Your IP :
const nopt = require('nopt')
const path = require('path')
const has = (o, k) =>, k)
const cleanPath = (val) => {
const k = Symbol('key')
const data = {}
nopt.typeDefs.path.validate(data, k, val)
return data[k]
const parse = (...noptArgs) => {
const binOnlyOpts = {
command: String,
loglevel: String,
colors: Boolean,
timing: ['always', Boolean],
logfile: String,
const arbOpts = {
add: Array,
rm: Array,
omit: Array,
update: Array,
workspaces: Array,
global: Boolean,
force: Boolean,
'global-style': Boolean,
'prefer-dedupe': Boolean,
'legacy-peer-deps': Boolean,
'update-all': Boolean,
before: Date,
path: path,
cache: path,
const short = {
quiet: ['--loglevel', 'warn'],
logs: ['--logfile', 'true'],
w: '--workspaces',
g: '--global',
f: '--force',
const defaults = {
// key order is important for command and path
// since they shift positional args
// command is 1st, path is 2nd
command: (o) => o.argv.remain.shift(),
path: (o) => cleanPath(o.argv.remain.shift() || '.'),
colors: has(process.env, 'NO_COLOR') ? false : !!process.stderr.isTTY,
loglevel: 'silly',
timing: (o) => o.loglevel === 'silly',
cache: `${process.env.HOME}/.npm/_cacache`,
const derived = [
// making update either `all` or an array of names but not both
({ updateAll: all, update: names, ...o }) => {
if (all || names) {
o.update = all != null ? { all } : { names }
return o
({ logfile, ...o }) => {
// logfile is parsed as a string so if its true or set but empty
// then set the default logfile
if (logfile === 'true' || logfile === '') {
logfile = `arb-log-${new Date().toISOString().replace(/[.:]/g, '_')}.log`
// then parse it the same as nopt parses other paths
if (logfile) {
o.logfile = cleanPath(logfile)
return o
const transforms = [
// Camelcase all top level keys
(o) => {
const entries = Object.entries(o).map(([k, v]) => [
k.replace(/-./g, s => s[1].toUpperCase()),
return Object.fromEntries(entries)
// Set defaults on unset keys
(o) => {
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(defaults)) {
if (!has(o, k)) {
o[k] = typeof v === 'function' ? v(o) : v
return o
// Set/unset derived values => (o) => derive(o) || o),
// Separate bin and arborist options
({ argv: { remain: _ }, ...o }) => {
const bin = { _ }
for (const k of Object.keys(binOnlyOpts)) {
if (has(o, k)) {
bin[k] = o[k]
delete o[k]
return { bin, arb: o }
let options = nopt(arbOpts, short, ...noptArgs)
for (const t of transforms) {
options = t(options)
return options
module.exports = parse()