalid advisory report'), {
body: JSON.stringify(report),
const bulk = {}
const { advisories } = report
for (const advisory of Object.values(advisories)) {
const {
severity = 'high',
vulnerable_versions = '*',
module_name: name,
} = advisory
bulk[name] = bulk[name] || []
bulk[name].push({ id, url, title, severity, vulnerable_versions })
return bulk
async [_getReport] () {
// if we're not auditing, just return false
if (this.options.audit === false || this.options.offline === true || this.tree.inventory.size === 1) {
return null
process.emit('time', 'auditReport:getReport')
try {
try {
// first try the super fast bulk advisory listing
const body = prepareBulkData(this.tree, this[_omit], this.filterSet)
log.silly('audit', 'bulk request', body)
// no sense asking if we don't have anything to audit,
// we know it'll be empty
if (!Object.keys(body).length) {
return null
const res = await fetch('/-/npm/v1/security/advisories/bulk', {
registry: this.options.auditRegistry || this.options.registry,
method: 'POST',
gzip: true,
return await res.json()
} catch (er) {
log.silly('audit', 'bulk request failed', String(er.body))
// that failed, try the quick audit endpoint
const body = prepareData(this.tree, this.options)
const res = await fetch('/-/npm/v1/security/audits/quick', {
registry: this.options.auditRegistry || this.options.registry,
method: 'POST',
gzip: true,
return AuditReport.auditToBulk(await res.json())
} catch (er) {
log.verbose('audit error', er)
log.silly('audit error', String(er.body))
this.error = er
return null
} finally {
process.emit('timeEnd', 'auditReport:getReport')
// return true if we should audit this one
const shouldAudit = (node, omit, filterSet) =>
!node.version ? false
: node.isRoot ? false
: filterSet && filterSet.size !== 0 && !filterSet.has(node) ? false
: omit.size === 0 ? true
: !( // otherwise, just ensure we're not omitting this one && omit.has('dev') ||
node.optional && omit.has('optional') ||
node.devOptional && omit.has('dev') && omit.has('optional') ||
node.peer && omit.has('peer')
const prepareBulkData = (tree, omit, filterSet) => {
const payload = {}
for (const name of tree.inventory.query('packageName')) {
const set = new Set()
for (const node of tree.inventory.query('packageName', name)) {
if (!shouldAudit(node, omit, filterSet)) {
if (set.size) {
payload[name] = [...set]
return payload
const prepareData = (tree, opts) => {
const { npmVersion: npm_version } = opts
const node_version = process.version
const { platform, arch } = process
const { NODE_ENV: node_env } = process.env
const data = tree.meta.commit()
// the legacy audit endpoint doesn't support any kind of pre-filtering
// we just have to get the advisories and skip over them in the report
return {
version: data.version,
requires: {
...(tree.package.devDependencies || {}),
...(tree.package.peerDependencies || {}),
...(tree.package.optionalDependencies || {}),
...(tree.package.dependencies || {}),
dependencies: data.dependencies,
metadata: {
module.exports = AuditReport