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Fixer that changes zip(seq0, seq1, ...) into list(zip(seq0, seq1, ...)
unless there exists a 'from future_builtins import zip' statement in the
top-level namespace.
We avoid the transformation if the zip() call is directly contained in
iter(<>), list(<>), tuple(<>), sorted(<>), ...join(<>), or for V in <>:.
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fixer_base)�Node)�python_symbols)�Name�ArgList�in_special_contextc @ s e Zd ZdZdZdZdd� ZdS )�FixZipTzN
power< 'zip' args=trailer< '(' [any] ')' > [trailers=trailer*]
zfuture_builtins.zipc C s� | � |�rd S t|�rd S |d �� }d|_g }d|krZdd� |d D �}|D ]
}d|_qNttjtd�|gdd�}ttjtd�t|g�g| �}|j|_|S ) N�args� �trailersc S s g | ]}|� � �qS � )�clone)�.0�nr r �-/usr/lib64/python3.8/lib2to3/fixes/�