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e5d� � @ s: d Z ddlmZ ddlmZmZmZ G dd� dej�ZdS )z�Fixer for exec.
This converts usages of the exec statement into calls to a built-in
exec() function.
exec code in ns1, ns2 -> exec(code, ns1, ns2)
� )�
fixer_base)�Comma�Name�Callc @ s e Zd ZdZdZdd� ZdS )�FixExecTzx
exec_stmt< 'exec' a=any 'in' b=any [',' c=any] >
exec_stmt< 'exec' (not atom<'(' [any] ')'>) a=any >
c C s� | j }|d }|�d�}|�d�}|�� g}d|d _|d k rR|�t� |�� g� |d k rn|�t� |�� g� ttd�||jd�S )N�a�b�c� � �exec)�prefix)�syms�getZcloner
�extendr r r )�selfZnodeZresultsr r r r �args� r �./usr/lib64/python3.8/lib2to3/fixes/� transform s
BM_compatibleZPATTERNr r r r r r s r N) �__doc__r
r Z
fixer_utilr r r ZBaseFixr r r r r �<module> s